6 minute read
Myer Selected as a Modarn Pioneer of America
Washington, Feb. 3.-Recognition was given last week to scientific progress within the lumber industry, when Dt. J. E. Myer, research engineer of the Timber Engineering Company, a subsidiary of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, was selected as a Modern Pioneer by the Committee on Modern Pioneer Awards, sponsored by the National Association of Manufacturers.
Dr. Myer will receive the Association's.special award for inventions and improvements to the timber connector system of construction. One of the fifteen Modern Pioneer dinners in different industrial centers throughout the United States will be held at Baltimore, Md., February 19, at which time Dr. Myer will receive his award.
The Modern Pioneer Program of the N.A.M. was inaugurated to "award outstanding research workers" in observation of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the American patent system. Through it, those designated as Modern Pioneers will be honored for their contributions to progress on the American "frontiers" of industry.
The value of timber connectors in the construction industry is rapidly being recognized due to the savings realized. In a short period of less than seven years over 18,000 structures have been built in 44 states in which connectors were used, employing over 562,000,000 feet of lumber valued at more than $11,000,000. Communities where timber structures are built are directly benefited since the necessary construction materials may be purchased from local lumber dealers and the structures may be fabricated by local labor.
Dr. Myer has been associated with the National Lumber Manufacturers Association for the last twelve years as wood technologist and research engineer. His work has been primarily connected with the Timber Engineering Company since its founding seven years ago. During that time he has developed and tested different types of connectors to determine their load capacities.
Dr. Myer graduated from the New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse University in l92O and received his Ph.D. degree in 1926 from the same institution for investigations in wood technology and wood utilization.
Appointed Yard Manager
T. O. Thompson has been appointed manager of J. & W. C. Shull Lumber Company at Bell. Mr. Thompson has been connected with the retail lumber business for the past 17 years, and is well known in Southern California lumber circles.
Double-coursing side-wqils with Bed Cedar Shingles results in two mcior benefits to declers. You will sell more shingles, cnd your customers will be more thcn sctisfied with the extrc insulction qnd durable becuty oI the double-coursed side-wclls.
Let us send you <r recsonqble supply oI Doublecoursing Folders to use for envelope inserts qnd overthe-counter distribution Write Red Cedcr Shingle Burecru, Secrttle, Wcshington, or Vcmcouver, Cqncrdcr.
Mahogany Paneling
Philwcll is Philippine Mohogcrny Lumber milled ond reqdy to opply. It provides o beautiful cmd inexpensive hqrdwood wollwhich octuolly costs the builder little more thcm softwood or plcrster.
We recommend Philwall to the Lumber Decler. It sells itself. It increcrses his shcne of the Builder's dollar, provides cr good turnover ond o comfortcble morgin of profit.
Celotex Addg New Products and Colors to Line
The Geo. E. Ream Company, Los Angeles, Celotex distributors in Southern California, are rounding out their large and complete stocks with the new products and colors recently added to the Celotex line for the convenience of the dealer trade.
The addition of these new items increases the opportunity of the dealer to make sales for a greater variety of purposes, in keeping with the modern trend.
Backed by the largest advertising campaign in the history of The Celotex Corporation the augmented Celotex line presents an outstanding opportunity for extra profits for the dealer.
Portland, Ore., January 13, 19,lfThe Western Pine Association has just published a revised directory of membership, corrected to January 10 and superseding the previous issue of March 15, 1939. The listings of member mills and tabulated data pertaining to their products have been revised to cover changes and additions that have developed sinc_e the issuance of the last directory, so the information shown is currently complete. The general arrangement of the new directory remains practically the same as previously.
The Association will furnish copies without charge by writing them at their headquarters office, 510 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon.
The San Francisco office of Dant & Russell, Inc., in charge of Seth Butler, was moved February I to 557 Market Street.
This office has been consolidated with that of Fir-Tex of Northern California, of which E. H. Bacon is manager. The telephone numbers of the two concerns remain the same.
Historic House
A quaint old two-story house with dormer windows and ari enormous chimney was the scene of one of the most important events in our national history. It is the historic Moore house wherein Lord Cornwallis surrendered to General Washington. It still is standing at Yorktown, Va.
News Flaghes
Ray Shannon, IJnion Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was in Arizona last week calling on the retail lumber trade.
J. M. Bedford, vice-president and general manager of the Clover Valley Lumber Co., Loyalton, Calif., spent a few days in Los Angeles around the first of the month.
N. H. Huey, Phoenix, Ariz., lumberman, and Ed Cole, Arizona rancher, were recent Los Angeles visitors.
W. B. Barr, W. B. spending the rnonth visiting O. H. Barr Whittier.
Barr Lumber Co., Denver, Colo., is of February in Southern California, of Santa Ana and C. E. Barr of
W. H. Nigh, in charge of Pine department for WendlingNathan Co., San Francisco, spent several days in Los Angeles the early part of the month. He was a visitor at the offices of A. L. Hoover, Southern California representative for Wendling-Nathan Co.
A. D. Bell, Jr., manager of Eastern sales for Hammond Redwood Company, San Francisco, was in Los Angeles last week on business.
Edwin G. Gallagher, Northern California representative crf Aberdeen Plywood Co., has returned from a trip to the company's plant in Aberdeen, Wash.
E. L. Green, vice-president in charge of sales for Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, was a business visitor in Los Angeles last week.
C. R. (Chet) Aronson, salesman for Atkinson-Stutz Co., San Francisco, is back on the job after an absence of three months due to a serious illness.
A burglar entered the Peninsula Lumber Company's office in Burlingame the night of January 29 and took $7.50 in currency and $2.00 in stamps from the safe. The burglar obtained entrance to the building through a side door, removing the fuses from the switchbox, stopping an electric clock at l0:47 p.m.
From the ftles of The
Years California Ago Today Lumber Merchant, February 15, 1930
The Gold Spot Hoo-Hoo Club held a dinner meeting and concatenation at the Westward Ho Hotel, Phoenix, Ariz., January 18. The members were guests of F. W. Pool, C. P. Henry, C. V. Cadwell, R. W. Dalton and N. H. Huey, lumber representatives in the Arizona territory. Seven kittens were initiated.
Ray B. Cox, Peerless ley, Calif. was elected facturers Assocaition.
F. K. Weyerhaeuser, St. Paul, Minn., r'i'as elected president of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, succeeding T. J. Humbird of Spokane, Wash. Mr. Humbird, who served as president of Weyerhaeuser Sales Company for ten years, resigned that he might give more time to his private interests.
J. W. Wrightson Hollywood, which Wrightson Lumber opened a retail lumber yard in North he is operating under the name of Company.
M.'J. (Ben) Byrnes, San man, moved his office to 24
Francisco wholesale lumberCalifornia Street.
Built-in Fixture president of the Company, BerkeBerkeley Manuthe lnP.
"Knots in Demand," an B. Laughead of The Red wood, Calif., appeared in article with illustrations by W. River Lumber Company, Westthis issue.
This issue carried a personal sketch of Walter Herkenham, co-manager of White Brothers' yard in Oakland.
The Central California Lumbermen's Hotel Stockton, Stockton, January 11. S. Tillson presided.
Club met at the President Warren
An interesting article, illustrated with photographs, on the new plant of the Sterling Lumber Company at Redding, Calif., was in this number.
W. R. Spalding Lumber Company, Visalia, bought Burnett-Carr Lumber Company's yard at Exeter.
Progress Lumber Company at Redwood City was corporated with a capitalization of $250,000. Paul M. Merner is president of the company.
E. L. Reitz announced his entry into the wholesale lumber business with offices in the Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles, operating as the E. L. Reitz Company.
An article, "Cooperative Possibilities in the Development of Better Farm Structures," by Max Cook, director of sales promotion for The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, appears in this issue.
The Shevlin Exhibit, a modern living room paneled in Knotty Pine, was awarded the blue ribbon at the 40th annual convention of the Northwestern Lumbermen's Association, held at Minneapolis; Minn., January 2l-23.
One of the interesting exhibits at the annual convention of the Southwestern Lumbermen's Association at Kansas City, Mo., was a replica of the yard office at Columbus, Kansas, where R. A. Long began in the lumber business and to which the Long-Bell Lumber Company owes its beginning.