By Telling Home Owners WHAT THEY CAN DO RIGHT NOW "'/ t0laf h q rA4/* il'btu{
\\ffHILE America fights and plans for its "Miracle W Ho-"" of tomorrow, today's homes must not be neglected! It's your business to help protect them. And Celotex 1943 advenising is helping you do that iob, by telling home owners what can be done-and by urging them to go to you-the Celotex dealerfor materials and suggestions.

Roof repairs and insulation for homes and farm buildings-to save fuel, guard stock, and speed vital farm production-these iobs can be done with materials you have in stock. Extra rooms for war workers
are urgently needed and can be built within limits set by government ruling. This is business Celotex is helping build for you toda/
The new Celotex "'Wartime Guide to Better llomes" is a helpful booklet interpreting government rulings, and offering simple suggestions for property maintenance and repair. Use the coupon to ask for a supply of these booklets for your customers. You may have as many as you can use-FREE! TtIr CrroTrx CoRPORATION, CHICAGO Please send. copies of your new "$?artime Guide to Better Homes"-FREE.

Jaclc Dionne, publishe, llcorporalad uder lbc lm ol Ccliloraiq l. C. Dionr, Prcr. cad-Trccr.; I. E. Mcrtia, Vlce'Proa.; W- l.3lccl, Socrrtory Publirhcd the lrt sad l5tb oI 6crch noath ct 508-$10 ccdrcl Buildiag. llt8 wot slxtb strect, -Lor -!agder, ccl., Telcpho-ac vAadilc '1585 Eatcred cr Sccond-clcr nalt.r SepteEbrr 25, 1921, al tbc Polt OtEc. ql Lor f,agtelcr, Cclilordc, -uEd.r Acl ol l'lcrcf 3, l8?9
How Lrumber Lrooks
Lumber shipments of 451 mills reporting to the National Lumber Trade Barometer exceeded production by 29.8 per cent for the week ended January 23, 1943. In the same week new orders of these mills were M.0 per cent greater than prroduction. Unfilled order files in the reporting mills amounted to 78 per cent of stocks. For reporting softwood mills, unfilled orders are equivllent to 37 days' production at the current rate, and gross stocks are equivalent to 44 days' production.
For the year to date, shipments of reporting identical mills exceeded production by 14.5 per cent; orders by 16.7 per cent.
Compared to the average corresponding week of 193539, production of reporting mills was 13 per cent less; shipments were 1.2 per cent greater, and orders were 3.7 per cent less.
The Western Pine Association for the week ended January 30, 87 mills reporting gave orders as 55,47&000 feet, shipments 54,642,000 feet, and production 37,758,000 feet. Orders ,on hand at the end of the month totaled 333,321,000 feet.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended January 30, 87 mills reporting, gave orders as 23,767,ffi feet, shipments 21,224,000 feet, and production 17,935,000
feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 124,459.000 feet.
The West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended January 23 reported orders as 81,096,000 feet, shipments 76,591,M feet, and production 60,708,000 feet. For the week ended January 30, orders were reported as 96,035,000 feet shipments 72,234,00O feet, and production 54,454,000 feet.

C. M. Speers, owner of the Atlas Lumber Company, San Mateo, announced that the name of the firm has been changed to Atlas Home Supply Company. The company is widening its sales market and is including in its stock many items of regular home use.
The annual dinner meeting of the Gibbs Lumber Company employers and employees was held Thursday evening, January 21, at the Elks Club in Anaheim.
Francis W. Pool of Phoenix, Arizona, representative for E. K. Wood Lumber Company, spent a few days at the company's Los Angeles office.
Just as another ring has been added in the growth of the Redwood tree, our Company has added another stripe to its six decades of service. Like the durable Redwood products we produce, our Company has weathered many stormy periods. This has been due in large measure to the loyalty and friendship of our Redwood Lumber Dealers, whom we have always considered the life blood of our business.
During this present war period our country has first call on our output-so if we canlt always fill your needs or if at times our shipments are delayed or slowo we're still doing the best we can.

Truth, crushed to earth, will rise again; The eternal years of God are hers; But Error, wounded, writhes with pain; And dies among his worshippers.
-Wm. Cullen Bryant. ***
Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker, high ranking American hero, recently returned from that Pacific voyage that caused the civilized wortd to cheer for him once again, and is going about making speeches. He is uttering strong thoughts, couched in strong words. Because of his position and standing in the nation, he can say things in public that others only mutter in private.
In one of his recent speeches he is quoted as issuing the warning that our American soldiers are out there suffering hell on earth that freedom may live; and that when they return from war they are going to stand for no abridgement of that freedom; they will permit no planned economy, no regimentation, no pushing around. {<**
He says an American soldier returning from action in the Pacific and seeing a man in this country walking a picket line and stopping vital production, would probably pull a gun on the fellow just as he would on a Jap. And he warned that our returning soldiers will refuse to let anyone exact tribute from them for the right to work and hold honest jobs. The doughty Captain waxed eloquent on this subject, and named other things we see about us which he predicts the veterans of this war wi[l not tolerate.
In discussing the right to work, Capt. Rickenbacker touched on a subject that worries thinking Americans more than anything except the winning of the war. Strange that people who talk enthusiastically and glibly about the well advertised "Four Freedoms," remain silent when asked what has become of the right to work in this country. Rickenbacker's remarks recognized that fact.
And yet freedom to work without dictation, molestation, or exaction from anyone, is even more important than those other "Four Freedoms"; because if a man can't work, he can't eat, and if he can't eat, what good will those other freedoms do him?
Many virile rumors are going the rounds concerning Capt. Rickenbacker, his ambitions, aims, etc. No need to write them since no one can attest their truthfulness. But it is certain that he is going about this country with all the outward manifestations of a man who has a message to deliver, and is going to deliver it regardless of whether it pleases everyone or not. And if there is one crying need in this country today it is for strong, courageous, honorable men, who are capable of thinking and of uttering their thoughts. We never needed them more. And Capt. Rickenbacker is well equipped and well qualified to srike resounding blows against evils as he sees them; to speak for that most p ecious of all God's gifts-freedom. ***

There are two gangs of shushers who are very articulate in this country nowadays, one of them unwise, the other wise. The first gang seeks to shush anyone who gets patriotically enthusiastic and rises up on his hind legs and declares and proclaims that we have the best dad-blamed army and navy on earth and that in no time at all we'll knock those Nazis and Japs into the middle of nowhere. These shushers would soft-pedal all such enthusiastic optimism. The war must be long; there must be great suffering and sadness; we must prepare ourselves for great sacrifices; our battle-cry should be blood, sweat, and tears, instead of the "Ilell, Fleaven, or Hoboken by Christmas," of the first World War. Those shushers probably mean well, but I incline to the opinion that enthusiastic optimism will do more to shorten the war, than long faces. This war is bad enough without organizing a compulsory wailing wall.
And, of course, the fellow who says the war will be over within a certain time knows just as much about it and has just as much right to his opinion as those who predict an endless conflict. As a matter of fact the opinion of the newsboy on the corner is just as good as that of Winston Churchill on that subject, because neither of them know.
One time a missionary was trying to convert an fndian to his religious beliefs. After listening patiently to the preacher's ideas about religion, the hereafter, the Creator, etc., the Indian squatted down and, with his finger, drew
a circle in the sand. Then he drew another circle just a little larger around that first circle. And he said to the missionary: "Inside that first circle, is what I know. Inside that larger circle, is what you know. But outside ihem both is what neither of us knows, and there my opinion is as good as yours." Get the idea? ***
It was the poet and philosopher, Bobby Burns, whose birthday the whole world celebrated the other day, who said: "It becomes a man of sense to think for himself, particularly in a case where all men are interested, and all men are in the dark."
The other gang of shushers are absolutely sound and correct. They are the ones who are warning the public against loose talk that might carry valuable information to the enemy. No doubt it frequently happens that entirely well-meaning people utter things that fall into the wrong hands, and hurt our war efforts. It's so easy NOT to say things that could by any stretch of the imagination be made into hurtful news. We would do well to follow the cynical advice of the great Frenchman, Voltaire, who said: "When we hear news, we should always wait for the sacrament of confirmation." ***
Or maybe it's the denial, instead of the confirmation that you wait for. The story goes that a certain minister of information sent out a carrier pigeon with a news announcement. As this pigeon flew leisurely along a second pigeon coming from the same direction caught up with him, and shouted: "Step on it, kid, or I'll get there ahead of you. And I'm carrying the DENIAL of your story."
Not many panhandlers are seen on our streets any more, but those few fare very well with our open-handed, fullpocketed, generous people. A certain panhandler stood on a crowded corner one morningr anfl held out two hats, instead of the customary one, asking for alms. "What's the
idea of two hats?" asked a passer-by. "Business is so good," said the frank bum, "that I've opened a branch office." ***
And then there is the flapper who was asked what she thought was worse than a green rookie, and she said a green rookie with bad breath. Which very unsocial subject brings to mind the statistician who was pouring forth reams of figures and facts to a listening crowd. He got to telling about the death rate of human beings, and said: "Do you realize that every time I breathe, a human being dies?" And a wag in the back row replied: "Why don't you try Listerine?"
And someone asked the returned soldier what he thought could be worse than having cooties, and he said having cooties that whistled or barked. And they tell about an American soldier at a lonesome station somewhere in the Pacific, who got so lonesome he started talking to the lizards; but when the lizards started answering him, he asked for a leave.
And soon, very soon, our good lumber friends will be stepping up to the window to start paying their 1942 income taxes. May I again express the sincere hope that when they lay down all their winnings except some small change, no ghost will rise before them and say-"Think of .all the good will I might have bought with some of that money-good will that would be worth a lot to me when this emergency ends." I sure hope that doesn't happen to any of my friends, because I hate to see them suffer.
The other day a *"r, ,iru i" ;": "When we closed our books for 1942 we found that, not counting taxes, we made a hundred per cent profit on our capital; but when we deduct taxes we haven't enough left to declare a decent dividend to our stockholders." And, recalling that my friend had bought no advertising to speak of during that year, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Amendm€nt to Priorities Regulation No. 11 New War Houring for Oakland
Details of procedures to govern PRP units during the period of industry's transition from PRP to the Controlled Materials Plan in the second quarter of this year were made public today with the issuance of an Amendment to Priorities Regulation No. 11 and a short Supplemental Regulation No. 11A.
Purpose of the transitional procedure is to assure materials to manufacturers pending their receipt of allotments under CMP, by extension into the second quarter of a basic percentage-in most cases 7A per cent-of their first quarter PRP authorizations. After March 31, but not before that date, those PRP units which have not been advised otherwise will be permitted to apply first quarter ratings to the remaining 30 per cent of their first quarter authorizations. The quantities authorized, however, will vary in some cases for particular products or industries.
Extensions of authorizations are automatic, and PRP units will not be required to submit additional PD-25A applications.
Necessity for providing for the needs of manufacturers who might not obtain allotments in time to meet second quarter requirements was foreseen when CMP was announced last November, and a transitional period was provided for. The regulation issued today outlines and provides legal basis for the methods adopted to meet such situations.
CMP officials pointed out that, although today's regulation assures all PRP units ratings for a percentage of their first quarter materials, those who do qualify under CMP will enjoy a substantial advantage in securing materials, as purchase orders bearing allotment numbers rvill have a preferred status over those bearing preference ratings only.
Correction to Maximum Price Regulation No.94, Western Pine and Associated Species of Lumber, Softwood Lumber, was issued by the OPA on January 16, as follows: In Appendix A, Section 1381.513, following Table 14, under the heading, Differentials and Rules Applicable to All Grades of Ponderosa Pine, the amount of "$7.50" in item 13 is corrected to read "$2.50."
and Alameda
San Francisco, Feb. S.-New war housing construction for Oakland and Alameda to accommodate families and single men has been approved today, it was announced by Eugene 'Weston, Jr., regional representative of the National Housing Agency.
Mr. Weston said that the construction will include three separate projects, the largest of which is authority for public conversion and lease of existing privately owned structures in Oakland and Alameda into 1.400 familv units.
Applications by property holders for leasing their stores, buildings and homes to the government for conversion into additional living quarters, Mr. Weston said, should be made through the War Housing Centers located at 41714th in Oakland and at the City Hall in Alameda.
In addition, he said, NHA has approved the construction of a 60O unit trailer park in Oakland and a 200 unit trailer park in Alameda, to be completed by the Federal Public Housing Authority.
Mr. Weston stated these trailer parks which will include sanitary and community facilities should, in the opinion of NHA and local public officials, relieve the present conditions caused by congested trailer camps throughout the two communities.
NHA has also approved conversion of an existing building in Oakland by FPHA into a 300 unit dormitory for temporarily housing in-migrant single men until they are able to locate permanent quarters. He said that referral of the dormitory occupants will be made by the Oakland War Housing Center when construction is completed.
The Washington Star, Washington, D. C., reprinted Jack Dionne's editorial from our January lst issue"1943 May Be a 'Re' U'""r"-giving it a good headline at the top of a column. The editorial has been reprinted and distributed bv several business concerns.

Lumber Commission to Act on Wage Increase Requests
San Francisco, Jan. D.The West Coast Lumber Commission has been authorized by the National War Labor Board to rule on applications for voluntary wage increases in the lumber industry in five western states under its jurisdiction, it was announced today.

The WLB delegated to the Commission this authority over wage rates, subject to rules and regulations of the Board. The Commission, when established on Sept. 17, 1942, was given authority over labor disputes only. Since that time, under Executive Order 9250 of. Oct. 3, 1942, the WLB was given authority over wages and salaries under $5,000 a year.
The present action of the WLB extends to the Lumber Commission wage authority granted by the WLB to other special commissions established in other industries since October 3.
The WLB also amended the original order establishing the Commission to provide that actions of the Commission shall be determined by a majority vote. The original order provided that "if the Commission is unable to reach a unanimous decision on any question, the chairman shall decide the issue."
The Commission consists of five members, the chairman, Ben H. Kizer, representing the public, and two labor and two industry representatives. The two labor members are James Landye and William Geurts, and the two industry members are E. B. McNaughton and Dean Ballard.
OPA Rulins on Plywood Distribution Plants
San Francisco, Feb. 2.-Western warehouses and yards acting as plywood distribution plants in servicing the needs of wholesale and retail lumber yards were placed under the same price ceilings today by the Office of Price Administration.
At the same time, the distinction and price differential between warehouse and yard inventory sales and warehouse and yard pick-up sales was eliminated by OPA in amendment No. 1 to revised maximum price regulation No. 13 (Douglas fir plywood), effective February 8.
Today's action also formalized the correct method for determining inbound transportation charges, increased the mark-up on sales of less than 1,000 square feet of plywood by warehouses and yards to customers other than warehouses and yards, and rounded out to 33 l/3 per cent the mark-up allowed in warehouse and yard sales (other than plywood distribution plant sales) of 1,000 square feet or more of plywood.
Carl W. \Matts, San Francisco, California representative of Oregon Lumber Sales, Eugene, Ore., has returned from two weeks' trip to the Northwest. He called on mills in the Klamath Falls area, spent some time at the firm's office in Eugene, and visited Portland, Tacoma and Seattle.
In order that victory be accomplished qt the ecrrliest time with the lecst waste and expense involved, we, as mcny others, hcve plcrced our buying, selling, and greatly improved processing lacilities crt the complete disposcrl oI the armed forces, Crs we engage in total production for victory.
Plecse be cssured of our sincerest desires to crssist in cny wcy possible our mcny friends in obtcrining raw mcrterials or lunber products lor their needs towcrds victory, cnd our hope thcrt in the not too distcrnt luture we mqy regcrin our very much atrl. precicted peacetime patronage.
Guarantee for Quality and K. WOOID I.UMBER Service --, r;fr,
Revised Price Schcdule No. 45
Dollars and cents maximum manufacturers' prices for asphalt or tarred roofing products sold on the West Coast were established today by the Office of Price Administration.
Twenty tables of specific prices for the various grades of strip. shingles, individual shingles, built-up roof materials, mineral surfaced roll roofing and smooth surfaced roll roofing for each o{ the four major Pacific Coast selling areas are included in a complete revision of revised price schedule No. 45 (asphalt or tarred roofing products). The revised schedule is effective February 5.
In effect, the action translates the western "freeze" ceilings previously established by the schedule into dollars and cents figures reflecting the summer of 1941 level of prices and generally maintains the level of prices now prevailing on the West Coast.

WMC Deputy Chairman Harper announces that action to reduce absenteeism to minimum in lumbering industry, through cooperation of management and labor, was agreed upon at recent conference of representatives of both groups in 12 western states. Plan agreed upon includes interchange of data between management and labor unions on individual cases of absenteeism and cooperative remedial action.
Maurice C. Philhps
Funeral services for Maurice C. Phillips of Santa Ana, Calif., who passed away at his home, were held at the Smith & Tuthitl Mortuary in Santa Ana on January 30lfe was 75 years of age. Rev. Perry Schrock of the First Congregational Church officiated.
A native of Wales, Mr. Phillips lived in Santa Ana for 32 years, all of which time he was employed by C. H. Chapman in the lumber business. He had many friends in church, lodge, all branches of F. & A. M., and the lumber industry. Al Malaikah Temple Chanters sang at the funeral services.
Prime grade hardwood logs used in production of aircraft veneer are brought under price control by OPA in an action reducing prices of some sellers of the vital material about 25 per cent. Specific dollars-and-cents prices, grade specifications and grading and scaling rules for yellow poplar, water tupelo and sweet gum logs of the highest quality are established in the measure which affects about 5 per cent of all hardwood logs of the three species (Maximum Price Regulation 313), effective February 6.
WPB says that applications for allotments under CMP are being received from manufacturers in increasing numbers but urges all who can possibly do so to file completed CMP-4A and 48 forms bv February 9.

Named General Manager Union Lumber Co. NHA Administrator Visitg California
Ray Shannon, production superintendent of Union Lumber Company, has been appointed general manager of the company at Fort Bragg, succeeding the late E. I.. Green.
L. E. Grimes has been appointed production superintendent.
Mr. Shannon has been with the Union Lumber Company for many years and is well equipped for his new positi,on by his experience. He spent several year,s at Fort Bragg gaining knowledge of manufacturing and then was transferred to the sales department. He was on the road for a number of years in various territories, and was manager of the Los Angeles office for some time before he was made production superintendent at Fort Bragg.
Lieut. J. C. Snead, former member of the sales department of Wendling-Nathan Company, San Francisco, is stationed at Walla Walla, Wash., where he is Provost Marshal.
John B. Blandford, Jr., National Housing Administrator, visited the Pacific Coast last week to review housing conditions. He examined war housing conditions in the Bay Area, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
His itinerary took him to Los Angeles on Thursday and Friday, February ll-12; San Diego on Saturday, February 13; and San Francisco, Monday, Februray 15. While in San Francisco, he conferred with realtors, builders and war industry heads.
During January, Mr. Weston said, a very substantial amount of public and private housing approved throughout the nation has been for construction in California, Arizona and Nevada.
OPA says all operating and maintenance service charges made by persons renting construction equipment, such as supplying operating crew, fuel, lubrication and maintenance, must be submitted to the OPA for approval. Under no circumstances, OPA states, can a dealer or contractor charge more than the rental for the bare machine, plus transportation charges provided for in Maximum Price Regulation 134, unless such additional service charges have been approved by OPA.
Hal Morgan of Cooper Lumber Company, Portland, has been commissioned a Captain in the U. S. Marine Corps.
fulV 6]@rto/,ifz Sfuul
By l@ch SaaaaAge not guaranteed---Some I have told lor 2O years---Some Less
Following Up His Advantage
Worlds of stories have been told illustrating how much a quick follow-up can do in making a sale or cinching one' but never a better one than the true story of the days of Napoleon. One day when the great Emperor was reviewing his troops, the horse on which he was riding shied and ran, the General powerless to stop the maddened beast'
But a private darted from the ranks, grasped the bridle as one who knows how, quickly subdued the horse and brought him to a standstill, placed the reins in the hands of the Corsican, and saluted.
To correct typographical errors in the printed order and to clarify the language of footnote No. 8 in Exhibit A of Limitation Order L-228, rvhich restricts types, sizes and form of asphalt shingles and asphalt or tarred roofing materials, an amended version of the order was issued today by the Director General for Operations.
The intent and meaning of footnote No. 8 is made more explicit in the amended order. The footnote as amended reads as follows:
"Manufacture of accessories for completing application, such as hips and ridge shingles, starter, valley or ridge strips, and corner pieces and soldier course for sidings, is permitted."
A meeting of the board of directors of the Lumber Merchants Association of Northern California was heiC at tire Palace Hotel, San Francisco, January 30, 1943..
"Thank you, CAPTAIN," said the Emperor.
"OF WHAT REGIMENT, SIR?" quick as thought said the private.
"The Old Guard," replied the Emperor, and the sale was made.
For this soldier recognized opportunity, filled the needs of the situation, and got the Emperor's name on the dotted line the minute he was sold. He neither waited for the Emperor's ardor to cool, nor talked too much. That was quick selling.

Henry O. Wheeler and Elmer Burnham of Tacoma Harbor Lumber Co., Tacoma; Donald Doud, Defiance Lumber Co., Tacoma; T. A. Peterman, Peterman Mfg' Co'' Tacoma, and Ralph Dickman, Dickman Lumber Co', Tacoma, w€re recent business visitors to Los Angeles' They made their headquarters at the offices of Tacoma Lumber Sales, California sales agents for their firms.
A joint meeting of the Softwood Loggers and Lumber Manufacturers and Hardwood Lumber Manufacturers Industry Advisory Committees was held in Washington, D' C., on January 19. Arthur lJpson, director of the Lumber and Lumber Products Division, War Production Board' presided. The three principal topics on the agenda were (1) lumber requirements for 1943, (2) the lumber production goal for 1943, and (3) government aids to production'
Credit Cards Good for Trucks
New Concern Will Kiln Dry Aircraft with Certificates and Other Lumber
San Francisco, Feb. 1.-Vehicles displaying "certificates of war necessity" are now permitted to use credit cards at service stations and to obtain gasoline at stations operating on a 24-hour-a-day basis, Deputy Petroleum Administrator for War Ralph K. Davies announced today at Washington.
As a result of amendment 1 to petroleum directive 62, as amended, credit cards may now be used to obtain motor fuel for vehicles displaying "certificates of war necessity" or "T" ration stickers, for commercial use of motor boats, or for cars operated by governmental agencies. Credit cards may not be used, however, for any other type of motor vehicle.
Amendment 1 to petroleum administrative order No. 4 makes it possible for service stations operating Z4-hosr-a' day to sell motor fuels at any time of day to vehicles displaying "certificates of war necessity." Formerly, stations operating on a 24-hour-a-day basis could sell motor fuels to all vehicles for l2-hours-a-day and only to cars bearing "T" ration stickers during the remainder of the day.
However, service stations operating on a l2-hours-a-day, 72-hoarc-a-week basis may not sell motor fuels to any vehicles except during the l2-hour period when the station is open to all consumers of motor fuels.
Precision Kiln Drying Company, recently organized in Los Angeles, started operation February 1, drying airplane Spruce, Noble Fir and Hemlock. They are also doing other commercial custom drying.
This concern has leased the dry kilns at the CadwalladerGibson Company's plant at 3628 Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles. The kilns, which have a capacity of about 30O,00O feet a month, have been approved by the U. S. Army, and are equipped with automatic controls and temperature recorders.

J. W. Mcleod of Cadwallader-Gibson Company, Los Angeles, is a partner in the company and will supervise the operation.
Retail Lumber Industry War Conference
The Lumber Merchants Association of Northern California will hold a Retail Lumber Industry War Conference in San Francisco on Saturday, March27. The Association will bring together for a panel discussion the heads of the governmental agencies that affect the lumber business who will answer questions submitted by the dealers. Shortly the Association membership will receive blanks for use in sending in questions they want answered.
While our every effort today is directed toward furthering the War Program, we wish our dealer friends to know that we are aware of their many problems; and it is our earnest desire to be of service to them to the beEt of our ability.
To begin with this is going to be something in the ncrture ol q sermon on present dcry selling, cnd will contcin suggestions to the lumber dealer for meeting crnd becting the present emergency. Since this writing will recrch <r considercble ierritory in which there cre tremendous vcrriations oI conditions, plecse keep thcrt lact in mind cnd il some ol the stqtements made or suggestions ollered do NOT rellect conditions in YOUR territory, iust cssume ihey don't mecn YOU, crnd go chead. But the underlying principles thct I crm going to try to get into words, qpply crnywhere cnd everywhere. And get fiIIS: if some ol the remarks hereclter mcde seem to be oI c scolding chqrqcler, remember iwo things: first, thct I crm iust trying to be helplul; second, you probcbly need cr durn good scolding.

First-c text. When Ncthcn Hale, thcrt brcrve, loycl, hventy-one yecr old Americqn boy who was crbout to be executed cwcy bcck in the yecr 1775, uttered those memorqble words-"I only regret thcrt I hcve but one lile to lose for my country"-he lelt an inspiring messclte crnd excnnple behind him lor crges yet unborn. Yet, much crs I revere his memory, THAT is cr bcrd cttitude lor the business mqn who is trying to ligure out how in the bloody blcrzes he is going to mqke his lumber yqrd survive for the durqtion" to tcrke just crt this time. The re<rson I mention it is thct there crre cr whole lot oI good relcil lumber decrlers who seem to hcrve qssumed something ol that attitude. They seem to scy-"This thing is too tough lor me, I ccrn't survive in the lcrce ol conditions, so I guess I'll just be cr wcr ccrsucrlty."
And the reqson ihis editoricl is being written is iust to scy nuis with thcrt crttitude, or with cny other attitude that cssumes that defect is inevitcble. Hcsn't it been scid for crges crnd proven counlless times that the size ol the obstacles iust mcrkes the strong hurdler stronger?
No, the text ol this sermon and one thct the fightingr lumber deqler would do well to post at his mcsthecd ond inscribe on his consciousness should be ihe words ol another illustrious Americqn oI bygone dcys, cr mqn nconed Admircl Fcrrrcgut. You cll remember the immortcrl words he uttered at Mobile Bcry on the filth dcy oI August, 1864,' words thcrt hcrve probcbly been repecrled cs olten as <rlmost crny words in Americqn history-
Bemember? O,K. then. Thct's my text. And the cvercge retcril lumber decler todcy ccn <rccept that text in good Icdth cnd cr f<rmilicrr feeling, beccuse Fcrrcrgut never scriled q sea thqt w<rs more dcngerously inlested with "torpedoes" thcn the business seq the lumbermcrn scrils iodcy, Yes siree, he's got his problems, crnd they keep him scrcrtching his hecrd hcrd during all his wcrking moments, But c little good head-scrqtching never hurt cnyone; in Icct, I've known mcny pcrticulcr instances in which it helped lolks. Old Josh Billings used to scy thct fleas were good lor tr dog becquse lhey kept him lrom worrying crbout being cr dog. And the present troubles thct beset the lumber deqler can do one good thing lor him-they ccn keep him lrom worrying cbout the wcrr, by giving him cr war ol his own. And they ARE.
The lumber dealer has one huge problem; HE CAN'T GET
MATERIATS. Lumber is his scqrcest item, Steel products cnd plywood qre next. His trcde cries crloud lor building mcrtericls. With c housing shortcge thct bdlles description even by cr good describer, the people tum to the lumber decler lor succor,' and he Ieels like q sucker beccuse he hasn't got the stuff to sell them. The trcrde hcs money. It likewise hcs the desire to buy cnd build. Under <rll normcrl circumstcrnces the first obstccle to the scle of building materials is lack of the wherewithcrl to pcy; the second one is the necessity lor overcoming the sales resistqnce oI ihe customer. Todcry the customer hcs plenty oI ccsh cnrd is dying to spend it,' he is suffering from cr building situqtion thcrt rcnges lrom a simple shortcae to c screcming fcmine; so iI the deqler could get the building supplies he would find those two ordincry obstccles prccticclly non-existent.
So whcrt does the lumber deqler do? Well, thcrt question can't be crnswered in cr lew syllcrbles, becquse there is cr vast difference between the manners qnd methods of dillerent decrlers. Just cs clwcys in history, there is c lcrir percentcrge oI deqlers who refuse to tcke cr licking without mcking one helluvq scrqp. There is cnother lot ol declers who sit and wcrit lor normqlcy to return, cnd in the meccrtime luss crnd gripe qbout ihe situation. And there <rre c vast number oI other decrlers whose cttitude toward the situction rqnge somewhere between those two groups And thct's the set-up todcy. BUT MANY A tUMBEn DEALER IS NOT MAKING TI{E INTEIIIGEI{T BATTTf fil}iT HE SHOUI.DORTHAT}IEISCAPABI.EOF,TOENABIEHIMTO IIDE OVER THE EMERGENCY AND RIDE OUT IT{E STORM. He isn t willing to make the chcrnges in his opercrtions crnd cctivities that must be mcde,' he isn't witling to do the thinking thct is esseniicl; he isn t wiUing to do the honesi-to-God lcboring crnd sweciing thct the problem demands,' he isn't crdiusting himsell cnd his business to condilions he does not like, while he wqits lor the retura ol conditions thct he DOES.
When I scy these things I cm not sitting here in the office crnd prccticing necromcrncy. Neither cm I purely guessing. I'm bcsing these remcrrks on qctuql reports lrom dependcrble sources. I hcve crlwcrys believed linnly in the business philosophy ihat-with proper qllowcnces lor crbnormal developments-"business is whcrt you mcrke it." Even in such times cnd under such conditions cs we lqce todcy; I still think so. I think thct the superior merchcndiser is going to hqve cn cdvantage over the weqker one, iust cs he clwcrys did; that the mcm oI mentcrl and physiccl energy will hcve an cdvqntcge oI the lesser hustler, iust cs he clwcrys did; thct the mcrn who ccrn odiust himsell cnd his thinking trnd his crcting to fit those conditions thct lcce him, has c grect cdvcntcge over the
JACK DIONNElellow whose business philosophies crre too rigid to do the bending thct business stomrs demcsrd, In short-with due allowcnces lor such exceptions cs usuclly serve but to prove the rule-I believe thct todcry, qs never belore, it is up to the deqler lo scrve himsell.
How? Friends, no living mcn or group of men could lcy down c rule thcrt would suit every cqse, except in the ghape oI generclities. But this much can be scrid: He must plcce the mcanilying glcrss oI intelligent scrutiny over his business in cll its detcils, must figure cr ccrmpcign ol selling bosed on thcrt scrutiny, must usL his imcginction qs well as his iudgrment in deciding whct he ccrn do<nd then stcrrt working cbout lilty per cent hcrrder ihqn he ever worked belore to make his plcrns opercte. Generqlities? Sure. But not entirely.
Here qre some more substcrnticl suggestions. Remember thct cll men in crll crges hcve cgreed thcrt "Self preservction is the first lcw oI ncture." It gives the law oI grcvity c close rcrce lor being sound crnd provcble. So whcrt you cre dter is to keep your business going lor the durcrtion You wcnt to serve your trcde. Yes. But thcrt's secondcry. Whcrt you crre reclly seeking is your own business sqlvation, which you ccn only cttcin by selling things to your local trcde. First, you decide whcrt you HAVE that vou ccn sell; second, what vou ccrn GET thoi vou ccrnsel: third, you you you thcrt you whct you ccn you ccrn sell; third, how you ccn substitute things you CAN get lor things you CAN'T get, thct will tb the grecrtest possible extent supply possible some of_ the- building nee4s oI your trtrde. And THERE, I sincerely believe, is your greciest opportunity to build your scrles lar <rbove the level they would cttcdn without such specific ellort: YeJ Sir, the lcct is ttrcrt the sclvction ol the crvercge lumber dealer through this emergency is enccsed in three words: THINK! WORK! cnd SUBSTITUIE! while you cre wciting for cn increcsed supply of bocnds, plcnks, etc.
Substitute whct? Substitute mqteriqls thct you CAN get lor those you ccrn't, and use your brcins to decide how lo do it, qnd your energy to cccomplish the selling. The most conspicuous excmples thct hcrve come to my cttention of lumber deqlers who_cre gelting by in good shcrpe, cre thosewhocretcrkirigcrdvcrntcrgeoltheircbiiityatskilUul suFlilution Regcrdless oI the fcct thcrt lumber is very sccrce, the lact still remcdns that there qre tr whole lot of building things the decler CAN get in plentilul qucrntities thcrt his trcde CAN use il the mctter is intelligently pre- sented to them. Don't scy it ccrn't be done uniil y-u try. You'd be qmazed ct the number of dealers who-haoe found thct their trcrde sncrpped up subsdtuted items and mqterials thcrt in the beginning it seemed ridiculous even to offer._ This is no price dcy. A deqler I Imow held cr big bin oI cr certain high grcrde lum-ber item for months, while his hade clqmored lor the sqme item in No. 2 gta.de. It occurred to hirn- on! doy to olIer it to one ol his low grcde buyers, cnd the stuff was_ sncpped up s-o quick it startled him. Plenty ol ci'ear linish hcrs replcced shiplcp in the lcrst six months. A mqn who needs cr wcll isn't despercrlely interested in the per thouscnd price of thct ium- ber. It is shelter he wqnts. -If you_ccn't get the wall bocrrd your tcde wcnts, tell them cbout the wcil bocrd y-" --. still get.It mcy suit them {ne. II you lcrnlt gei the rooling q mqn wcmts, offer him the roofing you ccn get.' It mcy be q rool he wqnts to keep the weqther out, cnd not iust a iertcin mcrtericl.
I know q smcrll iown lumber deqler who hcrs bought and wrecked more thcn twenty old, disused buildings in his territory,-Iound plenty oI good lumber in them, cnd-sold every loot betore the stuff hiithe ground to custor;ers who were- delighted to get it. Every district or lerritory mcry not hcie the scme supply of old buiidings thai could be used in this wcy, but mcny locclitie! do. One decler iold me: "For heaven's scrke,- ion't publirsh -v ii"-" oi cll my com- petitors will get busy belore I ccn corrcrl cll the old structures cvcrilcrble in my tektory."
Whct ccn cr decrler sell right now? Well, first there's pcint. No need to crowd this spcce ielling you thct you ccn gel-crll the pcrint you wcrnt, thct it is reasonable in price, thct crnyone ccn cpply it, cnd thct it is triri:fty tr.ri"J errerywhere; or necrly everywhere. This yecn is the pcinter,s pcrc-dise. Rna wat pcper. Not necrlv -"o -or"r, errerywhere; pcinter's pcrcdise. wcll pcrper. necrly so mcny decrlers sell.wcrll n<r_per gs iell paiq! St;k it. Sell it. Tens oj thouscmds of houses-eierywhere, deterise nousini cnrd othenpise, need wcll pcpei. There is <r nice profit in wcll pcper, Mr. Decrler. [t is'crcsity mercircrndised, re- guir-es smcll investment, tcrkes up little room. Are you overlookini the profit thcrt wcrll pcper -ight bring, Mr, Dealer who seeks for business security?
How cbout ironing bocrds? There cne probcrbly c million delense or other quickly built slncll houees in rhis counlry-todcry in which the ironing rq {one on ihe kiichln tcrble. A decl crnd dumb bt itt-n oo couta seU crn ii-ning Lo-l1d, thct .hcngs,.on the wcll to lolks who live in such houses. ind ironing boqrds trre to be h;a il plenry. Eni there is g -mce profit, cmd nice, cleqn sales, no wcste, no lrouble. How qboui medicine ccrbinels? Ybu ccrn get plenty of them. The scm-e thing ccrn be scid cloui them cs crout ironing bocrrds. All you've loi-to ao is offer them, cnd you don't tcrke c-ny loss when you sell one. n""lr 6;; nrqntels "-*r br hcrd in crbout the same lcshion. There crre plenty ol them. There_ is grecrt need lor them. About cr a"r." other built-in things mtrde "i;;;d ""a gf""" th"t youl-d. rrcke mcrny cr hcbitcrtion more livcble, cqn be hcJ. such <rs chinq closetJ, kitchen ""Ui".t", Uo-ok ccses, brecHcst nooks, etc. Folks don't know cbout theur" -"nJl""'d hcve to sell them, but it would be ri"v to do in c world of ccses. Screen door grilles cre c swell item thct "o,ifJ l. flentilully sold almost ""y pt""". Countless new cnd-old hoJrsing units every*here qre bqrren of built-in things: 'fhey ca'n be hcd.
How cbout windows and doors? For repcrirs, ,"plcr".-"ri*. or smcll cdditions they cre vitcl. You ccn get plenty ol them. How mcrny prospective buyeis ol wiridows crnd doors qre there in youi ""ighuoth""ag- bi-v"o"
(Continued on Page 16)

One oI the most importcnt uses lor lumber in the wcrr is lor circrdt cnd gliders. Some time cao we established crn exclusive aircrcft lumber ycrrd at 710 Ecrst 59th Street, Los Angeles, where we hcve the most modern lcrcilities lor remcrnulcrcturing crrrd prepcring this lumber; which is subiect to rigdd Government inspection

2055 East 51rt Strcet
LOS ANGETES Phonc Klmball lltl
(Continued from Page 15)
know? They crre cr profitcrble line. How cbout screens cnd screen doors? And mouldings? You ccn g-et nlgntV ol mouldings to sell. Sii down in the quiet of your oflicb cmd li-gug_ how to sell everyo_ne in your town-something from_ cr screen niould lo o.2 by 2. They mcrke giand lcttice work Mouldings qre one ol the most profitcble_items cr deqler cqn sell. Are you selling them, lriend ,ortre you waiting lor shiplcp crnd dimension to become plentilul belore tcckling your proJpect list?- And glcrss? Did you know ihcrt glcrssmcrybehcrdin_plenty? Andccn't_you-figure,when voi get to-ligu-ring, how mcmy-pcnes oI glcrss you could sell? Just replcrcing pillows cnd ccrdbocrd stuffed in broken ioor-" woulJmcrk-e you a deient prolit on some plecscrnt sellingwork. Therearewcrrehousespiledhighwithgkrss, Mr. Deqler. Get out crnd promote the sale oI some. And did you know thct window and door mirrors crre ecrsy to get, thct they crppecrl to tle ufomcn buyer qs do lew other building- ihings, cnd they lring cr nice profit? Do yo9 ftro* n *o-ctrinho doesn't like c miriored door? And don't you know thouscurds who haven't got one? Think nbout cement, crnd cll the wcys in which you cqn sell it, cnd the ihings your customers ccn do wifh iL cmd the profit you cqn mqke.
You ccrn't get corrugcrted iron very well, but you ccrn get conugcrted csphclt, and lurnish cr lot ol help to 9e9n!e who need shelier ol some kind. You ccrn get roofing and sidewall matericls oI mcrny kinds. Your brcins wilt help you substitute them to serve your trcrde, cnd keep your scles moving. You will $!d mqY qivertisements in The entfOnmA LIilUBEn fvIEBCHANt cnd other publicctions pointing out prcrcticcrl things thct ihe dealer ccn get cnd sell right now. Read them. Study them. See how thel cppll to YOIIR situctio!, Help your town crnd your lr-cde while lou help yoursell. Offer tliem things they don't hear crbout every dcry. Sell eomething, cnd keep sellingl Substitute! Thcrt's the ticket.
But remember first of cll, DON'T be price conscious. Think in terms ol successful supplying ol someone's buildings needs. If you ccn't gei whct you wcrnt to sell, sell whcrt you gcrn g-et. Forget crs m-uch a-s you can the things yo-u *" cccustomed to cnrd think in terms ol substitution For thie, deqr lriends, is the dcy 9f l!ry_substitute, and ire who substitutes best, profits most. I'll talk to you some more <rbout this lcter. But csk yoursell THIS question right now, Iriend: Hcrve you got your problem by ITS throai, or by YOIIB throct?
Boyd Succeeds Upson a3 WPB Lumber Director
Consolidation of some of the functions of the Army-Navy Munitions Board Lumber Committee with the War Production Board was announced by Ferdinand Eberstadt, War Production Board Program Vice Chairman. Hereafter, the Lumber and Lumber Products Division will handle functions other than procurement which have previ= ously been performed by the ANMB Lumber Committee.
With the consolidation, J. Phillip Boyd, chairman of the ANMB Lumber Committee, becomes director of the WPB Lumber and Lumber Products Division. Arthur T. Upson, who has been director of the division, has resigned.
The ANMB Lumber Committee was established last August to deal rvith an emergency situation in the lumber procurement program of the Armed Services and to render assistance to the newly created Central Procuring Agency, which performs the function of lumber procurement for the Army and Navy. The special emergency activities of the ANMB Lumber Committee are no longer necessary and will be discontinued. Responsibility for lumber procurement u'ill remain with the Armed Services, and the Central Procuring Agency will continue to be the office through which military procurement of lumber is conducted.
Before he came to Washington, Mr. Boyd's home was in Chicago, Illinois, where he was in charge of the southern division of the Weyerhaeuser Lumber Company. He became a consultant to the Advisory Committee to the Council of National Defense in September, 1940, and worked with several government agencies on lumber problems in the interval before becoming Chairman of the ANMB Lumber Committee last August.
The Eureka Ship Builders, Inc., Eureka, Calif., has been awarded a contract to build six 65-foot wooden tugs at a cost of $35,970 each, it was announced today by the Maritime Commission.
Contracts were also awarded for the construction of 29 similar tugs in various parts of the nation.
The vessels, to be built in connection with the Commission's barge program, are the first of their type to be constructed by the Commission.
W. R. Chamberlin & Co., widely known San Francisco shipping firm, moved their offices Febru,ary I to the Mer_ chants Exchange Building, 465 California Street. San Francisco.
The telephone number is unchanged, DOuglas 5420.
C. M. De Tilla, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Los Angeles, has two sons in the armed services. Lawrence is a pitot in the Navy Air Corps, with the rank of Ensign, and Kenneth is in the Marine Corps at San Diego.
ttPaul Bunyan's"
California Pine PLYWOOD
Even-textured, easy-working solt pine plyurood. Hot-pressed or coldglued. Pcints, enqmels crnd lcrcquers cover economiccrlly lor fine level-surIaced finish.

"PcuI Bunycm's"
SoIt Ponderosa crnd Sugcrr Pine
He jostled her a little in the crowd, And she said, "Look out where you're going !" She had not meant her voice to be so loud, And she had seen the white cane without knowing Its meaning. He replied, "I wish I could-" And she looked up to find his face was drawn With sudden pain; and then she understood"The last f saw was stars in Meuse-Argonne !"
She could not think of anything to say, Shame gripped her throat, and would not let her speak; She bowed her head, and hurried on her wayWhen she had kissed him softly on the cheek. And when she sees a white cane, she will know Its meaning; lost horizons-vanished dawnAnd hear a voice, deliberate and slow"The last I saw lvas stars in Meuse-Argonne !"
"American Speech" recently reviewed the language situation, and gives these examples of expressions especially familiar to the truck driver:
A truck that does not leak oil, grease, or water is "house broken." A refrigerator truck is an "ice wagon." An antiquated truck is a "dog wagon." A nitroglycerin truck is a "boom wagon," and the driver of same is a "suicide jockey." Police are simply "the men." A truck that uses too much gas or oil is said to be working for Standard Oil, while one with a noisy engine is a "cement mixer." A poultry truck is a "cackle wagon." A sugar truck is a "crate of sand." If there is no glass in the truck cab it is called a "pneumonia sedan." A sleeper bus is a "pajama wagon." When a driver goes through a tunnel, that's called "a ride in the cellar." When he coasts to a parking place he "beaches her." To wreck a truck is to "stack it up." A driver who leaves the cab window open in cold weather is "training to be an Eskimo."
To Captains in the battle stand, Armed with the keen, the glittering steel ! Obedient to a stern demand, One wounds to slay. The other wounds-to heal !
Sahara Sue let down her veil, and slowly winked her eye, At Private Oscar Vincent Beck, a-promenading by. Now Private Beck was wont to take his romance as it came, But four M.P.'s were shadowing this sultry Arab dame.
He couldn't see the lady's shape, her robe was loose and wide, But his imagination told, of pulchritude inside. Her face would pass, thought Private Beck, for beauty in Oran, FIer eyes were black and full of guile, like Cleopatra's pan.
Sahara Sue kept on her stroll, she turned into a street, As narrow as a Pu[man aisle, and off the M.P.'s beat; While Beck, to fool the army cops, went by without a glance, And they turned back the other way, to give the guy a chance.
The coast was clear, so quickly Beck turned in where Sue had led, The M.P.'s beat him to her door, and this is what they said:
"The season's closed in Africa for hunting Arab quails; It's Eisenhower's orders, Bud-don't talk to gals with veils."
And then there was the paperhanger who was being inducted into the army, and who was heard to remark to his squad mates: "That fellow Hitler! How I hate him! Ffe's a disgrace to our profession!"
The new rookie was told by the Sarge to grab a pail and mop and broom and soap and do a thorough job of cleaning up the Captain's room. IIe went to work busily, and soon had the place clean and shining, except the floor. The floor was still definitely dirty. In walked the Captain about that time, and soon discovered the condition of the floor.

"Soldier," he said, sternly, "didn't you wash the floor?,,
"No," said the rookie.
"No what?" thundered the Captain.
"No mop," said the rookie, without blinking an eye.
Jrom the february l5r I:029,) fssue
Shad O. Krantz, managing editor of The California Lumber Merchant, passed away suddenly in a Los Angeles hospital follo'rving an appendectomy.
Southern California lumbermen held a at the San Gabriel Valley Country Club, February 6. E. R. Maule won the low John Cushing was the low net winner.
golf tournament San Gabriel, on gross prize, and
L. A. Beckstrom, Chas. R. McCormick & Company, Los Angeles, was appointed manager of their Southern California and Arizona sales with headquarters in the Los Angeles office.
T. B. Parcher of Portland, Ore., well known Northwest lumberman, opened a Los Angeles office in the Stock Exchange Building for the Henry D. Davis Lumber Company of Portland.
W. I. Hutchinson, IJ. was the speaker at the Salesmen's Club of San January 29.
S. Forest Service, San Francisco, luncheon meeting of the Lumber Francisco at the Palace Hotel on
An interesting article by A. Merriam Conner on the monthly meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club held at the Hotel Land, Sacramento, January 27, was in this issue.

The Sunrise Lumber Company, Modesto, was incorporated under a new name, the American Lumber Company.
Liggett Lumber Company, Santa Ana, made an important addition to its service-giving department by employing an architect, Wallace G. Hays, to handle its architectural and plan service.
Ohio retail lumbermen and their party, over 1@ strong, visited the sawmill operations of the Hammond Lumber Company at Samoa and The Pacific Lumber Company at Scotia on February 7. Luncheon was served at the Redwood Hotel, Eureka, where they were guests of the Humboldt County redwood operators.
On February 8, they were luncheon guests of the East Bay lumbermen at the Oakland Hotel, Oakland, and on February 9 were guests of the California White & Sugar Pine and California Redwood Associations at the Whitcomb Hotel, San Francisco. They also visited Yosemite National Park, and spent four days sight-seeing in Los Angeles and Southern California before leaving for the East by way of the Grand Canyon, Colorado Springs and Denver.
Ambrose Lumber Company, Santa Barbara, started erations in its new mill.
UIGTl| R High Eatly Strength PORTIAND GEMENT
Gucrranteed to meet or exceed requirements ol Americcsr Society lor Testing Mqtericrls Specilicctions lor High Ecrly Strength Portlcnd CemenL qs well as Federcl Speciliccrtions lor Cement. Portlcnd, High-Ecrly-Strength, No. SS-G201.
(28 dqy coucrete sbengths in 2l hours.)
(Result ol compound composition cnd usucrlly lound only in specicl cements designed lor this purpoee.)
ffilfIlIUM [XPAIlSl0Il and C0tlTRAcTI0tf
(Extremely severe auto-clcrve teet results consistently indiccte prcrcticclly no e:rpcnrsion or contrqction, thus eliurincting one ol nost rli{lisqlt problems in uge ol c high ecrrly slrenglh cenent.)
(Users' qaaurcnce ol lregh stock, unilonnity cnd prolrr results lor concrete.)
Mcnulcrctured by
DfiaelDonald & Harringtolr.e Ltd.
16 C,alifonria SCIeet, San Ftancisco GArfield s393
Creosoted and Wolmanized Lumber 6d piling
Ncw Homes Authorized for Construction East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club Meets Feb. 15 in San Francisco
San Francisco, Jan. 25.-New homes-one thousand of them have been authorized for private construction in San Francisco on the recommendation of Eugene Weston, Jr., regional representative of the National Housing Agency, it was announced today.
Mr. Weston said the approval by Washington covers private construction of new homes in San Francisco. The authorization for construction was received from John B. Blandford, Jr., NHA administrator. These new homes are the first authorized in San Francisco since last March.

Mr. Weston said that, in addition, a very substantial quota for private and public conversions also had been authorized for San Francisco.
Nor did these constitute all the day's developments in housing. Entirely apart from these authorizations, it was learned that very sizable additions to Bay area housing, both in new construction and private and public conversions, have been recommended to NHA authorities in Washington by Eugene Weston, Jr.
"This is good news indeed," commented Fred E. Palmer, manager of the San Francisco War Housing Center, "because builders in San Francisco have been claiming the need for new private housing in this area. Now that it is granted, they can clear the decks for immediate action.
Roy Cross, manager, Nevada Lumber Co., Reno, Nev., was recently in San Francisco on business.
"Submarines-And How They Can Be Used to Help Win This War," will be the subject of a talk by D. V. Daniels. retired lieutenant of the U. S. Submarine Service, at the regular dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 to be held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, on Monday evening, February 15.
This meeting will celebrate the 18th birthday of the Club. Tom Hogan III, program chairman for the evening, has arranged for some exceptional entertainment which will include Billy Lyons and "Johnny Jones" in an excellent ventriloquial act.
A large attendance is expected. All past presidents have been invited. and all lumbermen are welcomed at these meetings.
Seven employes of the Back Panel Company, Los Angeles, who have entered the U. S. Army during the past several months are the following: George Stow, Merrill Morris, David Borunda, Tranquilini Telles, Manuel Caravajal, Raymond Ortego and Jose Borunda.
Harry Gibbens, another employe of this firm, recently ioined the Navy Seabees.
Hal Von Breton, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, has returned from a business trip to M.azatlan, Senaloa, Mexico. He traveled both ways by airplane.
Housing Rectrictions Eased
San Francisco, Jan. 23.-A revision of war housing construction standards, easing in some respects the restrictions on design and material consumption, was announced today jointly by the WPB and the'National Housing Agency. The standards were originally established October 28,1942.
The principal changes, which are of particular interest to private builders, included:
fncrease of 10-15 percent in permitted floor area.
Removal of ban on use of softwood lumber for finished and sub-flooring.
Expansion of areas in which wood frame construction may be used. Elimination of heating provisions, since the major requirements formerly included have been incorporated in the current war housing critical list.
The relaxation of the restrictions on the use of lumber does not mean that the critical character of the.softwood lumber situation has improved,'War Production Board officials explained, but rather that there is an indication of an increase of side cuts in logging areas where no facilities are available for storage. Moreover, the primary need of the armed forces is for timber, and the development of side cuts in logging areas without a ready market may hamper timber production.
In prescribing the maximum floor areas for dwelling units of various sizes in the original standards, WPB and NHA officials acted to insure that the maximum number of such units would be produced from the limited visible supply of critical material. In increasing the floor areas, the revised standards will make it easier for builders to operate within the restrictions imposed on war housing construction, and better-planned, more livable homes are expected to result.
The use of softwood finished flooring or softwood subflooring has been prohibited since the war housing standards were set up in October.
In those states within reasonable reach of the Pacific Northwest and Southwestern lumber producing areas, the use of lumber for war housing construction within certain limitations will be permitted.
All war housing, including public and private, and large and small projects are affected alike by the revised standards, and builders whose plans and specifications fail to conform r,r'ill be denied priority assistance.
The new standards become effective immediately. Copies are available at all field offices of WPB and FHA.
Charles Yerkes, Roddis Door & Veneer Co., Marshfield, 'Wis., was a recent visitor at the offices of E. J. Stanton & Son of Los Angeles, their California and Arizona representative.
Sam Horel is manager of the Wright Lumber Company,s yard at Stockton. He succeeds S. C. Witmer, who passed away January 31.

PORTLAIID CEMEI'IL cll other types
IIME PUTTY, LIME, crll types
Laminated Wood Arches
Three-hinged glued laminated wood arches support the roof of the new Recreation Center at Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington; F. A. Naramore and Associates. Seattle, architects; H. F. Miller, Bremerton, contractor.
There are six pairs of arches, spaced 18 feet on centers down the length of the 70 feet x 122 f.eet hall. Each arch is 14 inches thick x 19 inches wide at the floor, 38 inches at the eaves and 9 inches at the top. The arch ribs were built up of 1 x 6 and 1 x 8 boards, glued with Laucks selfbonding casein glue, and clamped during gluing with fu, inch bolts spaced 16 inches on the curve and 18 inches on the straight sections.

Height of the building is 20 feet at eaves, and 28 feet at center. Roof is built up of 4-inch laminated construction, 2x4's on edge nailed together, with tar and gravel roofing and Thermax acoustic ceiling.
This Recreation Center is a fine example of laminated arch construction, giving full roof support with completely clear floor space.
W. A. Spangler, formerly sales manager for Lamm Lumber Co., Modoc Point, Ore., is now associated with Palmerton Lumber Co., Klamath Falls, Ore.
WPB announces that projects totaling $56,344,612 were stopped during week ended January 22 because they did not contribute directly to war effort. This brings total cost of all projects stopped since October 23, 1942, to $I,27I,195,509.
NWLB authorizes administrator of NHA to rule on wage and salary adjustments of employes of Federal Public Housing Authority, Defense Homes Corp., and property managers of -DHC projects (General Order 27), issued Januarv 27.
Price differentials eliminated by OPA between three w'est coast market areas in Oregon and Washington {o,' lower grades of logs (Maximum Price Regulation 161), effective January 22.
Maritime Commission announces that contracts for construction of 35 wooden tugs have been awarded to seven companies located on Great Lakes, East, 'West and Gulf coasts.
Weyerhaeuser Sales Company has moved its Los Angeles office from suite 92O to suite 1119 W. M. Garland Building. The telephone number remains the same, Mlchigan 6354.
* of Lumbermerr ln Armed Jorees *
Here will be listed, lrom issue to issue, names ol men lrom the lurnber ind,ustry uho haue entered uar ieroice, in any branch ol the armeil lorces. Please send, in the nanes ol oty lumberman you knou ol tho.t we can list here.
James R. Mcleod, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Los Angeles .... Army Air Corps
Kenneth De Tilla, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., LosAngeles.... .. MarineCorps
Robert F. Duttle, Sterling Lumber Co., Oakland. ...Army
Ray Schaecher, Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., Reedsport, Ore. ......Navy

William C. Wright, Wright Lumber Co., Stockton..Navy
Donald G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton .....Marine Corps
Robert N. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton....Army
Edward T. Hodges, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles Army
C. T. Hallsted, American l-umber & Treating Co., Los Angeles .... Navy
George Stow, Back Panel Company, Los Angeles..Army
David Borunda, Back Panel Company, Los Angeles.Army
Tranquilini Telles, Back Panel Company, Los Angeles ..Army
Manuel Caravajal, Back Panel Company, Los Angeles ..Army
Raymond Ortego, Back Panel Company, Los'Angeles .Armv
Jose Borunda, Back Panel Company, Los Angeles ..Army
Harry Gibbens, Back Panel Company, Los Angeles. Navy
Hal Morgan, Cooper Lumber Company, Portland . .U. S. Marine Corps
John E. Morley, Homestead Lumber Co., Sacramento. left February 5 on a business trip to portland.
George Young, Friend & mento, attended the meeting tribution yards in Portland,
Terry Lumber Co., Sacraof representatives of the disFebruary 8.
George R. Kendrick, manager, California sales depart_ ment, Pope & Talbot, fnc., Lumber Division, has returned from a business trip to Portland.
Jas. tr. "Jimmy" Atkinson, Atkinson_Stutz Co.. San Francisco, returned February 8 from a two weeks, business trip to Portland and other Northwest points.
Peter J. Van Oosting, Los Angeles wholesale lumber_ man, is in the Northwest on a business trip. He will visit the Klamath Falls and Portland districts.
Forest Products Lab Adds Plywood Expert
Recognizing the outstanding achievements of the Douglas Fir Plywood Association laboratory in its work on wood veneers and glue, the United States Forest Products Laboratory has reached out to Tacoma, Washington, to Pick Gus N. Arneson, chief of the Association's research program for six years, to become principal technologist in its expanded program. His appointment is effective immediately and he reported to Madison, Wis., January 6 to take up residence for the duration.
Mr. Arneson's entire business experience has been in wood and plywood since following graduation in Forestry at the University of Washington in 1927. He was associated for eight years with the Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporation in various supervisory capacities in production, research and product development departments. In 1936 he became associated with the Association as chief of research and remained there continuously.
In announcing Mr. Arneson's appointment, W. E. Difford, managing-director of the Douglas Fir Plywood Association, declared that the Forest Products Laboratory is the foremost research organization of its kind in the world and has become, with the advent of the war, the fountain head of the government's vitally strategic program of wood utilization.
"To answer the multitudinous problems involved in adapting forest products to war uses and to answer them quickly and positively, the laboratory has expanded its staff enormously bringing in skilled technicians from industry, colleges and universities," Mr. Difford said.
"The results of this expansion are now being felt in the Army Air Forces where plywood cargo, transport and trainer planes and gliders are now in production; in industry where new plywood and wood containers are carrying the material of war to the armed services; in the Navy, where wood and plywood ships, radical in design, are bringihg the war to the enemy."
Significant in the whole program at Madison is the increased reliance on plastics and synthetic resins in combination with wood veneers to answer many of these war industrial problems, according to Mr. Difford. To this phase of the program, he said, Mr. Arneson brings specialized knowledge since the development of Exterior type
plywood in the fir industry has gone hand in hand with the improvement in the technique of using synthetic resins as plywood binders.
At Madison, Mr. Arneson will be assigned to the division which is concerned with fhe problems of laminated structures, particularly aircraft. His duties will involve consultation with the armed services in their wood and glue problems, then breaking those problems down into laboratory research projects.
"As chief of the plywood Association's research program since 1936, Mr. Arneson was responsible for initiating the expansion of the work as an integral part of the industry's enlarged plan of cooperative efforts," Mr. Difford declared. "In the expansion program the research

staff was more than doubled, much new equipment was purchased and an entire building was leased and remodeled to allow for the present scope of activities and to permit future further expansion already planned."
Typical of the achievements of the Association's research is the glueJine study which in four years has advanced several fold the knowledge of plywood glue lines and binders, Association officials said. This study not only has involved increasing the number of glue line tests on current production to the present rate of over 150,000 per year, but also has included the establishment of the most elaborate system of glue-line exposure fences to be found anywhere in the United States.
At the principal field location near Puyallup, Washington, several acres are covered with fences upon each of which are scores of samples of plywood dating as far back as 1938. With these samples of current production, the Association's research men are able to compare the results of the original laboratory tests with the effects of progressive exposure to the weather over a period of years. In this way not only the authenticity of accelerated testing in the laboratory can be predicted, but the accumulative evidence
contained on the fences provides, according to the Association research men, a store of specialized information that is not available anywhere else in the United States.
In addition to the fence at Puyallup, other fences have been set up and provisioned in Central Washington and Southern California where climatic conditions provide variables to those found near Tacoma.
Other research studies of a long-time nature carried on in the Association laboratory undcr Mr. Arneson in addition to the glue-line studies, are those dealing with plywood paints and sealers.
Mr. Difford explained that specific product research has become an increasingly important part of the Association research program during the war, pointing to the container program involving the designing of new plywood boxes to carry gasoline, oil, chemicals and other products vital to the war effort. The gluing of sliced vertical grain fir plywood in order to establish more closely the exact physical properties of the material for the aircraft industry is also a current laboratory project.
"The work of the plywood laboratory will continue to
expand under the long-range program outlined by Mr. Arneson since his duties will be carried on by Nelson S. Perkins, Association chief engineer and J. D. Long, Association agricultural engineer, since 1940 and previous to that Professor of Agricultural Engineering at the University of California," Mr. Difford stated.

Mr. Perkins as chief engineer has been closely in touch with the entire research program through his direction of the physical testing studies which are now being published chapter by chapter in the new Engineers'lfandbook "Technical Data on Plywood."
"Mr. Long is being brought in from the field to direct the continuation of research in farm structures which in the past two years has embraced 59 separate projects in 32 different agricultural colleges," Managing Director Difford said. "Recognition of the importance of the farm market in the post-war period has dictated the decision to accelerate this already extensive research project and Mr. Long, through his years at the University of California, will add his wide scholastic experience in a specialized field to the overall plywood research prog'ram."
Lumber irs mcking history in this globcl wcrr. Its mcny uses will make an interesting story when it ccrn be told. We believe the lumber business will be bigger and grreater than ever when victory comea. Mcry it be soonl
5800 Centrct trve. {th & E Strcctr
Los ANGELESTwo Warehouses to Serve You sAN DIEGo ADcrrrs ltt' ftatrtin tgfll
Prices of \(/ooden Agricultural
Containers Upped
San Francisco, Feb. 4.-Prices for western wooden agricultural containers-used in shipping and storing fruits and vegetables-were increased about 8 percent today by the Office of Price Administration to cover increased production costs since 1941.
Completely revising maximum regulation No. 186 (western wooden agricultural containers), the OPA set new dollars and cents ceiling for shook-the finished lumber used in the manufacture of containers-warehouses and delivery charges and extra workings.
Generally, the revision effects an increase of $4.00 per thousand feet of shook, $1.00 per thousand feet for warehouse and delivery charges, and 10 per cent for extra workings.
The action, effective February 3, 1943, also makes special provisions for metropolitan factories and for retail sales and institutes a modified pricing basis for items produced in the states of Washington and Idaho, and the counties of Baker, Umatilla, Wheeler and Union in the state of Oregon-an area defined in the regulation as the "northwestern area."

The regulation covers wooden agricultural containers produced in California, Idaho, Oregon, W'ashington, Montana, \Myoming, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado.
The measure will relieve metropolitan box factories by permitting them to sell agricultural shook in quantities of less than 10,000 feet at a price $5.00 per thousand feet more than prices established for the other producers. OPA found that metropolitan plants have higher costs than mills located in forest areas, so that the $5.00 premium is necessary in order to assure continued supplies to users in or near metropolitan areas. A metropolitan "mill" is defined as one which has 66 per cent of its total production in industrial shook and delivers agricultural shook within a radius of 25 miles from the cities. listed in the regulation-Oakland, San Francisco and San Pedro in California; Portland and Salem, Oregon; and Seattle, Spokane and Tacoma in Washington.
Another change in the regulation establishes a special
$5.00 mark-up which may be added to the maximum prices on small retail sales under 2,000 feet. If a retail sale is made out of a warehouse a charge for delivery may be
The revised regulation also changed the method of pricing items produced in the Northwest area. All items produced in the Northwest area now are priced f.o.b. mill, but full freight based upon an 18OO pound weight for shook and 2700 pound weight for car strips may be added to the basic price.
The revision distinguishes between two groups of warehouses-(l). the "mill warehouse" which is at the mill, and (2) the "distribution warehouse," that is awav from the mill. On a shipment of 30,000 pounds or more, a distribution warehouse may make an addition of $2.00 per thou;and feet (or 10 cents per hundred units of unitized stock) ; but mill warehouses cannot m'ake these additions. On a shipment of less than 30,000 pounds both types of warehouse may make the additions.
Union Lumber Company has moved its Los Angeles office from suite 923 tn suite 623 W. M. Garland Building. The telephone number is the same, TRini\, 2282.
James R. Mcleod, son of James W. Mcleod of Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Los Angeles, is now a cadet in the Army Air Corps, in training at Arlington, Calif.
WBP says that subcontractors who cngage in building of logging roads and persons r,r'ho carry on contract-hauling of logs are entitled to benefits of Preference Rating Order P-l38 (Pro P-138, Interpretation 1), issued Januarv 21.
R. R. (Dick) Proctor has closed the Valley Lumber & Wrecking Co. at Colton, Calif., for the duration. For seven years, from 1928 to 1935, Mr. Proctor was a branch manager for the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., and on January 13 returned to their employ as manager of their Riverside yard.
Reprerenting in Southern Californic: The Paciftc Lumber Company-Wendling-Nathan Co
"the Personal Seraice frIan" #,"1i",4
Port Orford Cedar
Questions and Answers on Conservation Order M-208
The following questions and answers, designed to explain more fully Conservation Order M-208, as amended January 12, 1943, were issued by the Lumber and Lumber Products Division of the War Production Board:

a. To what material does M-208 apply?
A. The new Order (Conservation Order M-208 as amended January 12, 1943) includes lumber from all of the softwood species of trees. In addition to the species specifically mentioned in paragraph ("), the order applies to lumber from all of the coniferous or evergreen trees, such as redwood, red cedar, and tamarack.
Unlike the old Order (Conservation Order M-208 and its five amendments, before revision on January l?th)' the new Order is also applicable to wood shingles and wood lath.
It should also be noted that the new Order includes those grades of Douglas Fir lumber not restricted under Limitation Order L-2I8; i.e., No. 3 common boards, dimensions, and timbers, and all grades of factory and shop lumber. The new Order is also extended to which is specifically released for distribution under the terms of M-208 by the Administrator of L-2I8.
a. Are "producers" and "box factories" affected by the Order ?
A. Yes. Producers and box factories are subject to all provisions of the new Order, insofar as the provisions are applicable to them, since the specific restrictions contained in the old Order from which producers and box factories $''ere exempted have been eliminated.
a. What effect do the "Classes" of orders of the former M-208 have?
A. None. "Classes", grouping several different ratings, have been eliminated. The new Order assigns specific preference ratings for certain uses, and each rating assigned by this Order or any other Order, regulation, or certificate will take its own rank in order of preference, according to Priorities Regulation 1 1-
a. What effect will AAA and AA-1 ratings have?
A. They will have preference over the lower ratings assigned by this or any other Order in accordance with the provisions of Priorities Regulation 1, but they are not assigned by this Order and so are not mentionecl ir. it.
a. I{ow are the other ratings handled such as those assigned for war housing, PRP, remodeling authorized on P-l10 certificates. or PD-1A's?
A. Each rating assigned by any preference rating order, regulation, or certificate will be treated in exactly the same manner as ratings assigned by this Order. (See Priorities Regulations 1, 3, and 11.)
a. What if an order is assigned one rating according to the use lists of M-208, and is also assigned a different rating by some other regulation ?
A. Either rating may be used. If the rating assigned by M-208 is higher, then the M-208 rating may be applied, or vice versa. However, only one rating may be used; that is, though two or more ratings may be applicable to one (Continued on Page 30)
Pressure-Treated Wooden Manhole Covers lnstalled in Los Angeles Create Nation-Wide Interest
Hundreds of inquiries pouring into West Coast engineering offices emphasize the country-wide interest aroused by pressure-treated wooden manhole covers installed in Los Angeles county. Building commissions, municipal engineers, and sewerage and water commissions-from whom the inquiries come-see the new covers as a wartime boon for cities where sewage and water systems must expand with the new housing districts being built for industrial workers.

Adapted to construction in lumber yard woodworking shops, the new wooden covers are stripped of all metal except bolts, nails and reinforcing rods; they chalk up a saving of.250 pounds of cast iron each.
West Coast dealers are rounding up short pieces of lumber that normally would be discarded so they will be able to meet the new demand for wooden covers. Depending on the kind of shop machinery available, manhole covers may be fashioned in either hexagonal or circular shape. Plans call for nailing Z-inch by 8-inch laminated strips with four 20 penny nails to each strip and running at least two fi-inch bolts through all members, countersinking both bolt ends. Where it is difficult to secure nails and bolts, Los Angeles officials point out that wood dowels and waterproof glue may be used until the quicker and easier method of construction with metal binders is possible.
Circular covers of laminated wood can be turned out in one operation on the tilted table of a band saw. Hexagonal covers may be fabricated with a more limited amount of equipment. Cost of covers varies according to locality. Lumber yards are able to make the covers at a low price because this "sideline" manufacturing does not cut into regular lumber stocks.
The hexagonal cover is 37/, inches overall diameter and is 321 inches between opposite faces. Faces are |B/a
inches. Two lifting slots, each 3 inches by fu inches, ate set in 8 inches from the opposite corners. Weight of the metal-bound cover is approximately 130 pounds; the gluedin dowel cover weighs slightly less. Lumber requirements for the Los Angeles covers called for 63.3 board feet of Douglas fir (No. 1) treated with Wolman Salts preservative or creosote. The frame uses 0.14 cubic yards of Class "A" concrete.
Wear and splintering of the wood is reduced by laying the laminated strips at a 45-degree angle to the line of traffic, applying a thin coating of emulsified asphalt-covered with dry sand or pea gravel-to the top surface of the wood cover, and keeping the surface of the cover flush with the roadway.
George A. Hill, sales manager, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a 30-day trip to Mexico where he called on the sawmills which are the company's sources of supply of Mexican hardwoods.
In the course of his trip, Mr. Hill used methods of transportation ranging from the most modern to the primitive, including airplane, automobile, mule and rowboat.
Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany
West Coast Holds Annual Meeting
Tacoma, Washington, January 29.-The West Coast lumber industry carried out its war obligations in 1942 by producing a weekly average of 1.3 per cent more lumber than in 1941, and 20 per cent more than in 194O, Orville R. Miller, president of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, said today at the annual meeting of the Association in Tacoma. Mr. Miller pointed out that lumber, unlike most other war industries, was able to accomplish near-capacity production as early as the last quarter of 194O, to supply the enormous first demands of the cantonment program, and that it maintained a production overload through 1941 and most of 1942.
"With no time out for plant cohversions, with no delays for government financing or Federal Defense Plant construction, the West Coast lumber industry was in its stride when war was declared," the Association head stated. "No small part of the success of the war agencies in rapidly reaching a full vi'ar readiness was due to the ability of our industry to meet promptly all requirements for lumber.
"The industry is meeting here with the war agencies of the government for mutual information on the vital problems of supplying the rvar requirements for West Coast lumber in 1943. The industry is prepared for another year of determined effort, despite critical manpower and equipment shortages.

"There has always been lots of wood and as a result it is looked upon as a too commonplace commodity," Mr. Miller said, "but war has again demonstrated its indispensability. The cantonments came first, then the shipyards, ordnance plants, houses for rvorkers, and warehouses; airplanes of all kinds-training ships here, gliders, fighters, bombers and transports here and in England; plywood; pulp and paper, containers and boxes; docks, and now hundreds of wood ships and barges; and the spectacular lighterthan-air ship hangars. Wood is, in all these, doing its part in defending our liberties.
"Despite difficulties too numerous to mention, the industry's record is good to date. I ask that it be kept that way. Keep every ax swinging, keep every 'cat' hauling logs, keep every truck rolling never less than 48 hours per week, and when the days permit, 54 to 60 hours. In total war nothing can be wasted; neither your time, your equipment or your enthusiasm. Keep the logs coming. Keep the saws turning.
"Over and above those 48 to 60 hours of war work we have got to slip in extra hours to think about what we are gqing to do when this war is over," the Association president concluded. "An industry which is doing so much in the war certainly can be prepared to face the obligations of peace with that same determination. I am not suggesting a specific program, but it must include the fields of progressive forestry, research by industry and local institutions in forest products, and constructive work in public relations-all to the end of full employment under private enterprise."
Mqiling Ad&ess: Telephone: P. O. Box 126, Vemon Stotion Klmboll2l4l 4940 District Boulevcrd
"Buy from cr'W'holesoler"
Pictured crbove cne six 77'trusses, with TECO Timber Connectors crt crll ioints, fcbricqted crt cr cenhal fabricctingr plcrnt cmd hculed by truck to the iob sitethree miles disicmt-recdy lor erection
For litcrcture or conrultiag rewicee on TECO Tinber Coraccton get in touch wlth
Brocdwcry Bldg., Eugene, Oregon
Wholesale Distributors of Forest Products
"tfffifi"ftfiH'J' Monqdnock Btdsr. SAN F'RANCISCO YIIkon 1590
Questions and Answers on Conseryation Order M-208 As Amended
sale, only one rating may be applied or extended for that sale. See also paragraph (b) (3) of Priorities Regulation 3.
a. May ratings applied or extended to a distributor after January 12, 1943, be extended by the distributor for replacement in inventory of the material so delivered?

A. Yes. Any rating of any kind from any source, correctly applied or extended to a distributor after January 12, 1943, may be extended by that distributor for an equal number of board feet of substantially similar items of softwood lumber, provided that such delivery does not increase the distributor's stock beyond a practicable working minimum inventory, as set out in Priorities Regulation 1.
Note: The term "distributor" as used in these questions and answers means any lumber dealer, either retail or wholesale, who buys and sells lumber.
a. May ratings applied or extended before January 12 to orders from a distributor be extended by the distributor after January 72 lor replacement in inventory?
A. (a) Any rating applied or extended before or after January 12th to orders for material delivered on or after January l?th may be extended for replacement of inventory as permitted in Priorities Regulation 3.
(b) Ratings of AA-2X or higher applied or extended to a distributor before January lZth may be extended by him after January l?th for replacement in inventory as permitted in Priorities Regulation 3.
(c) Ratings of AA-5 and lorver applied or extended to a distributor for material delivered before January IZ may not be extended by him after January 12 lor replacement in inventory.
a. What about AA-3 and AA-4 ratings applied or extended before January 72?
A. Under the old Order, these ratings are Class 2 ratings, and as such were automatically considered AA-2X ratings, which can be extended for replacement in inventory after January 12.
Note: AA-3 and AA-4 ratings applied or extended after January 12 may be extended as AA-3 or AA-4 respectively, but may not be raised to AA-2X. (See Answer c to Question 8 and Question 3.) _10_
a. If a distributor has received, before January 12, a rated order for material which he cannot deliver out of his inventory, may he extend the rating to purchase material with which to fill the order?
A. Yes. To fill any rated order a distributor may ex-
from Page 27) tend the rating, rvhether assigned by the old or the new M-208, or by any other Order, regulation, or certificate, to obtain material which he does not have in stock. However, a new higher rating assigned by the new M-208 may not be applied or extended on an order which has already been rated prior to lanuary 12.
a. How may distributors purchase Douglas Fir lumber ?
A. By placing a rated order with any pr,oducer in position to accept such order. As fir lumber is cut by producers, a certain part of the cut will not be required for needs of the direct war agencies. Producers will retain this part and from time to time will make application for a general release from the restrictions of Limitation Order L-218 of the quantity so accumulated. Then when such a quantity is so released the producer is free to sell this quantity,of Douglas Fir lumber subject to Priorities Regulation 1 and provisions of M-208, just as for any other species of softwood lumber, and distributors must sell lumber so purchased according to the provisions of M-208.
a. May ratings for Douglas Fir lumber be applied for on PD-IX forms?
A. Yes-although Douglas Fir will not be available in large quantities, and distributors should request ratings on an alternate species if Douglas Fir cannot be obtained.
Office and counter man, also a good yard clerk. Reliable men have unlimited opportunity. Address Southern Lumber Company, 1402 South lst Street, San Jose, Calif.
Do you want to liquidate for the duration? See us. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers,80l Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Best Lumber Yard site in California, complete with office and sheds. This war will be over. Building will boom.
Here is an opportunity to be ready to start instantly. Unheard of bargain. Act at once.
Address Box C-982, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
Areta Rcdwood Co. {20 Muket Strect,.................,.YUkon 2ll6il
Atlim-Stutz Conpuy, ll2 Mslet Street ,..,. ..........GArfieId lt09
Dant & Russell, Inc., 2ll Ftut Srct .........,.......,GArfield 0292
Dobeer & Crm Lmbcr Co., lllE Mcrc.hmtr Exchuge Bldg.....Sufts 7{55
Gmscton & Gr.s Lubcr Co., lEo Any Strrct ...,.,....ATwater 1300
Hall, Jmee L, : 1032 Millr Bldg. ....................SUtter ?520
Hmmond Lumba Cdpany, 417 Montgomary Strct ..........DOug1il 33tit
Holma Euro&a Luber Co., ll05 Fimcial Center Bldg.......GArfreH rgzl
C. D. Johnrcn Lmbcr Corporation, 260 Callfomia Stret ..,.........GArficld 6256
Carl H. Kuhl Lmbcr Co., O. L. Rueem, ll2 Mryket Stret...YUkon 1460
Lmon-Bomington Campmy, 16 Califomia Stret ..........,.,..G.l\rficld 6E6l
MacDonald & Hmington, Ltd., 16 Califomia St, .......,.......,.,GArfield t393
Oregon Luber Saler (Carl W. \l/atts), 975 Monadnoc& Bldg. ..,...,.....,...YUkon l59ll
Pacific Lumber Co., Thc 100 Bueh Street ...........,......,GArficld 116l
Pope & Talbot, Inc., Luber Divirion, 16l M*ket Stret ..,..............DOug|* 2561
Rcd River Lumber Co., 315 MonadnocL Bldg. ..............GArfield 0022
Suta Fe Luber Co., 16 Califqnia Stret ......,........ EXbrok 20?4
Schafer Bros Imber & Shingle Co., I Dru Strcct ............,........Suttcr l7?l
Shevlin Pine Sale Co., 1(F0 Monadnock Bldg. ...,...,....EXbrook ?O4r
Sudden & Chrictenon, Inc., 310 Susme Stret ..,......,...,.GrA,rfield 2E46
Carl W. Watts (Orego Lmber Salc), 975 Monadnck Bldg. ..........,.....YUkon l59l
Wendling-Nathan Co., U0 Market Stret ,. ., ........Suttq 5363
Wcct Oregon Luber Co., 1995 Evils Avc. ..................ATwatcr 56?t
Ewq.um- BoI Co. (Pyroid Lubcr Sals Co.)
Pactfic Bldg. ..Glrnmrt E29B
Guenton & Grea Lmbcr Co., 2ll0l lJvingston St...............,.KE!|og 1-16&
Hill & Mortm, Inc.
Demion Stret lVharf..........ANdover lO??
Hogan Lumber Compuy, 2nd ud Alie Stratr........,...Glarcourt 666t
E. K. TtI@d r -Fh.r Co{ Frcderlck md Khg Stret.........KEIog ZAnz
Wholcrale Imber Distributors, Inc., 9th Avenuc Pier.....,.,........Twinoak. 2515
Arcata Redwod Co. (J. J. Rea)
E. K. Wod Lumber Co. I Dmm Stret ..........,.......EXbroL Sllll
lVeyahacuacr Salcs Co., l{9 Califomia Stret .GArfield 69?l
Whitc Brcthcrs,Fifth ed Brmnu
Ameriq Lunba & Treating Co., U6 New Montgomry Str.et.........SUttGr 1225
Butcr, J. H. & Co., 3:l3 Montgomcry Street Douglar 3tE3
Hall, Jamec L., 1032 Milb Btds .....................Sutt.r 7520
Pope & Talbot, Inc., Lmbor Divkion, 461 Markat Strect..........,....,..DOuglar 25tl
Vudcr Lau Ptling & Lmber Co., 216 Pine Stret...., ....,.......... Exbroo& 4905
Wendling-Nathm Co., ll0 Markct Stret,...........,.......Suttcr 5363
Califomia BuiHen Supply Co., 700 6th Avenue ...,Hlgat.60l6
Hogm llmbr Company, 2nd ud Alie Stretc............Glenourt 6Etl
lf,/eEtem Dor & Saeh Co., Sth & Cyprcca Stret.. .TEEplebar E400
Strablc Hudwood Compuy, Fint ud Clay Strets.......,.TEmplebu 55E4
White Brcthers, 500 High Stret..,...,....,....,,..ANdovcr l6lt0
5{10 Wllshiro Blvd............,...WEbrter 7&l!
Anglo California Lrnber Co., 655 Eat Floreno Avme...,..TRomwall 314{
Atkinrcn-Stutz Compuy, 62E Petrolzum BIdg...............PRo4ct t3ll
Brurh Induetrial Imber Oo., 50lll S. Catral Ave. CEntury 2-01t6
Burns Lumber Company, 9455 Charlcvillc Blvd.. (Bevarly Hilk),...,.....,....,BRadshaw 2-336t
Can & Co. L. .f. (W. D. Dming),
43t Chmber of C.mmere Bldg. PRospct t643
Copcr, W. E.,
606-68 Richfield 81dg......... ;,....Mutual 213r
Dant & Rusaoll, Inc.,
612 E. 59th Street........,........,..ADm, Elol
Dolbcs & Caron Lumber Co., 901 Fidelity 81ds...................vAndikc s?92
Ed. Fountain Imber Co., 62E Petrolm Bldg..,....,......,PRoapect 4341
Humond Lumbcr Compuy, 2010 So. Alameda St...... ........PRolpect l33if
Holms Eweka lambcr Co., 7u-712 Archit*ts Bldg..,...,.,...Mutual 9tEr
Hover, A. L., 5ZzS Wilshira Blvd....................YOrk 116t
C. D. Johnon .Ilmber Corporation, 606 Pctrcleun Bldg.........,......PRopcct 1165
Carl H. Krhl Lube 6., 704 S. Sprirg St....................VAndikc 6033
I:wrae-Philipr lambcr Co., dl3 Pctrolon BldS..,............PRorpect 8174
L. W. MacDmald 714 W. Olympic Blvd... ...........PRospect 71e4
MrcDoald & Hurtagton, Ltd., Pctrclsu Bldg................,...PRopct 3lZ
Paclfic llnbcr Co., Thc U5 Wilthirc 81vd.....................YOrk 1r0E
Penberthy Lmbc Co.,
2055 Eut Slst St.....................Klmball Sril
Pope & Talbot, Inc., Lumber Divirion, 714 W. Olympic Blvd...,.........PRospect EAI
Rcd River Lmber Co.
?02 E. Slau$D. .CEntury 290?1
lfill S, Brcadway.,..........,...,.PRospect 03ll
Reitz Co., E. L., 333 Petrclm BldS.............,..PRolpect 2369
Su Pedro Lmbcr Co.
l5lt S. Central Ave. .......,....Rlchmond ll4l
IE0O-A Wilnington Road (Su Pedrc) ........................,Sm Pedro 221[
Suta Fe hmber Co.,
3ll Finucial Center BIdg.,.,. ... .VAndike 44?f
Schafer Brqs. Iamber & Shingle Co., 117 llll. 9th Strc.t..............,....TRinity 4271
Shevlln Pino Saler Co., 330 Petroleum Bldg.,.,..,........PRorpect 0615
Simpon Industriec, Inc., 1610 E. \f,tmhingtotr Blvd.........PRorpct Gltlil
Suddcn & Chriatmn, Irc., 630 Board of Trade Bldg..........TRlnttyE64{
Taoma Lumbcr Sales, &i7 Petrclem Bldg......,,,.,...,PRospect lllB
Wendling-Nathm Co., 5225 Wilghlre Blvd...................,.YOrk 1166
lf,/est Oregon Lubc Co., 4? Petrclcm Bldg...............Rlchmond 02El
W. W. Wilkinron, 3r8 }1'. gth Strcct..............,...TRiDity 4613
E. K. Wood Luber Co.,
4710 So. Almeda St.......,,...... JEfrerrcn 3lll
Weyahaeuser Sales Co., 920 l[f. M. Garlud
Americu Lumbcr & Treating Co., l03l S. Broadway................,PRosFGt 43cl
Buter, J. H. & Coml Welt sth Stret,......,.......Mlchigu 629{
Popc & Talbot, Ine, Lmb* Division, ?r4 W. Olymptc Blvd. PRcFct t23l
Anericm Hardwod Co., 19(||| E. rsth Stret.................PRorp*t 1235 Stuton, E. J. & Son, 2050 EaEt 3Eth Stret,...........CEntury 292U
Western Hardwod Ilmber Co., 20U Eilt lsth Stret..............PRorpcct 0l6f SASH-DOORS_MILLWORK--S CR EENSBLINDS-PANELS AND PLYWOODIRONING BOARDS
Back Prel Compuy, 310-314 Eilt 32nd Street....,......ADur,1225
Califomia Dor Compmy, The 4940 Dirtrict 81vd...........,......Klmba|l 2l{l
Califomia Puel & Vemr Co955 S. Almeda Stret.,,...........TRinity 00l?
Cobb Co., T. M., sgxt Cenrral Avenue...............ADur llllT
Eubank & Son, Inc., L H. (Inglwod) 43il W. Redondo Blvd., ............ORegon &le8l

Haley Bror. (Suta Monie) 1620 l4th Strct ...........,...,..AShlcy 4-226E
Kehl, Jno. W. & Son, 652 S. Myers Strat, ...,. .ANgelu: tl9l
Oregon-Wa:hington Plywood Co., 3lE Wcat Nintb Stret...,,.......TRlniry 4013
Pacific Wod Prcducts Corporation, 36O Tybum Stret.....,..........Al-buy ll0l
Pacific Mutual Dor Co., 1600 E. Wuhingto Blvd.....,.,.PRorpect 9523
Ream Compuy, Go. E., 235 S. Alueda Stret .....,..Mlchigu 1t5l
Red Rivq Lmber Co702 S. .Sla|rcn.. .CEntury 29ll?l
Samprm Co. (Pasadcm), 745 So. Raymod Avc.........,....RYrn l-69:10
Sinpon Industriel Inc., 1610 E. Wuhinaton Blvd.........PRo3pcct 5lE3
WeEt C@3t Scren co., 1U5 East 6:lrd Strcct..............4Dam. Ulot westm Mill & lltroulding co., 59dl So. Wertem Ave.,..,.....TWinod:r l66C
Brcrdley's repulcrtion lor +rality in hcndwood cmd pine lumber producls has been crchieved by constcnt relinement As eqch relinement hcs proven its worth ln use, it hqs been crdded to Brcrdlel/s slqndqrds ol mqnulacture.
Stepped up production lor wcn hcrE not changed lhis pmctice. Notwilhstanding the increcrsed gtess on plcnt cnd personnel impoged by the utgency ol wcn, Bradley stqndcrds cne being rncrintcined. Thus, the hecvy percentcge ol Brcdley's totcrl output now going into nilitcry needs not only qucMes under Gov. ernment spbcilicctione, but ct lhe scme time includee ilre extc-vqlue ol Brqdley's crdvcnced mcrnulccturing standqxds.:'
These stcndards hcve been developed over c pertod of ncrny yecrs. They cre lhe tcrngible, vcrluegiving evidence of Brcdley's putpose to supply ecrch buyer
with a better product. they crre responsible lor the sustcined loyclty ol Brcdley's long-frne cuslomerg.
Milttq needs come first lor the durction While dis' chcnging lhqt obligcrtion to lhe ncrlion, Brcdley lr continuing itg efiorts towcnds still further bettetaenl In lhqt it is dischcnging cr sell-imposed obligction to lts cuslomere of ihe future, ihose who will once more look lo Brcrdley products qs the Stcndcd ol Compcison wben pecceri'ne business retums.