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II /ITH all the loose talk of recent years about the YY availability of true'White Pine, many buyers today question their ability to get the genuine article.
Dealers in many sections report a lack of confidence that is slowing up their sales of genuine'White Pine-one of the most dependable and profitable departments of their business.
To those dealers this announcement will be of special interest.
As the largest producers of genuine, old-fashioned 'White Pine, the 'Weyerhaeuser organization feels obligated to make known the facts, to build a new confidence in \Mhite Pine and to share with you the responsibility of meeting your local demand for this wood.
To that end the TV'eyerhaeuser'White Pine mills are now marking each piece of the better grades of White Pine with a species-mark "Genuine'White Pine." From now on you can supply your customers with genuine'White Pine-guaranteed genuine at the source of production. flere is a definite answer to the insidious whispering; about the depletion of genuine White Pine. This service feature puts into your handsWhite Pine of unqueetioned origin and known qualities. It will allow you to handle your White Pine business on a more definite basis. It is a guarantee that protects you and your business.
l\ IANY a dealer will see in this announcement a way IYI to open up his local pattern lumber market. You can promise the pattern lumber buyer a definite supply of genuine White Pine for years to come. You can tell your customers that your White Pine is the $enuine old' f ashioned kind - soft, workable, uniform, durable, and with the name stamped on every piece.
Your announcement of this'W'hite Pine service will be just as welcome to the contractors and home-builders who want genuine White Pine for special outside uses.
The three big'Weyerhaeuser northern mills are manufacturing every year millions of feet of the same identical species of true White Pine that used to come from Michigan and farther east.
The'Weyerhaeuser'White Pine produced in Idaho-a White Pine that is in every respect just as genuine as that from the Lake States and NewBngland-has earned a splendid rep' utation throughout the Middle West and East. It is welcomed everywhere as a worthy member of the true, five-needle White Pine family.
From now on Weyerhaeueer Idaho shipments of gen, uine White Pine in all gradea No. 3 Common and better surfaced will be species,marked as shown in the illuetration at the top ofthe preceding page. From the \ileyerhaeuser Minnesota mills all surfaced Selects and Shop willbe cpecies.marked and the species,mark will also be applied to all Cloquet ehipments of No. 1 Common and No. 2 Common surfaced all White Pine when so ordered. Rough lumber in either Selects]or Shop canalso be secured species,markedwhen so specified from either of the above producing dietricts. No extracharge will be made for this service.
Weyerhaeuser White Pine holdings in both Minnesota and ldaho are adequate for years to come. Here is definite assurance loryou and for your customersof a perrnanentand dependable source of supply for genuine White Pine.
T F YOU SELL White Pine locally for pattern mak- I in€ you will be interested in our White Pine advertising and service campaignappearirgin such pub. lications as the Saturday Evening Post. This c.ampaign is intended to promoteyourlacal sales of 'White Pine. It was prepared to helpyoa. Drop us a line requesting copies of these advertisements, addressing Weyerhaeuser Forest Products, St. Paul, Minnesota.
The next time the Weyerhaeuser representative calls talk over with him the subject of 'White Pine. You will find him eaEier to help you put your local White Pine business on a better, more definite basis.