4 minute read

Painting ls Contagious and Infectious Both

Bv Jack Dionne

Some wise man once remarked, "The most contagious thing on earth is honest enthusiasm." He n'as wrong. The most contagious thing in the u'orld is the painting germ in the spring of the year.

The lumber dealer who sells paint has one very strong factor working in his favor right now, with spring in the offing, and that is the CONTAGIOUS and INFECTIOUS character of the PAINT GERM. No doubt about it. If there's a thing on this earth more definitely contagious than the Bubonic Plague and the Spring Fever, it's the desire for freshly painted things in the spring.

Put a coat of bright, new paint on Mrs. Jones' home, and, regardless of what the color of that coat is, it rvill make every other woman in eye-reaching distance of Mrs. Jones' home turn positively GREEN with envy. THEY immediately want paint on THEIR buildings, fences, etc. Sell one paint job in a neighborhood in the spring, and you have established a selling foundation for every poorly painted place in the entire neighborhood. No doubt about it.

It is the nature of every homeJoving housewife to want to paint things in the spring, and all the paint merchant has got to do is to practically tie up his paint and his paint knowledge with that innate desire. Yes sir ! Every housewife in your selling territory is a paint prospect in the s,pring. Every spring. They are even more advanced than rvhat we usually call "passive prospects," and the passive prospect is the merchant's best prospect because he is the non-competitive prospect. The fellorv who knows what he wants and is out to get it is looking .for PRICE.

The houservife in the spring is conscious of a desire to paint something. She doesn't care a whole lot what it is so long as it is rvithin her immediate domain, and is a little dingy. Give her a can of lvhite or green paint and a brush, and look out ! She feels the call of a paint brush in a way that no man ever does. She doesn't exactly want to tackle the job of painting her home. That's a painter's job. But she does want to put on an old apron ancl get at that porch furniture, the yard slving, the flotver boxes, the side steps, the back porcf, and anything else in sight not too big to handle. If there isn't something handy that NtrEDS painting, she wants to build something and then paint IT.

Lordy, Lordy, the paint that would be sold if every housewife in America were properly approached in the next thirty days with suggestions for the use of "A board, and a nail, and a can of paint !" And the boards ! And the nails ! A hundred pennies is worth anybody's silver dollar, and there is a fortune to share this next sixty days in supplying the housewives of this nation with paint, and boards, and nails.

Rounds-Burchett Timber Service Formed

Ralph M. Rounds and E. P. Burchett have formed the Rounds-Burchett Timber Service, with headquarters in Vancouver, B. C.

Mr. Rounds is the son of the late D. C. Rounds, pioneer logging operator. He is president of the Rockport Redwood Company, Rockport, Calif., and vice-president of Rounds & Porter Lumber Company, Wichita, Kansas. The new concern was organized, he says, to meet the demand for scientific methods in log production and marketing. Among the services offered are estimating and valuation, purchase of timber, monthly market and statistical information, advice on liquidation of tirnber holdings, analysis of logging costs, logging plans and engineering. inspection of fire risks and hazard reports, estimates and reports on fire damage.

Mr. Burchett rvas for five years a member of the British Columbia Forestry Service, and later spent 14 years in various phases of the lumber and timber business, his experience ranging from engineering and estimating to control and marketing.

The California office of the Rounds-Burchett Timber Service is at 425 Crocker Building, San Francisco.

Pacific \(/ood Products Corporation Announces New SOLIDKOR Door

Announcement is made by Pacific Wood Products Corporation, Los Angeles, nationally known manufacturers of stock doors, sash, windows and millwork, of the production of a new solid core flush type door, which they have named SOLIDKOR.

In talking of the new door an official of the corporation says: "With the wide popularity of the flush type door many builders and architects are now demanding this type of door with a solid core, which prevents any circulation of air within the door, and the core from being affected by moisture.

"After many years of experience in manufacturing solid core doors, we believe that in making this type of door in stock quantities for resale at prices in line with those of the cellular construction doors rve are offering the public a highly meritorious and reliable product.

"In naming this door SOLIDKOR we feel that rve have given a complete description of the door in its name, copyright of which is being applied for.

"The Sugar Pine core insures light weight and the strength of the door is derived from the laminated core and the two three-ply Douglas Fir faces."

Sales Executives Visit Home Office

Sherman Bishop, sales manager for Union Lumber Company at Chicago, and W. R. Morris, sales manager at the New York office, visited the company's general office in San Francisco and mill at Fort Bragg in the latter part of January.

Choice Lumber

The hetter the job is done the higger the market (or P(INTTA]III GEME]IT $TUGC(I

Every satisfied owner of a stucco home advertises its meritsand creates future business for plastering contractors. The way to assure satisfied owners, is to see that they get top quality stucco jobs the kind that provide maximum weather resistance, beauty, long life and low upkeep.

A good stucco job requires a rigid, well-framed structure a good base non-corrosive flashing over door and window. heads, under sills and copings and at other points of possible moisture access reinforcement well Uiaaea in mortar and Portland Cement stucco, mixed, applied and cured according to approved methods, for all coats. Plastering contractors are invited to write us for booklet.

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