2 minute read
Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany
Selling Ihe Products Of
Thc McClsd Rivcr Lunlicr Cmpaly McClou4 Cdltmi!
Sbwlln-Cbrlo Cmpany, Lhltcd Frt Frucca. Oltuio
Thc Shcvlin-Hixon Copary Ba{ Orcgo
January Business Doubles
Business in January, 1936, was 100 per cent better than in January. 1935, according to Walter C. Simpson, president of the Simpson Screen Co., 1841 East 12th Street, Oakland.
This company makes a specialty of the Simpson Frameless Screen, for which it is claimed as its principal features that it gives more light and more ventilation than the ordinary types.
New Secretary Appointed
Charles S. Tripler was appointed secretary of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club, effective February 1, succeeding Merle D. Bishop, who resigned to go into the retail lumber business for himself.
Headquarters of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club are at Watsonville. Mr. Tripler recently resigned from the secretaryship of the East Bay Lumbermen's Institute, Oakland.
Returns To Chicago
Frank R. Adams, Eastern sales manager, The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned to Chicago after spending about 3O days on the Pacific Coast, which included some time spent at the company's operations at Scotia.
SUGAR (Genulne
H. J. Mackin, president of the Canadian Western Lumber Co., Ltd., Fraser Mills, B .C., was a recent visitor at the offices of the Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles.
Back From Arizona Trip
L. S. Turnbull of Los Angeles, Southern California and Arizona representative for the Shevlin Pine Sales Co., has rettrrned from a trip to Arizona where he spent several days calling on the trade.
Takes Over Long Beach Yard
The Lumber Supply Company announces that it has taken over the ownership and management of the M. E. Dorvney Lumber Co. at Long Beach. The cornpany will carry a general supply of lumber and building materials, and also operate a mill.
W. W. Koller is president; Ross E. Hall, vice president, and C. N. Bozarth, secretary-treasurer of the new concern.
Manufacturer Visits Los Angeles
C. G. Price, general manager of the California Door Company, Diamond Springs, Calif., spent a day at the end of February conferring with Glenn Fogelman, manager of the firm's Los Angeles plant.
Hammond & Little River Redwood Co. -.-,--- f9 r9
Hogan Lumber Co. -,-------, ----------------- ----- - 19
Flolmes Eureka Lumber Co. ------ ---. --...-,-. .19
Hoover, A. L. ---- -- ,2O
Johnson Lumber Corporation, C. D. ----------19
Koehl & Son, fnc., Jno. V. ,--------------,------.-19
Kuhl Lumber Co., Carl H. -----,, --...--- 4
Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co. , --- ,---------- -- 19
Lumbermen's Credit Association -------------21
McCormic[ Lumber Co- Chas. R. ------,-------.f9
MacDonald & Bergstrom, Inc. ------, -,-------19
MacDonald & Harrington, Ltd. - -,--------,-----.11
Moore MilI & Lumber Co. --- ----------,------ -,--19
Oregon-Washington Plywood Co. ------------------19
Pacific Lumber Co., The - -- -----,--- 7
Patten-Blinn Lumber Co. --------------------------,-.19
Perfection Oak Flooring Co. -- ----- , " ---------. 19
Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Assn,, Inc.
J. E. MARTIN Managing Editor and Advertising Managpr M. ADAMS Circulation Mamger