1 minute read
is one of the many advantages of mechanical lumberpiling. Fligher piles dry quickcr and better than the low piles stacked by hand.
Other advantages of using the
Hilke Piler
(Pat'd. U. S. and Caada) arc prevention of damage to lumber in piling and unpil- ing; reduced labor cost; increased yard capacity; shortened haul; reduced upkeep of alleys; saving in pile bases and roof boards, etc.
Modernize your yard. rnyesttgate- mechmical piling. Jend lor lwticulus_
MUrry J ac0 Ds l, o.
528 Firat Ave. So, - Seattla Portlud Su Frud*o
Lc Angcler New Orleus by the National Lurnber N[a'ufacturers Association, it states "Timber or llmlter. can be fully protected if it is properly in_sulated frortr the earth by rock, concrete, or brick fotrnclations made rvith standard grud.. of mortor-, ar-rd if n.retal shielrls are put on to shut 6ff p".r"g. tulles. Timber ca' be 'sed e'en for founclations, if .oul_iu, .."i,_ sote is forced into the rvoocl.,'
Manufactured by Johnrm Mf3. Co. Seattle, Wa3h.
1'ou are livingin a region rvhere termites are foun<l and yorlr house is ltuilt in ggch a way that termites can get i', then they very likely rvill. It r,von,t clo to use untreated u'oocl in basements, or {or the founclations of buildings, be_ canse these are the places rvhere termite clamage iJ rnost lrkely to start."
A.ny office of the National Lrrrrber Manufacturers Asso_ ciatio' *'i11 send a copy of the Termite l)amage preventio' bo.oklet on request to iny one interestecl. ThJ booklet con_ tains valuable information on'termites, hor,v to *rake builcl- ings termite--proof, and .lvhat to clo if you ha'e a strtrcture n'hich is infestecl rvith termites.
Shipp Family
i ,/ A daughter. Geuer-ieve Ann, arrived at the home of Nlr. Qf an<l Xf rs. Kenneth Shipp of Oaklancl, on Thursclay, l-ebruary 7. Mr. Shipp is manager of the California lluilclers' Suppl-v Co. of Oakland, rvhich is a <livision of the pacific Door & Sash Co. of Los Angeles.
X'[rs. Shil>p is the daughter of E,. A. Nicholsor.r of Los Angeles, general managef of the pacific Door & Sash Co. "Tat" Nicholson, director of publicitv for the company, is a brother of N{rs. Shipp ancl he l.ras been very busy during the_ past rveek announcing to his many lumbermen friends in Los Angeles that l-re his become an tu.rcle.
Any old band aaw vion't do-that ie, if you want to hold production and keep down your operating cortr.
To rccure amooth, fart cutting try SIMONDS NARROW BANDS. They are wear.reeirting rteel, made jurt for SIMONDS-Ihe bladee that give bettcr rcrvice.
You'll bc pleaeed when you ree a Simonds operate.
"The Saw Mekcrr"