2 minute read
Hardwood Interior Finish Makes the Home Beautiful
"There was an open discussion of the best methods of bringing before the public the fact that h.ardwoods make the home beautiful-cost but little mo,re. One of the silvertongued speakers advanced the idea that all Hardwood Dealers along the Pacific Coast should, through their advertising channels, the architects, sales forces, the soft pine yards, th'e planing mills, the contractors, the home builders, and in every legitimate way, give those interested in home building this message: That every horne, large or small, from the five-room bungalow up, should have installed a hardwood finish in at least the three main rooms, namely, entrance hall, living room, and dining room. A wide selection is offered in Philippine Mahogany, Southern Gum, Plain Oak, Quartered Oak, Birch, Tobasco Mahogany, and Walnut."
"It was further brought out that a great many people on the Pacific Coast have a feeling that h,ardwood interior finish for the home is beyond their reach, when as a matter of fact it has been demonstrated by actual contracts that the additional cost to install Philippine Mahoganies, Plain Oak, or any of the more reasonably priced hardwoods would only add from $100 to $150 to the cost, over the cost of installing soft wood finish. No one would think now of building a home in California, where the standard of home building is high, that would not include hardwood floors; and we are rapidly coming to the time, here on the Coast, when there will be few bungalows built that will not include a hardwood interior finish. Every wood has its proper place in construction, and hardwoods have for centuries been the world's standard for interior finishes."
I{OTE:-fhe aboz'c is a verbatim quotation of tlte rennrks of a aery ttrominettt rnetnber of the Pacifi,c Coast Hardanod Dealcrs Associatiott, commcnting on, the Conaentiott at San Diego.
Porthnd, Oregoo
Fir Laminated Finishing Lumber
Avoid loss on account of warping, checking, and splitting of your Fir finishlumber by placing your order with us for
Either in straight carloads or in mixed cars with Doors and Panels
Hoquiem, Waeh. Muufrcturen of Vcrticel Grein Fir Doorr
HARBOR PLW'OOD CO. Hoquien, lYuh. Manufrcturcrr of tGrryr Harbor'' Ycllow Fir Leminetcd Panclr
The Merner Lumber Co. of Palo Alto are completing some new improvements in their office rvhich they arE making larger to meet theirneeds. In addition to their general offices. they are also equipped with attractive hardware and display rooms.PaulM. L. Merner is the manager of this progressive lumber concern.
Bruce Lemon Takes Over Interests Of Partner
Bruce Lemon, retail and wholesale hardrvood lumber dealer of Oakland, announces that he has taken over the interests of his former partner, J. R. Anderson and will continue the business as usual.Mr. Lemon is well known to the Bay District trade and carries a general line of hardrvoocl Iumber, specializing in quartered figured red gum.
San Francisco
January building permits valuation of $5,153,504.00 as uary, 1925. The December 915.00.

Last month's business is
Building Gains for San Francisco carried a against $3,403,623.00 for Jan1925 valuation was $3.243.classified