1 minute read
Bill Would Compel Grade Marking
Assembly Bill No. 23, introduced before the State Legislature by Mr. H. F. Sewell, Whittier, has been changed somewhat from its original form and norv reads as follows. There has been much discussion on this proposed bill, among building material dealers in all lines, and it must be remembered that this law would not refer only to lumbermen, that it would take in all lines of construction materials.
The Bill
Referred to Committee on Manufactures
An act to add a new section to the Penal Code to be numbered five hundred thirty-six b, relating to false statements of grades of lumber and building materials. The people of the State of California do enact as foliows :
SECTION 1. A new section to be numbered five hundred thirty-six b is hereby added to the Penal Code and to read as follows:
536b. Every person, firm. copartnership, association or corporation engaged in the business of selling lumber or building materials, must specify in every estimate, contract, invoice, bill of lading, bill or first statement of ac-
More Area Made Available At Harbor
The Hammond Lumber Company will in the near future be assigned greater area in its berths at Los Angeles Harbor. Action was taken by the Harbor Commission to approve the project, which has to do with the construction of a bulkhead and the filling of land in the rear of Berths
224 and 225. The cost of the improvement is estimated at $15,660 by Harbor Engineer Niiholson" count, made, executed, entered into or delivered by such person, firm, copartnership, association or corporation, the manufacturer's classification and grade of such lumber or building materials. Any person, firm, copartnership, association or corporation, violating any of the proviJions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdimeanor and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Ruby G. Hayward, wife of Mr. C. A. Hayward, President of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, died suddenly at Tokio, Japan, on February 5th.
Mr. and Mrs. Hayward were on their way to the Philip- pine Islands, when Mrs. Hayward was taken ill on the boat, necessitating their stopping at Tokio. She died on the morning of February 5th.
The body is being brought to Los Angeles.
H. Wentrvorth, formerly connected with the Hammond Lumber Company at Terminal, is the new manager of the Santa Cruz yard of the Homer T. Hayward Lumber Company. C. H. Griffen, Jr., who has been manager, will become a general manager of all the yards of the company.