1 minute read


Car and, Cargo Shippers

When he MUST hcve c concrete Iloor repcired...or cr plcrilorm built or c drivewcry paved in ihe SHORIEST POSSIBI.E IENGfiI OF nME...

You mcrke yoursell his friend lor lile by hcrving in stoclc ready lor imrnedicte delivery, exactly what he needs-

UEL0 Elgh.Ee'ty $rrengilh POTIIANd GEMEI{T

Using VELO, his plctform will be ready for c load . . his floor or drivewcy recdy for trcrffic within 24 hours. In building construction, crlso, forms cctn be stripped in as little os 24 hours.

VELO is highly plastic and therefore eosy to work or pour. It mqkes q dense, wcrtertight concrete which sets quickly ond qttqins c fincrl strength that meets the most rigid requirements.

The decrier who stocks VELO is recdy to serve qny customer Ior whom quclity plus speed ore urgent!

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