1 minute read
"Mr. Pip and Mr. Pep" MR PI P,5 LUMBER-YARD LUMBEF?,..
Now, Jedge Flint, this talk you're makin' about liquor-datin' ain't no interest to me, an' if your supply of third run corn ig runnin' shy, -it ain't no afiair-of mine. Oh, you say you are talkin' about people sellin' cheap so that thern- that buys can qay ih.ii d.btr. Well, that's a different story, an' I ain't botherin' none about that either, fer I ain't stirrin' myself yet on any of thig here lickerdatin' bizness, unless you lay your money on the barrel head an' git out and git the lumber fer youreelf as I'm too busy to stir myself when I sell lhe "heap.st lumber at the cheapest price. That's all. Goodbye.