1 minute read
\M. P. "White Pine" rfohnson
W. P. Johnson, lrore familiarly known as "White Pine" Johnson, was born in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, then a great White Pine producing center, and obtained his early lumber experience there with the Daniel Shaw Lumber Company. He came to the Pacific Coast about 30 years ago, and has been continuously connected with the lumber industry ever since. In this period he has made an important contribution to the progress of the lumber and allied industries.
In the early part of his career on the Pacific Coast I\Ir. Johnson was lumber buyer for W. E. Kelley & Company of Chicago, and was associated with Standard Lunrl>er Compar.ry, Sonora, NIcCloucl Lumlter Corn_ pany, McCloud, and Sugar Pine Lurnber Company, Fresno. He u'as drafted in 1916 to help in the organization of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Associatiou.