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New Truscon Steel Plant Completed
Another important addition to Los Angeles' T""oJ3:l-il: ing industr;es'has just been made by the- completlon ot tnelr ;;-; $ipOO,ooo i..toty in the Ceniral.ManufacturingJisir;.t,ly the Truscon Steel Companv o.f Young:l?yi'.O"lf?
Occupying a tract of approximately ten acres at )4du East Slalsoi Avenue, the p-lant is one of the most pretenti""t ""a modern on the Pacific Coast' Yt' J'^ E' Heber' ."ftt ft"t been in charge of the company's Los Angeles otfi." to, the past twe'nty-one- yeari, has been made vice pr.ria"r,tin &arge of the enlaiged local organization' ' The plans of the company and work on the new factorY have beencarried on so auietly that comParativelv' few of our Southern California citizens, business and professional men are vet alvare of the existence of this great addition to Los Angeles industry which ilready is a big factor in the progress of the entire rvest coast.
While several morc additions to the Present olant are to lle the most important of the rnanufacturins departments are no* co*pleted and on. production' gJtween 150 and 200 people already are steadtly employeq' u"i ttt" annual p"y toil on the preient-schedule of producli."
"*..t'. 6f " quarter ofa million dollars' Ample acrease has been acquired to make whatever additions to ;;;;?;.i;tg ""a rJarehousing facilities that future busi;;;;;; .h. P'acific Coast mav iequire' It is estimated that .riitti"'"-p"tiJ of just a few yeais the Los Angeles plant will represent an tnvestment- of tu'o million dollars' all fit'a.t.ed by the parent companv at Youngstown.
Production of the plant at this tin-re is confined to a complete line of rnetal lath and metal lath products' cons:sting of Diamond, Double-Mesh Herringbone' and ''A" Metai I-ath; Self-Furring Lath; Truscon Hy-Rib Metal I.ath ; Truscon Expancled Corner Beads; Truscon Rib St."i'C"t""r Beadsl Truscon Square Channels; Truscon Lt*"tit.; Truscon Strip-ite; steel windows; casement t-ash;;;i;i"rcing bats; und b"t joists' Additional products
A;i P;"b;tihy, Los Angeles representative for the Defr;; L"*U"t Co*paty, recently returned from a ten-day Irip t" the company's mill at Tacoma, Washington'
P. C. ;'i"t";- M.Nevin, General Sales Manager of .the p".in. l"*ber Company, has returned to San Francisco rfi., ,p.ttaing a *..k itt Los Angeles; Mrs' McNevin accompanied him on the triP' will be added to the present schedule of operations.as ra.pidlv as possible, untilwithin a reasonably' short tlme .thc tocal plant will be producing. practically the complet"- 'l:t: of Truscon Permanent Building Products on a.large scate' --sufdcient warehouse facilitieJ have been provided t9 get. mit carrving large stocks of those products, fabrlcated at V;;;;;i;;i, ."hlch will not be add-ed to the local producti"" r?ft.Jtt". Large stocks of these commodities already ;; ;; ltttta, no*Juer' so that even- nowthe complete i*r.on line is available to the ""ttfii:ti$fu of the ir,r- around one million dollars a Year materials alone. "';F;;;;;t portance of this inrlustrialunit to Los Angeles and vicinitY can be better apPreciated when it is realized that the company buys all Possible raw materlal lronl which Truscon Products are fabricated from local manufac' facturers.This item now amounts to aPproximately t h..r.e e quarters of a mlllloll dollars a vear, making a total disbursement locallY ot for pay roll and ra'r.v to building the local factorv, about 85 p9I c-elt oi it. reventle of oui local office went east," said Mr' H.;;; *h"., it t.tniewed recently' "Now the conditions are reversed ancl we are buying ali our rarv material localll" ;.;;;L"lttt"ittittg out o*i payrolls;-and we are collectins.-banLing and"putting back into local circulation all ;;;;'J;;ii"a rioln the"production of our Los Angeles i;;;&. ..-i" "aa;tion, we are manufacturing^ a-ll prgducts for otir San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, ()akland' -Sacr.L."1.,-S"tt Lake City and El Pero branches, as well as itr"r" i"'"t1ter cities t.t'd to*tt. in Texas, Idaho, Utah and Wu"*ite. A11 the revenue derived from this qroduction i; i;;-;;t"ing back to Los Angeles to help p"v Lo.{ locallv ;;;"J rarv-materials and go into local pay roll'" ''ift. L"t Angeles factory of the Truscon Steel Complny is inla.t an oulstanding example of rnodern industrial effrciencv and progress, "tti tlt" --"tt"gt-"ttt extends a cordial i""iiatio" io rEsidents of the Southland to visit and inspect their plant and facilities at any time'
W. R. short busiFrancisco.
Rav B. Co*, ui""-president and general manager of the g"i#r"-i.i*tui. Co', Berkeley, retulned Febr-uary 11 from il;;-;;;i;.,-*rt"t.'he spent-a few days at the company's plant in-the Southern CitY.