1 minute read
Assembly Bill No. 98
An act to amend section one thousand one hundred ninety of the Code of Civil procedure, relating to undertaking's in actions to foreclose mechanics' liensl as follows: subject to such lien.
The people of the State of California do enact as follorvs: double the amount claimed in such action.
1190. No lien provided for in this chapter binds any property for a longer period than ninety ^days after thL same has been filed. unless proceedings 6. co--enced in a prop_er_court within that time to enforce the same; or if a credit be given and notice of the fact and terms oi such credit be filed in the ofifice of the county recorder subse_ quent to the filing of such lien and prior to the expiration ot sa.ld nrnety .day period, then ninety days after the ex_ plratlon ot such credit; but no lien continues in force for a longer time than one year from the time the work is completed, b.y any- agreement to give credit, and in case sucn pr-oceedlngs be not prosecuted to trial within two years^ after the commencement thereof, the conrt may in its discretion dismiss the same for want of pro.ecuilo.,, and in all cases the dismissal of such action (Lntess it be expressly stated that the same is without prejudice), or a judgment rendered therein that no lien ixiits, ,(ifi U. equivalent to the cancellation and removal from lhe record of such lien., Upon the filing of an action to forelose the Iren provided for herein, the owner or owners of such property may file a written undertaking to be approved bv a judge or the court having jurisdictio-n of such'action, ii
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Miss Jessie Allard and Mason Edward Kline were marlied 9n Monday evening, January 26, at the home of the bride's mother, N.[rs. Samuel Irving Allard, San Francisco. The service was read,py Rev. Charles Deems of the i.irity Episcopal C_hurch. Tie bride's brother gave her in mairiage, and the two attendants were Miss"Inez Welch and John Cheele-y. After the ceremony, a buffet .rpp", *". served to fifty guests.
Mrs. Kline-is-the only daughter of Mrs. Allard and the late Samuel Irving Allird, oi Eureka and San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Kline have left for New york and will make their home on Long Island. Mr. Ktine is associated with Chas. R. McCormick & Co. and connected with their New York office.
Work has been started on a new lumber shed for the Davis Lumber Co., at Davis, which will be used for lumber :t-opqe. purposes. S.. H. McBride, father of Manager E. S. i\fcBride, is supervising the work.