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Sealed Lok-foint Lath!

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INSULITE engineers greet its twenty-sixth year with a new step in the progress of struc.nrral insulation as a plaster base.

Now improved Lok-Joint Lath is made with a stronger, integrally waterproofed board,drlt-sealed at the back. The same safe, smooth tenacious plaster base but stronger and with a special dry-seal.

As everyone knows, the invention of INSULITE marked a great step forward in the elimination of moisture between the studding. At the very beginning it did away with plaster droppings and moisture resulting from exposed plaster inside of the walls.

Next came INSULITE'S patented Lok-Joint Lath which shut out wet plaster in the cracks between the boards and made an all 'round tight wall.

This was followed by the industry revolutionizing Bildrite Sheathing, a sheathing which tests prove gives four times the bracing strength of wood sheathing laid horizontally.

And Bildrite Sheathing is so integrally waterproofed with asphalt that it allows lower temperatures on the outside to draw out the last vestige of vapor.

Now comes the newest advance. the Dry-Sealed Lok-Joint Lath made of the same material as Bildrite Sheathing, but sealed on the back to insure lasting dryness in the inner wall.

Sflrite today for samples and make your own tests. \7e will be pleased to send you the booklet "Vapor Gets the Stop and Go with fnsulite." Insulite, Dept. C2O, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Sealed Lok-Joint Lath

Ins-Lite Graylite

INSULITE PRODUCTS INCLUDE: STRUCTUR,AL ITAIER,IALS : Graylite Lok-Joint Lath Ins-Lite Lok-Joint Lath Bildrite Sheathing


Acoustilite Fiberlite Satincote . Smoothcote . Hardboards


When Reason Reigns

A kingly power And till it comes, And travel

Life's final star is Brother For it will bring again to The long-lost Poesy and Will send new light every face, the race. men are slaves, to the dust of graves.


Come, cleat-dhe way, then, clear the way; Blind cregds and kings have had their day. Break t$e dead branches from the path; Our lope is in the aftermathOu/'hope is in heroic men, Sta-FIe6*o build the world again.

To this event the ages ran; Make way for Brotherhood-make rray for Man!

-Edwin Markham.


"\il/'ent fishing today.'l

"What did you bait?"


And from the lips of Truth one mighty breath Shall like fwhirlwind scatter in its breeze I That whfle dark pile of human mockeries. Then shfl the reign of mind commence on earth, And\y'rting fresh as from a second birth, Man in the sunshine of the world's new spring Shall walk transparent like some holy thing !

-Lalla Rookh.


Mrs. Gleeson (at repertoire, hasn't she?

Gleeson-Yes, that dress

)-She has quite a large makes it look all the

Scotch Through And Through

MacTagus, coming home unexpectedly, found his wife in the embraces of an utter stranger. Did his native characteristics desert him? They did not. He waited until the pair were in line with him so as to let one shot do the business of both.

"Chewing do you use

! Never heard of such bait. How

"Well, just put it on the hook. The fish comes up it and goes away. Then when he comes up to hit him over the head with the pole."

Preferred Unanimous Verdict

Rastus was in trouble again, and the judge asked him if he were guilty or not guilty. "Guilty, suh, ah thinks, but ah'd rather be tried 'n make sure of it."

Samuel Go Said

One fact stands out in relief in the history of That is that when com- men's attempts for pulsion is used, end is not gai iesentment is aroused, and in the Only through moral suasion and appeal to menireason can a movement succeed.

The victory of succes alf won when one gains the habit of work.-SagfA. Bolton.

The Ages

Around forty is the OFR ATION and spit, reputation begins to count. Between thirty a man builds his reputa-. tion for integrity, is seldom until he is past forty that he begins, speak, to cash in on his reputation. -August

Pay Preacher

Sign in f clergyman's in Salem, New Hampshire, a Gretna i: "We marry you in tt your car. off

Spirit Song

Loo\ing longlfn beauty

My s\ul bfomes a song;

A son full of rapture

That *ll the calm night long I capture and recapture

Like the silver sounds of rain, Melody eternal, with a throb of pain. -Guy Williford.

E. D. Tennant Passes

Emerson D. Tennant passed away at his home in Walnut Park, Calif., Saturday night, February 10, following an extended illness. He was 64 years of age.

He came from Toronto where he liad rv i d e experience in various branches of the lumber industry. He was connected with the lumber business in Los Angeles for a long period, and in 1922 assisted in the organization of the Los Angeles District Lumbermen's Club, serving as secretary and manager for several years. Later he was associated with the Lumber & Allied Products Institute of Los Angeles, retiring a few years ago.

In 1915 he was elected Snark of the ljniverse. Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo, and at the end of his term was elected secretary and manager of the Order, serving in that position for some time.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ina Tennant; a daughter, Mrs. Lawrence E. Drumm of Los Angeles; two sisters, Mrs. James Barber of Niagara Falls, Canada, NXrs. James Burns of Toronto; and a brother, John Tennant of Toronto.

Funeral services were held at the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, Tuesday afternoon, February 13.

New Enrollments in Tested Selling Methods Now Being Received

West Allis, Wis., January 15, 194O-The second year of Merchandising Institute's active operation has begun with a steadily increasing number of new enrollments for Tested Selling Methods, each week, according to an announcement made today by Hawley W. Wilbur, president of Merchandising Institute.

"Nelv enrollments in Tested Selling Methods," said Mr. Wilbur, "have been coming in faster ancl faster in the past few weeks, and all indications point to a larger increase 'in the number of retail lumbermen taking part in this program. Satisfactory as the 1939 enrollment was, we have every reason to feel sure that 1940 will go well beyond it.

"The program, of course, can be started at any time by any yard. The firms that did not get i.n on it last year, can take part in it during 194O.

"Some of the new enrollments now being received come from firms which tried out the program during 1939 with a few of their employees and are now putting all the rest of their men into it.

"The rest of the new enrollments are coming from firms which have heard of the sales records made by the yards that got in on Tested Selling Methods in 1939. Ninetyone per cent of the retail lumbermen using this program in 1939 are reporting increases in sales directly traceable to their enrollment in Tested Selling Methods. Word about these results seems to be getting around the country."

EIVERY carload of Celotex Products in ! cludes this EXTRA INGREDIENT. You can't see it. You can't hear it. But you can Jeel it-feel its effect on your business as the BXTRA INGRXDIENT -Celotex Adoertising -goes into the homes of your customers in their favorite magazines rnd sells them right at their own firesides, where selling counts most.

You've already seen the full color "Room Jor a Teen-Age Girl" inBebtaary Better Homes & Gardens and other home books, telling your crustomers what beautiful effects they can achieve at lou casl with Celotex Insulating Interior Finish, purchased fron! you. And Celotex Vapor-seal Sheathing and Lath receive plenty of selling push from that other big page-"Tbere's a Better Vay to Bsild"which contains an important economy story for every prospective home owner in your communiw!

More than eight million dollars have been spent to burld Dealers. Those Those profits are protected by our " t b ro agh- re cogni z e d- dea I e rs-on ly" distibutio a policv. Let CelotexAdvertising and the Celotex build-Celotex profits for Celotex policy.

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