1 minute read
The The Blind Leading Blind
HIS is exactly what happens when a lumber dealer sells a billto a man who intendr to build WITHOUT A PLAN. And by that we mean without an ADEQUATE plan-for any other kind is pracically worre than none at dl, for it givel too much leeway for butchering perfectly good buitding material and too muc,lr danger of not getting what ic wanted IN THE FINTSHED STRUCTURE" If your curtorncr doer not po6!e$ en adequate, fully daailed plan for his building when he corn€r to youn help him get it. Indeed, it rhould be yotrr workto c€e that the PLAN getr before your curtomer at the moment he is thinking of building.
Your duty ir even to ANTICIPATE-or ratlrer CREATEthooe building thougbtc.
Thee ie really no excure for any retail building rnaterial mcrchant being unprepared to PROMDE ADEQUATE BUTLDING PL-A,NS for hir custorners there dayr.
It has become dmo* a habit, when anything gocs wroqg in a building to blame, NOT the plan, NOT the mechanics, but the MATERIAIIi-and the MATERIAL MAN.
The use of an adequate plrnwill elear your rkirtr from any "come-back" amd vfll aleo enrable you to make a DEFINITE, CLEAN, INTELLIGENT proporition to your cudomer.
Twenty years ago ttplan bookrtt were not lqrown. Fifteen yearr ago they were considered e joke. Ten yeare ago they were raired to the erninence of a "graft" Today they have provcn their WORTH.
And you will notice that EVERY REALLY SUCCESSFUL MODERN BUILDING MATERIAL MERCHANT yotr krow of USES planl TALKS plane, THINKS planr. It's a bOOD phn.