2 minute read
MuruALrrY rs:
Portland, Oregon
MeEopolitan, California
Seattle, Washington
J. M. Huddart lumber Company
Fife Building, San Francisco
"Co-operation uhich seefts to benefit all parties in proportion to their contribution to the rcsults obtained.,,
I n sur ance Spec iclr'stsLumber and Wooduorfting Rists
then Lumber BuYing Starts I
Chair cushions, a half dozen of them, lay in a display window in a Middle West city for three weeks rrot long ago.
When the three weeks were uP, llot a sale had been made, and the merchant took them out of the window and put them awaY, ProbablY wonderins over the foolish optimism of folks- who thought the Public had any money to spend.
A couple days Passed. Then a matt walked'into the store and asked about chair cushions-"the kind that were in the window there the other day." He boueht a cushion. Another man asked for and bought a cushion that dav. The next dav, another buYer ca-me in and rePeated the inquirY"one of those cushions that you had in the window."
"What I'd like to know," he said to one of the customers, "is why I didn't sell any of them as long as theY were in the window; then, as soon as I took them out, I began to have calls for them."
"I don't believe it's such a mystery," the customer replied. "I've seen those cushions a number of times-nearlY everv dav. The first time, I didn't oav mucti atterrtion to them-the 6rst i*o ot three times. One daY I besan to wonder if I could use that iushion in my chair at home. Everl' time I saw them, my idea of using one of them grcw. Finally, after You had taken them out of the window' I decided I would have to have oqe oi them."
A good many folks are inclined to pooh-pooh home ownership-not that ihev don't believe in it.-but that it isn'i meant for themselves. You may be advertising the good things about home ownership seemingly without results; but every time you Present honest reasons for it, you are hitting a little closer to such a man. One of these days, a neighbor renter wilt build a home, and the unbeliever will go all through that new house and come out saying to himself "Well, if George can have a home like that, so can I."
Unconsciously, the reasons for home owning that you have been advertis ing have brought him up to the point of accepting "George's house"-and the next day the unbeliever becomes a prospect, headed pretty straight for the lumber yard.
No better time to begin than now.
It won't pay, it's certain, to run advertisementa for a month or so, and then stop. Continuous, regular advertising, no matter how smali the space used must be, will bring better r-esults than occasional large space. Deaters right now are beginning campaigns that will last through the year -and to those dealers will come eraduallv the sort and volume of trade i"fri.t Uiritas steady busitress. In that sort of advertising the Long-Bell dealer service can be of tremendous help to you. We'll sladly send You particulars.