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National Convention of 'Big Buyers'at Los Angeles
By A. E. Carlson, Chairman publicity. Purchasing Agent, pioneer paper Company
Acceptances of invitations received to date by the general commit_tee give assurance that more than 5,000 m"embers of the National Association of purchasing Agents, ;;;;;: senting a b,uying power running into the bilttns,'rvili be guests of Los Angeles during -the organization's annual convention there June 9 to lZ, inclrrsivE.
Of the 5O conventions rvhich are bookecl for l_os Angeles during the ensuing y.ear. the gathering of purchasing promlses to be the largest. Provisions already have-been made to accommodate at least 6,000 visitors.
Special trains, for the exclusive use of the clelegates who J:plesgnl the largest manufacturers, and inclustrles in the Unlted States, Canada and Mexico, rvill be made up at more than a d.ozen points and clispatchecl to Los Angeles ttnder fast schedules.
The formal sessions of the convention will be held in the Ambassador hotel. .In conjunction with the gatherift ;; "Informashow" .r.vill be stiged in the Ambaisado, "'uai_ torium. This will consist oielaborate displays of p.oducis of all descriptions. Exhibitions of their wares'*ill-;; presented by,I,os Angeles Nlanufacturers of home products, supplemented by booths prepared by industries of nationai scope.
Spend Millions
Because of the opportunity thus afiorded local manufac_ tnrers to. display.their goods to the best advantage, mem_ Ders ol the Los Angeles association expect that orders for more-than 91.000,000.wil1 b-e placed wiih Los Angeles in_ dustries before the close of the Informashow, by-visitine purchasing.agents. In..addition, it is predicted t'hat man! of. thg city's guests will establish peimanent connection's with Los Angeles firms, for the conierns they ,.pr..."t. -
A number of civic bodies, including the Chamber of Com_ merce' have volunteered to aid the 251 local -.-u"tr oJ tt e organization in the reception and entertainment of the convention delegates. Particularly valuable service will be rendered |f !ne_ta.$ies auxiliary, which has assumed, under l\lrs. A. Scott Ballagh. the responsibility for entertainins the feminine relatives of the visiting purchasing ;g";;;.''
At the close of the convention, fhi visiting representa_ tives will make a comprete survey of the p3r.iL'iriii"r--oi the Pacific Coast befori returning to their horn.r, ,p".i"i trains having been chartered to cdnroey them to S'"--il;;_ cisco, Portland and Seattle, before beginning tfr. n""f f.g of their homeward journeys.
. Arrangements foi the nitional gathering are bqing made by a general convention commiitee, heided Oy fu. W. Storey, of the Security Trust and Savings Bank,'operatine under the executive committee of the"associaiion ;hi;t consists of H. W. Christensen, president; W. W. Stoie" fi rst vice-pre-sident ; Arthur Thom-pson, third vice-p..ri;;;i';
A. Scgt! Ballagh, secretary-treasuier and Nationat' Di;;;;;;J Ben Schupp and F. L. Whipple.