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Lumberman Builds Termite-Proof Home

.,\n example of a rrrites nray lte founcl \\'hittier, Calif. Mr.

honre Drotectecl frorrr tlan"rage lly terin thai o{ C. \\'- Pinkerton's l-rome ir.r Pinkerton is Secretary' arrcl N[anager u,itl-r a hot br[sh coat of ccial-tar creosote. A sinlilar method ,uu. "-ployed in erecting the piers anrl pier-foundations' All loose rvoocl u'as r..itot..i from the ground inside and outside the foundation. Numerous air vents in the iotltldaii"tt ..oLf. provi<le circulation and llrevent dead air' tincler the front entrance hall cross air ventilation is afforded. lVt-,"r, he clecidecl to ltuilcl hirnself a llew home last year, \1r. Pinkertor.r incluclecl in the hottse lllan features $'hich u'oulcl prevent tertnite inf estation' The accon-rpanying fh.togt';phs shorv clearly horv tlrjs lvas accomplishecl' The cost was so negligible that I\Ir' Pinkerton has not considered it as an added cost'

0f the whittier l-umlter company and Nell known to the trade on the West Coast.

The llome is a tr'vo-story rvood-fratlrecl l;uilcling' Roofing anrl siding are rvood

A deeli concrete foundation rvas rnade' Bets'een the f.runaati6n ancl the rvood sill a strip of galvanized iron rvas r"ii ..ttpf"tely around the house' The strip.lapped. over lr-l" ir.la'" .uuil of the foundation for trvo inches and rvas ;;;i(l;.;;l at a forty-five clegree angle' The sill rvas treated

I?eor f orclt' slrcwing air '"'ent. Crcosoted sills and m'etal shields '*rrt uti'd orr, concrete foundatiott' of steps'


Luraber Mill Work

Sarh & Doore


Roofing Cement


Wall Board

Everything in thc Building Line

Crtrncr of fou,datio, structurc shozving crca, grouud,. Cresotcd. silr.r and nctol shields arc u.sed.hcrc. ,,\'ott largc"ofening;,, ,o,iiir-" f oundotion tvull whiclr clirninatcs deoti air --rrrn... '

This part of the f'u'clation ofte' is neglectecl i, this resl)ect in many homes.

. Py9" the rear por-ch s'as insulated lry the use of metal shields, creosoted sills arr<l air r.ents.

Shrubbery arouncl tl.re home rvas carefully placed ap_ Proximately tu'. feet from the four.rclati.n rvali. (]rouncl rear the-rvall is.kept clear of growth. This afforrls acreclrrate light ancl thus dryness close to the rvall.

In the "Terrnite l)an.rage pre'enti.n" bookret. Published

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