2 minute read
Death Will Be His Lot
A man asked us the other day the following questions: "You say that advertising, trade extension, service, modern merchandising, etc., are necessary for the salvation of the lumber dealer. Then what do you think is going to become of the dealer who does NOT believe in these things and will not adopt anything but the lines of action that his father followed before him ?"
We answered,-'147. think he's in the fix that J. Smith Carberry was," and then we told him the story of Carberry as follows:
J. Smith Carberry was the leading citizen of a small 9!ty where everyone knew everybody, and his business. He was taken very sick one day and rushed to the hos- pital. The editor of the local daily paper heard the news, rushed to his ofifice, and the front page of his paper that evening bore the following story:
"Our esteemed fellow townsman J. Smith Carberry will be -ope-rated upon tomorrow mornirig for a dangerous attack of appendicitis at St. Timothy's Hospital, by Surgeon CutteT. HE WILL LEAVE A WIFE AND FIVE CHILDREN."
"Ken" 'Weaver, of the Mission Lumber Co., Sonoma, sure did fail to watch his step on a recent fishing trip that was also participated in by "Charlie" 'Woods, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland; "Jimmy" Kearney, Fetter Springs I-u1nber Co., Fetter Springs, and "Jimmy" Atkinson,-Chis. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco. The party were fishing in the Russian River near Healdsburg ancl weie just bringing a perfect day to a close when something unfirreseen happened. "Ken," u'ho is an expert fisherman, had made a fine catch but iust as he was ready to call it a day. his eagle eye spotted an exceptionally large fish swimming lazily around. He couldn't resist the temptation of trying to land rvhat rvould have been the best catch of the day, but in his excitement he overlooked the fact entirely that he was not fishing in shallow water. So to gain a more advantageous position to cast, he took a few steps forward and to the amazement of the rest of the crorvd, "Ken" disappeared from vierv, having stepped into a deep water hole. Being an expert swimmer, he soon extricated himself, but during his predicament the rest of the party took on an unexpected bath while going to his assistance. All reported a wonderful day and a good catch but it rvas the consensus of opinion of all that they are not keen for "wet parties."
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