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"Coiif. Ponel" is the oldest exclusive Plywood Distributor in the West qnd is constqntly growing' Such progress cqn only be mode possible through our policy of ccrrying a well diversified stock ond rendering on intelligent qnd economicql service to our mony Decler cust6ineis. Our quolity ond service ore "tops" qnd our prices ore compeiitive. For pro{its ond reol sqtisfcrction coll "Colif. Ponel" whenever you need plywood.


I EVeneer Eo


TclcphncTRinitl cr,57

Mailing,.'tilnr.'P. O. Box 96, Arcade Station LOS ANGELES.CAUFORNIA

"Make it out of PIYwood" is the slogan of Wayne I. Ratvlings, in charge of industrial and architectural s a I e s for I\{aris Plywood Cor'Poration, San Francisco. He was born in N'Iorgan County, Illinois. came to San Francisco in 1922, and in I9Z7 started to lvork for Maris Plyrvood Company, then the onlY wholesale concern in Northern California selling plywood exclusively.

He decided very quickly that he likect the bttsiness and believing that there rvas a great futttre for the pl1'r,voocl industry, set himself to learn all he could about it. Working closely with Homer B. Maris he gave much of his time and thought to the study of the possibilities of this particular wood product. As a result of the knowledge he has gained he has been regularly consulted in the last several years on plywood problems by prominent architects, builclers and engineers.

Credit for much that he has learned, he says, must be given to his friend Charlie Buckner of Harbor Plyu'oocl Corporation, nationally known authority on plylvood, r'vith rvhom he has been in close contact for the past decade.

It was in great measure due to Wayne's efforts that plyrvood was accepted as a major construction material for many important buildings on Treasure Island for the Golden Gate International Exposition. Incidentally' some of the heads of the plywood industry predict a greatly increased use of plywood as a direct result of the utilization of great quantities of this material in Exposition buil<lings. Mr. Rawlings is an able and effrcient salesman. Individually he has had a large share in ,promoting tl.re ttse of plywood, and his firm has the distinction of having been the first to promote the sale of plywood for concrete forms, for gusset plates and other heavy construction, ancl the first to market waterproof plywood.

He is married and lives in San Francisco. He is Past Master of Golden Gate Lodge No. 30, F. & A. M. Plays a little golf for recreation and has an ambition to break 90 for 18 holes one of these daYs.

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