1 minute read
M. R. Smith Lumber & Shingle Company Introducing New Shingle in Southern California
- Mq. P_egy, of Los Angeles, Southern California Manager for the M. R. Smith Lumber Company, and rvith officeJin the Central Building, makes -whit he declares to be one of the most inteiesting announcements his nationally known firm of shingle specialists has ever made to the Calitornla trade.
Ife announces that his firm has closed a deal with E. C. Viller, President of the famous Grays Harbor Shingle Company, of Aberdeen, Wash., by which they will handle exclusively in the state of California a splendid product, made especially for this market, in the shapg of a Red Cedar Shingle._ It is a Special Grays Harbor Shingle Company Star A Star 6 to 2 shingle, cut full, guaranteed 12 inches
From the last issue of Nettleton's "Cargo Review."
1. Hello; want any lumber today? No!Good-by.
2. Kindly cancel my order, u'hich is three days over due.
3. The only thing I rvant is 2x3-8 and 16.
4. You're high.
5. That last lot was rotten.
clear, running heavy to vertical grain, shipped green, and packed attractively in smooth butted bundles in which this concern specializes. The Grays Harbor Shingle Company has a wonderful reputation from ocean to ocean as rhakers of high grade shingles, and Mr. Perry believes that this special Star shingle lvill be a genuine sensation in the State of California, and will fill a long felt rvant in this territory. The M. R. Smith Lumber & Shingle Company, which does a nation-wide business in selling shingles, has handled shingles for E. C. Miller for fifteen years, and declares that it is the best line of shingles and the most dependable in quality, packing, service, etc., that they have ever known.
They are acCepting orders for these shingles now.
6. I didn't get any clears in your No. 3.
7. We always pay in 90 days.
8. I have more (fill in stock offered) in my yard than I knorv what to do with.
9. We are trying to cut dorvn stock so as to be low March 1st.
10. He's out.
11. The dock rvants disposition on the unsold lumber.
12. I'm short five thousand feet.