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A Newl4hterpro of Sheathin {
Moistite is used under all exterior finish, between walls and floors, under roofs, under carpets and linoleums, and any place where it is desirable to keep out moisture, wind, vermin, sound and dust, or where heat should be conserved.
Moistite is strong, easy to handle and "pply, and will not stick in the roll, does not dry out, and will not break in handling. It is the one lightcolored waterproof insulating paper for all sheathing, lining and refrigerating purposes. Made in rolls 36 inches wide, 167 feet long, containing 500 square feet, and weighing approximately 35 pounds.
Profit for the Lumber Dealer
Moistite offers a good profit-making possibility for the lumber and builditrg material dealer. Moistite is welcomed by architects, contractors, builders and owners; farming districts likewise offer a large market. The Zellerbach Paper Company, with the several divisions, is the exclusive Pacific Coast distributor of Moistite. Call at their D€arest division for samples of Moistite, descriptive literature, merchandising plan and other information which will show you how you can cash in with this new and highly efficient product. If more convenient, use the coupon.
Manufactured by the NATIONAL PAPER PRODUCTS CO., Stockton, Cal.