1 minute read
More Scrles From Better Displcrys
THE NEW Thikbut Shingle packase is as I outstanding as the shingle itself. These new Pioneer-Flintkote Strip Shingles, extra thick at the buits where wear comes, are now packed in these attractive blue and yeilow packages. Packed two bundles to the square, these shingles make attention-getting displays both intheshowroom and on the job. The shingle itself, with built-up extra layers of asphalt coating and mineral surfacing on the exposed tabs, with added beauty, 657o greater weight on the exposed areq greater life and greater economy, opens new fields for greater sales. The new package protecting the shingle and giving added distinction and beauty, makes this a sales buiider. See our regular price list for the outstanding low pricg then stock it. display it feature it. and double your sales!