1 minute read



Merchcndising sinply meqna tcking things lrom plcces where they cre plentilul cnd distributing them in plcrces where they cne needed. Ol course thct relers to modern merchcndising.

A lcdy I know rcm into cr very diflerent type oI merchandising not longi since. She wqs in Mexico City lor the holidcrys cmd in the shop of cn old Mexiccn chcir mcrker she saw a chcir thcrt she admired very much.

She aslced the price cnrd he quoted her filteen pesos. Filteen pesos lor thcrt lovely chcirl I'll get q dozen oI them for some lriends, thought she. So she csked him how much lor q dozen iust like thcrt one.

The old Mexican ligured solemnly lor c minute curd ihen quoted her. He wcnted filteen pesos cnd twenty-live centcvos ecch, Ior twelve like it. She wcrs crstonished. She wcrs chcrgrined.

Why, she crsked, would he sell her one chcir tor filteen peso6, but chcrrge considercrbly more iI she bought c dozen?

He sprecd out his hcnds <rnd pursed his lips. -SO MOOCHA TBOIIBLE," he said.

And here is c good salesmcrn's story. It shows how c quick-witted employe subtly rebuked cr too vocilerous employer.

The boss wrote the sclesmcm c longhcnd note, giving him c terrific "bclling out" lor something he either hcd or hcrd not done. Which it wcs, does not mqtter here. But the note wcs q scorcher crnd very crbusive.

The scrlesmcrn mailed the letter bqck to the boss with only this notcrtion in lhe corner: "I want you to recd cr lousy letter thct some crude so-qnd-so wrote me, cnd signed your ncme to."

December \(/ater Shipments Equal Same Month of 1938

Shipments of lumber by water from the Pacific Northwest into California in December, 1939, totaled 76,973,ffi0 feet, which was about 300,mO feet more than in December, 1938. These figures were compiled by the Pacific Lumber Carriers' Association, San Francisco. . The figures for the various ports were as follows:


Appointed Yard Manager

F. W. (Bill) Davidson, formerly salesman with the Hayward Lumber & fnvestment Company's yard at San Bernardino, has been appointed manager of the Citizens Mill & Lumber Company's yard at Santa Paula. Head offices of the Citizens Mill & Lumber Company are at Ventura.

Inrreose soles by selling Wolmonized Lumber*

Using the right "line of attack" to sell Wobnanized Lu-ber helps you get new customers, a helpe heep old customers satisfied.

Simply erplain how Wobnanized Lumber is used profitably. When you make it clear that the inlormation can save money for them, ttey're glad to listen.

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