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Offer Lumber Dealers ReaI Profit ltem
A wood gdtter will outlive the house. It is prccticclly impossible to wecr out. Not only does its use cvoid costly repcrirs cnd replccement, but it improves the cp' pecrcnce of cornices oI modern houses.
Croes sectionql view showing choice old growth Wegt Cocst Douglcs Ffu fron whicb these grutters qre mcde. Afler kiln drying, gutters cre proc' esged lo c becrutilul scrtiny sudcce recdy for instclling cnd pcinting. Four slock sizee in lengths up lo 40'.
It hcrs the necessqry rigidity cnd strength to carry weight in {orm oI wqter, snow, ice, or lcrdders pl<rced cgcinst it. Firmly qnchored to the house, 4-SQUARE wood gutters lend that crir of distinction which home builders cre quick to qppreciate. These line gutters cost no more thcn others. That's why we scry, "Get behind thi:s good product. Stock it now."