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A A'rew Edition of ((CULLTJD" FUN




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The first two editions of ttCullud" Fun have been sold out. This third edition especially produced to meet the continued demand for this famous book. Order your copy now. Just fill in the couponr attach your check and mail.

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A man entered a hotel, placed an overcoat on a rack, and pinned a card to it which read: ,,This overcoat belongs to a champion prizefighter. Back in ten minutes.,i

When he returned the overcoat was gone, but the card was still there. To it had been added: ,.Overcoat taken by champion long distance runner. Won't be back at all.;,

Ben Jonson

What a full life some men, withoui any effort of their own, sirnply because they could not help themselves, have been able to live. Take Ben Jonson. His recent biographer, John Palmer, tells us that Ben was a finished scholar, a bricklayer, a soldier, and married before he was out of his teens, he had killed a man, been convicted of homicide and suspect€d of treason, had collaborated and quarreled with a number of his contemporaries, and written a famous comedy before he was twenty-five. He died in poverty but he was buried in Westminster Abbey. I{e was honest and tactless and truculent. His life was in danger rnore than once. The great ones of his age welcomed him to their homes and he bent the knee to none of them. He was an aristocrat in the realm of intellect.

-Thomas Dreier.

Nominations Closed

Rastus: "Brothah President, we needs a cuspido'."

President of the Eight-Bail-Club: "f nominates Brothah Brown as cuspido' of dis heah club."

Troubles Of Her Own

The teacher was having her trials and finally wrote the mother:

"You son is the brightest boy in my class, but he is also tlle most mischiwous. What shall I do?"

The reply came duly: "Do as you please. I am having my own troubles with his father."

Spring Has Came To Arkansas


John Suman, Poet Laureate of Arkansas

Spring has came, .Winter has went, But it ain't no accid'ent; Thb birds have flew i As you have saw, And spring has came To Arkansas.

Swimming At Night

We went down through the summer to the sea, Slipped from our robes and to the ebbing tide Completely gave ourselves; so hushed \pere we, So filled with some strange languor that beside The wash of heavy ripples on the beach

There was no sound. We bent and touched our lips Against the moon, now well within our reach, And trailed her glory with our finger-tips. The silence cradled us; we were caressed By wine-water waves and by the cooler air

That licked white brow and scarcely breathing breast: The nibbling seaweed caught our floating hair, And seemed to urge us gently, gently down. How lovely, had we only dared to drown.

By Oriana Atkinson.


He who forgetting self, makes the object of his life service, helpfulness and kindness to others, finds his whole nature growing and expanding, himself becoming largehearted, magnanimous, kind, Ioving, sympathetic, joyous and happy, his life becoming rich and beautiful. For, instead of his own little life alone, he has entered into and has part in that of others; and every happiness coming to each of these comes as such to him."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Hoo-Hoo to Hear Talk on Navy Attend Sales Confer ence

Commander T. S. Williamson of the battle cruiser Indianapolis will talk on "The Navy at Sea" ai the next diner meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club to be held at the Hotel Coit, Oakland, at 6:@ p.rn., Monday evening, February 18.

Professor Emanuel Fritz will give the second of a series of talk! on the subject of "Water in 'Wood."

E. E. Arthur and Wm. S. Freeman, San Francisco; W. H. Morrison, Sacramento; and G H. Miller, Los Angeles, district representatives of .Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., returned recently from a sales conference held in Tacoma, which was attended by all the sawmill managers, resident sales managers, and district sales representatives in the Western States.

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