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Than Your Daily Paper
Feb. l9-20-Iowa Association of Lumber & Building Material Dealers, Des Moines.
Feb. l9-2I-Wisconsin Retail Lumbermen's Association, Milwaukee.
Fel>. 2l-23-Western Retail Lumbermen's Association, Tacoma.
Feb. 27-Mar. l-Ohio Association of Retail Lumber Dealers, Columbus.
Mar. 4-6-Kentucky Retail Lumber Dealers Association, Louisville.
Mar. 5-6-southwestern Iowa Retail Lumbermen's Association, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Mar. 8-Hardwood Manufacturers Institute, l\{emphis, Tenn.
X{ar. 13-14-South Dakota Retail Lumbermen's Association. Aberdeen. S. D.
Mar. 2l-2?-southeastern Iowa Retail Lumbermen's Association, Ottumwa, Iowa.
Apr. 9-1l-Lumbermen's Association of Texas, Houstotl.
Apr. 16-National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, Washington, D. C.
. . are the TVICE'A'WEEK Supplemental Sheets of ih. Lomb.trn.n's Credit Rating Service. The daily qress biittgt y"" ttinterestingt' newg of world events, but theee ii-iy iSh""tr bring information that is more than just "interesting"-1t is VITAL. fts columns may not con' r.y itr" laiest "Broadway chatter" but they -DO furnish ti" t.tot inforrration concerning the credit status of t o"t """a"-"ts-strd that's vital tttrewstt because it strikes at the foundation of your business.
Of eepecial interest to your Sales Dep-artment is the f..i ttt.f concerns just staiting are immediately listed in these TVICE-A-WEEK Sheets, thus aiding you to coni"Jlft"- early for their initial stock order' A sp99i{ ,igrr.i -."kt ih"." ,r"* concerns co you can quickly ttspottt them.
The TWICE'A-WEEK Supplements are onlv ONE of the -tny exclusive featureJ that make the Lumber' men's Credii Rating Service a profitable in-vesttnentmoJ"r.t. in cost; ii keeping wiih the requirements of today's reduced budget.
Vrite our nearest office TODAY for descriptive pamphlet No. 6O and, full particulars concerning our to-dly APPROVAL Plan.
Help Wanted
Retail Lumber Yard Office Man, 25 to 40 years old, who can operate a Burroughs Bookkeeping Machine. Experienced in all departments of a retail lumber yard. Must know how to meet trade, grades of lumber, ,credit, lumber markets, hardware, paint and roofing sales. Non-drinker, college graduate and churchman preferred-any church. Married or single. Prepared to live in a 2 yarcl tolvn in Northern California and become a part of it permanently. Good town. Salary $150.00 a month to start. Junior partnership eventually. Do not answer unless yotr qualify in every respe,ct. Job is waiting.
Box C-533, care Californ:a Lumber Nlerchant.
For Sale
yards in Los Angeles and Southern CaliBox C-535, care California Lumber Mer-
Lumber And Millwork Executive
will consider position requiring executive ability. Experience in all phases of .Lumber, Sash, Door and Millwork business in both Soft and Hardwood business. Many years experience in quantity survey of plans, cost accounting, auditing, etc. Single, will go anywhere. Can furnish excellent references. Will appreciate interview. Address Box C-532, care California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
Lumber Yard and Small Mill, near Los Angeles. Doing a very good business and paying well. Very small rental. $8000.00 will buy. Sickness cause of sale. Address Box C-534, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards and Equipment for Sale in both Riverside and Los Angeles Counties. Going concerns. yard Sites leased from Railroad Companies. Nominal rental. Must be disposed of at once. J. Welch, P. O. Box 430, Arcade Station, Los Angeles, California.
Chips From The Forest
Wooden radio towers up to 628 feet in'height have been built by the German Government with southern pine from the United States, selected on account of its superior strength properties and longer life than any European wood.
The national forests of the United States, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934, provided 29 million mandays of work for unemployed labor, without interfering with standards of normal employment.
English sparrows are charged with being firebugs by insurance companies, following a fire in an abandoned theatre in Rockwood, Tenn., said to have been started by the birds carrying discarded burning cigarettes into their nests.
To furnish his lofty fire lookout station with electricity for three 2l-candle power automobile lights used for night reading and the operation of a battery type radio set, L. B. Salm, Forest Service lookout observer on Strawberry Peak in the San Bernardino National Forest, has invented a power plant consisting of an 8-foot airplane propeller mounted on ball bearings and connected to an automobile generator through a "Y" belt with a 10 to I ratio. The output of this plant, which is stored in 6-volt batteries to assure a constant supply of electricity, is 2 amperes with an 8-mile wind, and 18 amperes with a 30-mile wind. 'I'he total cost of the plant was $15.
The worst forest fire on record, according to the U. S.
Forest Service, was the Miramichi fire of 1825, which burned 3,000,000 acres of timberland in Maine and New Brunswick and ,caused the loss of 160 lives. The record number of lives lost was in the Poshtago fire in Wisconsin where, in 1871, an area of 1,280,000 acres was burned and 1,500 people lost their lives.
Floors in 30 rooms of the Forest Products Laboratory of the United States Forest Service at Madison, Wis., have been laid with a varied and colorful assortment of American woods to demonstrate and test the merits of different patterns and finishes, as well as to acquaint the general public with the attractions of different spe,cies and types of grains. Three main types of flooring are now in place throughout the Laboratory as a whole-wood flooring, strips and blocks, pressed wood fiber tile. and linoleum, the last-named qualifying very appropriately among forest products because of its large content of cork, wood flour, and forestproduced resins and oils. All of the floors were laid over concrete of average flatness.
The U. S. Forest Services operating 615 radio sending stations, largely in connection with fire prevention and suppression work, in the national forests of continental United States.
Calcium chloride in water solution, at the rate of one-half pound dry weight per square yard, has been effectively used by the U. S. Forest Service in Michigan to stop fires running in grass and ferns.