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Ten Years Ago Today

From the Files of fhe Calilornia Lumber Merchant, February 15,1925

Axel Oxholm, Washington D. C., chief of the lumber department, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, IJ. S. Department of Commerce, addressed the members of the California Redwood Association and the California White and Sugar Pine Association on February 9.


A Hoo-Hoo concatenation will be held at Seattle, Wash., on February 18. Vicegerent Snark Roland C. Williams announ,ces that a big ,class of Kittens will be initiated.

The Orange County Lumbermen's Club met at the William Penn Hotel, Whittier, on the night of January 31. President Walter Spicer presided at the meeting.


James G. Newbegin has been ele,cted president of the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club for the ensuing year. Frost Snyder was elected vice president, and E. A. Wright, secretarv-treasurer.

*+* tail Lumbermen's Association was held at Santa Barbara, January 31. The meeting was held for a discussion of bills before the State Assembly at Sacramento.


A sixteen-car train of Redwood logs re,cently arrived at the Dolbeer-Carson Lumber Co. plant at Eureka which l,vere the contents of one Redwood tree ,cut at their logging camp at Field Brook, Humboldt County. The tree contained eleven 16-foot logs, many of whi,ch had to be quartered to load on the cars, and scaled 107,633 feet. A second tree cut at their camp contained four 16-foot, two 18foot, and two 2O-foot logs, which scaled 98,670 feet. Henry Hink, sales manager of the conlpany, says the remarkable thing about these two trees was that they were both practically free from rift cracks and heart rot.

Homer Maris, well known San Fran,cisco distributor of panels, spent several days in the San Joaquin Valley calling on his ,customers.

* Salesmen's Club of San Francis,co on February 2, naming This issue ,carries a full page write-up, together with correctly the thirteen specimens of wood on display and photograph of the plant, on the Coos Bay Lumber Co. sawrvas awarded the first prize of $5.00. Walter Blick won mill operations at Marshfield, Ore. the second prize, $2.50.

"R.g" Smith rvon the woods' .contest at the Lumber tt " putt",r & Davies t:,r;".:". have bought the Long Beach plant of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co.


A meeting was held in Oakland, Thursday evening, January 22, for the purpose of discussing a Hoo-Hoo Club in Oakland. A decision rvas reached to proceed with the or, ganization of the Club, and a meeting will be helcl on February 18 when officers and dire,ctors will be elected.

A. L. (Gus) Hoover presided at the Los Angeles HooIloo meeting on February 5. Emil Swanson won the attendance prize.


The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo will stage a concat on Friday night, February 27. The ,committee in charge of the con'cat will include Jim Chase, H. L. Rosenberg, A. B. McAlpine and B. W. Byrne.

Miss Jessie Allard urro i*"]o,r*E. Kline were married on Monday evening, January 26, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Samuel Irving Allard, in San Francisco. ***

The Davis Lumber Co. at Davis is'constructing a ne.vv lumber shed that will be used for lumber storage purposes. d<r<*

A meeting of the board of directors of the California Re- t<**

Robt. Forgie, A. A. Dimmick and W. S. Russell were among the California lumbermen who recently made trips to the Northwest.

Will H. Simon, Henry Templeton and T. Y. S. Ballentyne, Portland, Ore., lumbermen, were California visitors on business. ***

Retail lurnber dealers visiting in San Fran,cis,co were lluss Stevens, Healdsburg; W. E. Landram of Merced, ancl George Bnrnett of Tulare.

Tho'ras I. Parks, n.* ;.; J,r,o*o".man, has been a San Francisco visitor calling on his many lumbermen friends in the Bay District.

R. F. Hammatt was ,n. .;";, at the weekty luncheon of the Mercator Club held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, on February 10. Mr. Hammatt gave an interesting talk on the uses ancl markets of redwood.

Peter B. Kyne, o.ou,; l"rlr,."r author, with Mrs. Kyne, arrived in Los Angeles from New York after completing a tour around the world on the Dollar Steamship Line. After attending to some business matters in Los Angeles, he will leave for San Francisco.

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