1 minute read
Thir good looking gentleman ir no other than Charley Owenr, of tfre Owens Parkr Lumber Compbnn of Lor Angeles.
A great many of his friends will no doubt be rwprised to learn that his initialr are "J. C.r" Charley is known as and ir called Charley by everybody, and his fohnal name ir reldom heard.
He has probably as many acquaintanaes among tte lumber fraternity as any other man in the businesr. He has followed the mill end of tte game for yearr, formerly ,in New York State, and then for the part fifteen years in California- It ie raid that Charley ir one of the best informed men in tte country, on mill operationr and on coets of doing bueiners.
His company, organized jurt two years ago, har been one of the rensations of the retail buriness in Loc Angelee, their growth and expansion having been so fart and so great.
It would be hard to give any particular hobby or rpecial line of activity that he follorur, except to clas him ar a "live wirer" and al he is often called "a streak of lightning.tt He ir dways on the move, alwayr doing romething, and getting romething accomplirhed; is a member of a great number of fraternal and'business organizations, and waa one of the important members of the Committee that acted in.the entertainment of the guests at the Weetern Retailers Convention.