1 minute read
We Reiterate
Bg Flogd A. Dernier
Mr. Lumbey l!ts1sh6n1-
Yours is a legitimate profbssion and business-not an auction store; so be bold and brave enough to treat it as guch.
Other lines of business cooperate and work in unity for the mutual good of their profeasion and the public.
Your business merits respect and confidence, but you cannot expect the buying public to take you seriously until you refrain from reflecting auspicion and distrust within yourselves.
lf you are really desirous of seeing lumber and building materials in general reach their rightful place in the field of present-day activitieg, and on good, sound merchandising basis, you will not hesitate to lend your every efiorq and will work consistently until a complete transformation is made a reality.
Now, if we can help in this work, our efforts are at the eall and command of the lumber industry, and if these suggestions furnigh food for thought and are ingtrumental to any degree in helping to right a wrong, then we will be made very happy in the thought that we have helped in a wonderful work.
Write us your thoughts and offer suggestions-let's see just what idear can be formulated and worked out.
The above appeareil in the last issue of this tournal, antl replies coming in ha'e coroinceil us that we have hit upon a verg important anil timely subiect. What ilo YOU thinh about it?