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Pioneer Co. Announce no Change in Policies
Speculation as to the policy of the pioneer paper Com_ pany- of Los Angeles fofiowing announcement of'G ;;ra_ nership arrangem_ent rvith thi Flintkote group of ;;;_ panies and the Shell Oil Company, has bien iet at rest by an official announcement isiued by the pioneer com_ pany.
There will be no change in personnel, according to the a,nnouncement, and the same policies that have furthered llg^nrogress of the -organizaiion since its inception in 1888 will continue in forie.
Willis G. Hunt, qre91de1t; H. M. Eichelberger, secre- tary-treasurer, and J. H. Plunkett, general manager, will continue to. guide the destinies of the newly stren"gthened concern, withMr. Plunkett in executiv" cliurge of"opera_ tions and sales organization, it was declared ln the tom_ munication issued by the company. . Several new products will be marketed as a result of the increased.plant_facilities and new sources of raw material, it rvas said. These will include a new copper-clad shingle a-nd-a tapered butt shingle, thelatter o?'which gives- a shadow line and texture to roofs long clesired in "compo_ sition roofing by builders.
Because of the far-reaching resources and added laborajgry _an{ research fl!.ilities acquired through its partner- ship deal with the Flintkote ind Shell c"ompanies, the Pioneer organization now stands out as orr" of the lare_ est and best eq.uipped roofing manufacturing organizatiois rvest of the Mississippi.
With the ambitious prog.ram of expansion and increased production now well on its rvay fonvircl. the companv bids fair to surpass its -record. of the year just past, which was the most successful and profitible iince' the company;s founding, officials said.
Fred A. Hart
Fred A. Hart, 61,_pioneer lumberman of the northwest, died at his home in Portland, January 25, a f.ew hours aftei suffering a stroke of apoplexy.
He was born at Woodstock, Ill., and came rvest in 1g90 rvhen he joined the office force of the Wilson Brothers _Lyq!.1-9o., at Aberdeen, Wn. In 1904 he organized rvith W. H. Wood the Hart-Wood Lumber Co., wliich operates a mill at Raymond, 'Wn., and a fleet of seven stiamers plying betrveen Oregon, Washington, British Columbia ancl Califgrnia ports, engaged principally in the lumber trade. At the time of his death, Mr. Hari was manager of the Portland office of the company.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Clara Hart: a soll. William, and two daughters, Phyllis ancl Ina Clare.
A. B. Grlt*rchcr
Hwerd M. Gutm
& GUNTON Wholerderr
112 Market St" - San Francisco
Tclcphonc Sutter ?{199
Dougler Fir - Sprucc - Rcdwood
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Fir Piling - C€dar poru
Split Rcdwood productr
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In"Robbins" Flooring you are assured of the very finejt that has ever been, or ever will be produced. O u_r geographical lo"ation, the modern machinery in our mill, and the type of men who make' our flooring, all go to make this state- menlpo:rilJu. "Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is the best.
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