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Building Material Industry Urges Congress

Carl Davies Appointed Southern To Extend Title 1 of National Housing Act

Washington, Jan. 31.-The Building Materials group of eighteen trade associations, of which Ernest T. Trigg, President of the National Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Association is Chairman, at a recent meeting in Washington, unanimously passed the foilowing resolution urging Congress to extend Title I of the National Housing Act:

WHEREAS, Title One of the National Housing Act, which provides insurance of loans on modernization, repair, alterations and improvements on real estate will expire on April 1, 1936, and

WHEREAS, there has been a steadily increasing demand for loans under this Section of the National Housing Act until on December 18th, 1935 there has been $244,725,833.00 modernization and repair notes insured, and

WHEREAS, more than 5O/o of the total notes insured, both in number and in amount of money involved, represented repairs to single family residences, and

WHEREAS, claims paid by the Federal Government under Title One of the National Housing Act to November 30th, 1935 amounted to only 11l100ths of I/o of. the total of loans granted, and

WHEREAS, activity and modernization, repair, alterations and improvements on real estate have been beneficial alike to home owners and the construction industries, and have tended materially to reduce unemployment, now

THEREFORE, we, the representatives of the associations indicated hereon, do respectfully urge the Congress of the United States to extend Title One of the National Housing Act for a period of one year to April lst, 1937.

American Institute of Steel Construction; Asphalt Shingle & Roofing Industry; Brick Manufacturers Association of America; Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute; Metal Lath Manufacturers Association; Metal Window Institute; National Crushed Stone Association; National Door Manufacturing Association; National Electrical Manufacturers Association; National Federation of Builders Supply Association; National Lime Association; National Lumber Manufacturers Association; National Paint, Varnish & Lacquer Association; National Retail Lumber Dealers Association; National Sand & Gravel Association; National Slag Association; Portland Cement Association; Structural Clay Products, Inc.

California Representative

The Carl H. Kuhl Lumber Co. of Portland, Ore', atrnounces the appointment of Carl Davies as their exclusive Southern California representative. Mr. Davies is well known in lumber circles in Southern California, having been associated with the lumber business in Los Angeles for the past eighteen years, where he has followed the retail, millwork and wholesale branches of the business. His office is at 1811 East 16th Street, Los Angeles; the telephone number is PRospect 3516.

The Carl H. Kuhl Lumber Co. has offices at 564 Pittock Block, Portland, Ore. Mr. Kuhl, who organized the com.pany the first of the year, is widely known in the wholesale field in the Northwest. He was connected with the t{erbert A. Templeton Lumber Co. of Portland for the past ten years, the last five years as vice president in charge of sales. The company will specialize in sales to the California market, making both rail and cargo shipments. They will also handle their own trade marked "Penguin Brand" of Red Cedar shingles.

Lumber Products Association Meets

An organization meeting of the Lumber Products Association, consisting of San Francisco dealers in lumber and millwork, was held at the Bellevue Hotel, San Francisco, February 6. The object of the Association is to attempt to work out the many problems of the industry in such a manner as will benefit the industry as a whole. John C. Haring, Monadnock Building, San Francisco, is secretary.

Opens Office In New York

Port Lamon Lumber Co. of Port Lamon, Mindanao, P. I., manufacturers of Philippine Mahogany, recently opened an office at 246 Pearl Street, New York.

This company is owned by Madrigal & Co., whose agent in San Francisco is C. U. Martin, 637 Minna Street.


C. D. Johnson, president of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation, Portland, recently spent some time at the San Francisco and Los Angeles offices of his company.

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