3 minute read
Since 1888
OFFICE, MILL, YARD AND DOCKS 2nd d Alice Sts., Ocrklcmd Glencourt 6861 which then had in its membership 35 mills in California and Southern Oregon. He was the Association's chief inspector for six years, and wrote and revised their first standard rules. During this period he acquired an extensive acquaintance with the lumber consuming trade as well as with the manufacturers, for he spent six months of each year in Chicago or New York, settling and adjusting claims and doing research lr,'ork. His service to the mills and consuming trade was rendered more valuable after he took a technical course in wood identification and in the art of properly air and kiln drying lumber under the supervision of Professor Arthur Koehler, noted- wood technician, at the United States Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin.
During those pioneering days of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association, starting in 1916, "White Pine" Johnson became a familiar figure 'ivith the Pacific Coast mills and the trade on the Coast and in all the eastern territories. He played a big part at this time in the education of the old time "jerk-water" sawmill operator and "rough shod" lumber grader in helping them adjugt their old ways of rnanufacturing and merchandising to more modern scientific methods. Results along this line were accomplished only after considerable expenditure of time and patience.
For the past three years, "\Mhite Pine" Johnson has managed very successfully the affairs of the wholesale firm of Anglo California Lumber Company, Inc., of which FI. I'I. "N{ac" Luellwitz is president and owner. This concern's plant is located at 6420 Avalon Boulevard, Los Angeles, rvhere they carry large stocks of Sugar and Ponderosa Pine, Redu'ood and Douglas Fir panels.
Back From Oregon Trip
Rtrssell Gheen, manager of the Los Angeles office of C. D. Johnson Luml)er Corporation. and Arthur B. Grisrvold, manager of the San Francisco, omce, returned recently from a rveek's visit to the company's mill at Toledo, Oregon.
Port Orford Cedar
(Also known crs White Cedcr or Lqwson Cypresg) LumberTiesCrossing PlcnksDeckingTunnel TimbersVenetian Blind Stock
Mill Equipment For Sale
Ross Carrier like new, lumber buggies, work benches and tables, also milt equipment from Boyd Lumber & Milt Co., Santa Barbara. For particulars address Boyd Lumber & Mill Co., Santa Barbara, or Meadc & Wagner, 1426 Santa Fe Avenue, Los Angeles, Telephone VAndike 8'167.
Capable Lumberman Needs Position
Single man. 'Twenty years' wholesale office expertience, seeks position as bookkeeper, general officeman, or sales assistant.
Also competent retail yard bookkeeper, estimator, etc. Six years'California Yard Experience. Go anywhere. Can manage business during owner's absence.
Address Box C-739, California Lumber Merchant.
70 miles from Los Angeles, on main highway with extensive sales area, railroad lease; about $18,000 required; profitable annual sales $40,0fi). Address Box C-737 California Lumber Merchant.
Excellent opportunity for right man with $10,000 to invest in going retail lumber and building matedal business in one of largest cities in Arizona. Owner needs more capital to take care of fast growing business.
Investment will earn one-third of profits. Guaranteed cash payment of $150 will be made each month; adjustment made at the end of the year for balance. Total profits from business for last eight months of 1938 over $10,000.
Prefers that investor be inactive. Will furnish fullest particulars.
Address Box C-741. California Lumber Merchant.
Visits San Francisco
Art Twohy, Twohy Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a trip to San Francisco where he conferred with officials of the Gorman Lumber Co.. which firm he represents in Southern California.
Vacationing In Southland
A. R. Graham, Pioneer Lumber Company, Cut Bank, Montana, was vacationing in Los Angeles the early part of the month and called on his lumbermen friends. He made the trip by plane.
of all sizes for sale or tent
4O7 BaY Building Seattle, Vash.
Want To Buy
Small or medium-sized yards anywhere south of Stockton. Information kept rconfidential. Write Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, P. O. Box 1551, Los Angeles, Calif.
Wants Wholesale Lumber Connection
Wants position with Los Angeles wholesale lumber firm, either as outside salesman or in the office. Now employed as retail yard salesmaru Twenty-five years of age; married. Can give excellent references. Address Box C-736' California Lumber Merchant.
Situation Wanted
17 years' experience in retail lumber business, yard superintendent, collecting, estimating, taking off full mill bids, salesman, and capablo of handling retail yard. Married, have family, 35 years of age. Can furnish good references. Address Box G7'{0, California Lumber Merchant.
Salesman Wants Change Of Position
Lumber salesman, experienced in selling both Redwood and Fir, at present employed, wants to make a change. Familiar with the trade in Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, San Francisco Bay districts 'ernd Peninsula. Address Box C-738, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards For Sale
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Harry B. Hewes, well known lumberman of Jeanerette, La., and San Francisco, left New York February 10 on a tour of South American points. He was accompanied by his son, Clarence B. Hewes.
Back From Business Trip
Fred Johnsen, \Mest Coast Screen Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a six weeks' business trip in the course of which he did promotion work on the Hollywood Door in Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado.