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Coastwise Steam Schooners Resume Op.rations
Thirty*wo coastwise lumber schooners were in operation_on February 11 fotlowing a six weekst tie up due to labor ttoubles64 boats were tied up. The Seaments LJnion of the Pacific voted to resume work under the wages and working agreements established in the existing steam schdtner awatd, renewed Sep' tember 30, 1935. Decision of the ship owners to resume opera. tions r.r/as taken aftet consetvative leadets of the fnternational Seaments Llnion in Washington urged them to accePt the ofrer of the seamen.
It is expected the entire feet will be in service soon, and in a few weeki Fir catgo arrivals at California ports will be back to normal. During the schooner tie upr Fir rail shipments came into all sections of the statei a cotrsiderable quantity of Common w:ur moved into Southern California by tail while shipments of (Jppets were heavy. During the week ended February 8, coastwise lumber receipts at San Pedro totaled only 1'5OOrO0O feet. The California matket showed no change in the past two weeks and prices are firm.
During the week ended February l, 535 mills produced 17818051000 feet of hardwoods and softwoods combined, shipped 2lo,584,ooo feet, and booked orders of 2021156,00o feet according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from the regional assocrations. Shipments were one
Moves To Architects Building
Timbercraft Shingle Corporation has moved its Los Angeles office from 3761 South Hill Street to the Building Material Exhibit in the Architects Building, 816 W. 5th Street. Wholesale distributors for Timbercraft Shakes for Southern California are Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., and San Pedro Lumber Co.
Visits Los Angeles Office
W. G. Kahman, Shevlin Pine Sales Co., San Francisco, was a recent visitor at the company's Los Angeles office.
per cent above the previous week and the heaviest in three months. Production dropped 6 per cent, and new business 1O pef cent from the preceding week. *
The Vest Coast Lumbements Association for the same week, 201 down and opemting mills in Vashington and Oregon reporting, gave production as 10211281000 feet, new business 10016951000 feet, and shipments 11016451000 feet. The total production is about the same as during the previous three weeks. The unfilled order file at these mills stood at 540,6581500 feet. Vinter weather has slowed down buying in the east and central states'
The Western Pine Association for the week, 114 mills reporting, gave order.s as 52rO39rOOO feet, shipments 48r2l5rOOO feet> and production 3Or982rOOO feet. Orders wete7.9 per cent above shipments, and 67.9 per cent above production. Shipments were 55.6 per cent above production. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 212,1921000 feet.
The California Redwood Association reported for the week production from 13 mills as 7r847rOOO feet, shipments 9,16710O0 feeq and new business 81666,0O0 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 38,086,000 feet.
Merle Bishop To Open Yard
Merle D. Bishop has resigned his position as secretary of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club to enter the retail lumber business. He will open a yard in El Cerrito, with a frontage of 300 feet on San Pablo Avenue.
Portland, Ore., Feb. 11.-S. V. Fullaway, Jr., Secretary of the Western Pine Association, notified member mills today that the Association's annual meeting will be held Wednesday and Thursday, February 26th and 27th, in the Broadway Room of the Portland Hotel at Portland, Ore