3 minute read

Manufacture of Nickel Steel A*t. Housings at Foundry of Moreland Motor Truck Co.

(Continued from Page 43) removed).then_permitted to co_ol slowly. Afterwards they are annealed, the tem-perature being slowly raised (in foui hours) !o 162f oF. and they are kepf at this t.-p.."iore lo, two and one-half hours; then they are slowly cboled. The tensile strength of the metal is approximately 120,000 pounds per square inch.

The charge for the furnace is made up approximately of 7O/o of purchased scrap of known analysis, ctnsisting of punchings, plate, butt ends, I beams, or solid tire rims. The balance is the returns in the form of rejections, heads, gates and sculls or spills. About l0O pounds of metal from the previous heat is left in the furnace and the new charge put into it. This forms a solid gummy mass and gives im_ mediate electric contact and a ho1 "..-lit eliminate? the use of a starter such as coke. Some care is exercised i; ih; charging to elimiriate the necessity "i -""n p"[irrg-a"*" as the melt progresses.

, The.preliminary melting is done on high tap. To melt dorvn the charge usually takes about one hour. A sample rs taken and a color test is run to determine the preliminirv carbon content. The reading of a fracture in highty ;;fi;;a steel is rather uncertain andi small laboratory, "eqriipped to test the carbon by the color method, is recomme"aea.

To produce these axle castings requires careful attention throughout th.e process. It neiessitates special cor.e mix_ tures, sand mixtures and careful rvorkrnanship in the pre_ parin-g of the mold. Th_e specifications for these castings call for metals of the follou,ing limit :-

Since low carbon steels are used as a base, the melt will. usually run lorv in carbon and-this, in one of iis many forms, is added. The immersion of the graphit. "tecttofes iuiii usually accomplish the desired result. Cast iron and pie ir91 may also be added if desired. Should the test .fr.-l I frigher carbon content than specified, a high gr.a", .i"o", hard hemitite, lorv phosphoruJ iron ore is a?det to brine ii down. The ore is added i' small q'antities until the desirecl specification is reachecl. The bafh is then. brought.to the pouring temperature and tests made of the metil and the slag to ascertain whether a thorough deoxidation has bcen accomplished. This can be asceriiinecl from the siag_a light green c-olor of the fracture showing complete d,.:,,iida- tion. As a further precaution we add io the'ladle a snrall amount-of_pure aluminum. The entire heat is tapped into a. large ladle, the slag carefully skimmed off and a protec_ tive covering of clean silica sand put on. The metal is then transferred to pouring ladles of about 100 pounds capacity. To obtain satisfactory results the material used, as men_ tioned before, must be very carefully selected. Limestone and fluorspar_are ahval's. on hand to dissolve slag when necessary, if alloys are to be addecl, afterwards addirig silica sand to bring the slag to its normal consistencv.

Ward Montgomery Making Good Recovery

^ Ward Montgomery, Secretary of the Hollyrvood Lumber Co., was recently operated on forappendiiitis. It is re_ ported that he is making good recovery.

tne Fellow Who Wants to Hire

Rate: $2.s0 per cotumn inch - fne FellOW WhO WantS to Be



Experienced lumberman r'vants connection with 'ivhole'r"t" 6t retail lumber company as salesman' Have thorouth tno*ledge of lumber blsiness from manufacturing ;;A .;i;. .r,J,-h"'oittg been connected rvith some of large *iii op.."tions in tffe Northwest' Familiar rvith trade ."qitiiJ-""it or Soutttern California trade' Can furnish excellent references. Box C-245 California Lumber Merch- ant,


Wantsposition In Arizona

Retail salesman and successful branch yard rnanager rvants a position rvith progressive Atizona lumber company. Has had broad experie-nce. and is a- real producer' b."i.r salary and percentige basis. Excellent references' Age 35 and in perfict health. Address Box C-239 California Lumber Merchant.


9 ft. band sawmill with necessary equipment cutting Douglas fir and some spruce, located on Oregon Loast and Souihern Pacific Railroad. Company owns and ope-rates t*o-.i""*"t.. Timber supply insuies very long life' A 1-5 interest ora 51 per cent interest, or entire com-pany ."" U" ".q"ired. Chailes S. Elms. Timber Lands and Lumfr"i, f tOS i{obart Building, San Francisco, Calif'

Legislative Committees Meet at Los An$eles

Harry Hanson

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