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"Modernizing Pictorial" Booklet
Washington, D. C., Dec. 31.-In "Modernizing Pi,ctorial," the cooperative merchandising servi,ce of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association and the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association has given the retailer a new and effective weapon to use in his battle for modernization business.
The new booklet contains 16 pages of very striking "before-and-after" illustrations showing how new homes can be made of old houses and how delightful and attractive rooms can be 'created where once were dreary; repellent ones. The illustrations, which depict metamorphoses so startling as to make a home olv.ner fairly yearn to rehabilitate his property, are accompanied by a descriptive text of the ease with which these,changes'can be brought about.
The booklet, which is 8fux1o/2 inches in size, is handsomely printed in two colors, by offset process, on attractive stock. The inside pages are printed on a homespunfinish book paper, and the cover, whi,ch is done on a heavy woodgrain-finish, pr.ovides space for imprinting the dealer's name. The books are offered to retailers at four cents apiece, whi'ch is considerably less than the actual cost of printing, and they may be imprinted before shipment at a moderate charge, or the dealer can have them imprinted at his local print shop. He may, of 'course, imprint his name rvith a rubber stamp. The booklet was described in a recent issue of "Lumber Merchandising News," and in a very few days requests were received from nearly "a ,thodsand retail mer,chants for samples of the new pamphlet.