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Many Attend Opening o] Certigrade
"Californian" Home
The opening of the attractive Certigrade "Californian" Home at 4144 Laurel Grove Ave., Studio City, Calif., was held Friday afternoon, February 9. Built by the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, it is an allshingle house with brown roof and white sidewalls.
I{ugh Herbert, mayor of Studio City and prominent motion picture comedian, officiated at the opening which was attended by a large number of lumbermen and building material dealers. The house rvz,s designed by the National Plan Service of Chicago, and Norman A. Morris, contractor, of Los Angeles was the builder.
Jack Ivey of Los Angeles, field representative for the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, was in charge of the opening and was assisted by Foster Pratt, one of the Bureau's Elastern field representatives. Mr. Ivey had many fine compliments on the new home, and also received many telegrams, including one from R.y J. Johnson, secretary to Mayor Arthur Langlie of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey witl reside in the new home.
Western Retailers' Annual to bc Held
at Saft Lakc City Feb. 22-24
The 37th annual convention of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association to be held jointly with the Utah Lumber Dealers Association is set for February 22-24, 194o, at the Hotel Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Among the convention speakers will be Managing Director W. C. Bell; Tom Collins, Kansas City Journal, Kansas City, Mo.; Roger S. Finkbine, Des Moines, Iowa, president, National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association; F. Dean Prescott, president, Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, Calif.; George R. Lunn, special assistant to the United States Attorney General; James H. Kimball, George E. Kimball & Son Co., Hingham, Mass.; and Ralph W. Carney, Wichita, Kansas, vice-president and general sales manag'er, Coleman Lamp and Stove Co. Earl E. LeValley, president of the Association, will preside at the business sessions which start Thursday morning, February 22.
The Old Guard Dinner will be held Wednesday evening, February 2I, with A. O. Sheldon as toastmaster, and there will be a stag dinner and floor show Friday evening, February 23. A splendid entertainment has been arranged for the ladies attending the convention. The annual banquet rvill be held Saturday evening, February 24.
San Francisco building permits in January totaled 815 with a valuation ol $2,486,626 as compared with 650 permits costing $1,490,394 issued during January of 1939.