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Explain how Wolnanized Lumber gives dependable protection against decay aud termite damage, yet costs less than a single average repair. Used for sills, ioists, and subfloor, it increases cogt less t\an 2Vol And emphasize that Wolmanized Lurnher is pressure-treated under one standard specification, and sold under one braud lrom coast to coasFit ie reliable.
Leading lumber producers supply Wolmanized Lumber in straiqht or "ni-ed carloadg. It is sold through regd5r trade chaunels, so the dealer profits. Let us send you sanples of selling helps. AMEHCAN tUI4Bm & TREATING COMPAli[Y,l4O8 Old Colouy Building, Chicaso. rBegdrtorod Tradeuarl
Ios Angelea: lO3I South Broadwan PBoepect 4i163 San Fraucisco: 116 New Montgomery St,, SUtter 1225
GUARDINO DEPENDABILITY: Wolnrntrd Lumbor le tho only mtcrtrl of ttr llnd trort.d undu onl rtrndud rprcllortlon md rold from cost to cout undc onc bnd. lt tr drpcndrbb.