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Ne* Graves Flat Typ" Sash Balance Gets Quick Acceptance
The new Graves Flat Type Sash Balance and Glides for double hung windows have had a fine reception from dealers and contractors.
result of their long experience in the field and their thorough knowledge of sash balance requirements.
The 'most important feature is the glide, which is adjustable for groove or surface and may be installed after sash has been fitted. Next in importance is the thinness of the balance. The third featuie is the type of cable used, which rs 7-strand preformed, insuring longer life.
Another feature is the hook, which is specially designed for ease of installation and fitting. The hook requires only 3/16-inch clearance and it is pierced to enable temporary holding by means of a nail at the bottom of pulley stile during installation.
The Graves Flat Sash Balance is engineered to give superior performance. It is equipped with the Graves patented dpring glide that insures perfect operation, without danger of sash binding when used:, in openings in which the upper and lower sash are approximately the same size and weight.
It is believed achieved a high by the Graves Company that they have degree of perfection in this balance, the
When there is a decided difference in size and weight between upper and lower sash, or in the case of a transom window, or when each sash on a single installation exceeds 14 pounds, or when each sash on a double installation exceeds 28 pounds, Graves Mortise Sash Balance should be used to insure perfect lift of each window.