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R. A. Long Bldg., Lumbemen since lt75 Kansas City, Mo.
Douglac Fir Lumber and Timberc; Southcrn Pine Lumbcr and Timbers; Creoeoted Lumber, Timberr, Postr, Polcr, Tiec and Guard-Rail Poetr; Piling; Southcrn Hardwood Lumbcr and Timbere; Oak Flooring; California \l/hite Pinc Lumber; Saeh and Doore; Bor Shookr.
ttNBttt.rr.., is the result of expert craftsmanship. Defective or split ends are cut offnot marked out with crayon. 'We leave the waste in our yard, giving you a refined articletrue NB Quality.
This better service in Veneers can be yours. Just telephone THoinwall ll97 or write. Prompt deliveries at all times.
Oflice and Yarils:
6420 South Park Avenue
Phone THornwall ll97