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FIR -plus a, seraice !
The manufacture of Douglas Fir lumber and timbers in Long-Bell manufacturing plants at Longview, Washington, carries with it a distinctive gervice to the retail lumber dealer.
Building and construction must not only be urged at all times by the entire industry, including the manufacturer, but the aggressiveness of the dealer must follow various lines of sales efiort, if the retail lumber buginess is to increage its usefulness and profits.
The retail dealer who is using advertising as a sales aid will find the service of The Long-Bell Lumber Company an effective aid. This service is available to dealers, and includes cute and suggested copy for newspaper advertising; picture slides and motion picture 6lms; mailing cards, leaflets and booklets; a comprehensive plan service on small homes and farm buildings; and other miscellaneouE suggestions and aide for improving the efiectiveness of retail advertising.
This gervice is extended to dealers handling Douglas Fir in the hope that it may aid materially in promoting retail sales.
Wite us for complete intotmation on lhis semice anil its possibilities for Your use'
Nw Location-Office and Warehoure
735 3rd Street-Opporite S. p. Depot Home of WESTMA,DE PLYWOOD
G, A. Raeouillat
Southern-HARD WOOD S-Northcra
Brucc Oak Flooring Maple Flooring l2l)9 Firrt National Bank Bldg. Telephonc Sutter 26i14
Sale For
Oakland Hoo-Hoo to Organize Club
The or_g_anization committee, consisting of Milt Hendrickson, _Waterfront Sash & Door Co. i George Brown, Strable Hardwood Co.; Frank L. parkei, Eurjka Mill & Ly*P.: .C-o. ; J. E. Neighbors, Neighbori Lumber yard; all of Oakland, met witli A. B. WaJtell, State Counsellor j Frank Trower, Past Snark of the lJniverse. and Rod Hendrickson, President of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9. at a dinner meet- ing in Oakland on Thursday evening, January 22, f.or the purpose of discussing the organizatio-n 6t a ff6o-fioo Club in Oakland.

An enthusiastic decision was reached to proceed with the organizat-ion of the East Bay Hoo-Hoo ilub, including a membership. taking in all th'e East Bay metropolitan dis- trict extending from Berkeley to Nilei. The- four Oaklanders above mentioned were named as an organization committee who will start immediately to enroll a large charter membership. It was recommended to hold mee"tings monthly at the outset on the third Wednesday of each no"tl. An-organization meeting will be held on iiebruary 18, when officers and directors-and the chairmen of the various committees will be elected. Application has been made in regular form through Supreme'Gurdon Woodhead of Los Angeles, for a charte? and number for the new club.
"You frankly confess that your novel failed because of lack of literary skill?"
"Sure. The man that wrote the advertisements for it was no good."
Gcnuine Mahogany
Veneerc_Flooring_i1"rru1, l2lXl Firet National Bank Buitding
Telcphone: Sutter 109? :3 San Fraicirco
Superior Oak Flooring, .Amoricr'r Fincrt, Scud mc your inquiricr and orderr
Tclcphonc Dougler gll7
Ancrican Baak Building, San Francirco
Tclcphonc GarFcld 129
CLiclaraw Brand Oak Floorinq
Elliott'Bay Fir penclr
Only exclurive wholcralc Hardwood concGrn on PaciGc Coart
Concat Date Changed
, Th..T,os.Angeles District Hoo Hoo have changed the date of their Concatenation from February 19th, io Feb_ ruary 27th, Friday night.
This action was taken at the luncheon helcl on the Sth, it being decided by the boys that more time was needed to properly prepare for the affair.
Committees have been appointed. Jim Chase is the Loca_ tjgn Co3_mittee, E. L. Rosenburg,-program, A. B. Mc_ Alpine, Membership and B. W. Blrne, Iiritiafion.
Gus Hoover Presides At Hoo Hoo Meeting
,,.,A.. !, (Gg.).Hoover, Los Angeles representative for the wendllng.Nathan Uompany and the pacific Lumber Com_ pany, p_resided at the February 5th.meeting of the Los An_ geles Hoo Hoo Club.
Gus followed the example of the two turning the after luncheon session into former meetings, a free-for-all discussion of the lumber market and other Many good points were brought out. pertinent subjects. prize, a beautiful
Emil Swanson won the attendance scarf.
Mr. Dan Murphy has been named president of the Los Angeles Lumber Products Company, succeeding Mr. E. M. Leaf.