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Hardwood Men In convention
D. J. Cahill Elected President
The Semi-annual Convention of the pacific Coast Hard_ wood Dealers Association was held at the Hotel Del Monte on February 13th and l4th with a full attenclance of mem_ bers from Coast Cities, San Diego to Vancouver.
The first session was devoteJ to reports of Committees and discussion of matters of interest to the Hardrvood dis- tributing and consuming industries of the pacific Coast.
The Presidelt, C. H.-White, White Brothers, S"" f,r""_ cisco, after welcoming the delegates, made a comprehensive report on the activities of the Association during the first year of its existence, and expressed his satisfaition ancl pleasure w'ith the work accomplished.
The outstanding achieve?nent of the Association is the securing of resident licensed inspectors of the National Hardwood Lumber Association ut S"., Francisco ancl Los Angeles, with the promise of the extension of this service to other Coast Cities as conditions warrant.
T.f,. qy.:Jion of joint action in advertising the clesir- ability of Hardwoods in dwellings, both from" the stand- point of beauty and- practical lalrie for sales purposes. was discussed, and an illrrrninating report was made on the suc_ cess of the joint advertising campaign carried on by the Los Angeles Hardwood Dea-iers.
Mr. D. J. Cahill of the Western Harclwood Lumller Con.r_ pany, Los Angeles, reported that the Committee on aclver_ tising was working with the n{ill Work Institute of Cali_ fornia on a Guide for Architects and Contractors to con_ tain detailed, accrlrate information on mill rvork arrcl lumber
Important Factors in Buying
for interior finish with particular reference to Harclwoods. In the afternoon the first round of the Golf Tourn"-".rt was played.
^ The.Saturday session was devoted to further reports of Committees and the discussion of the future policiei of the Association, after which the Convention proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, with the following results :
_ President, D. J. Cahill, Western Harhwood Lurnber Co., Los Angeles.
Vice Pres., J. Fyfe-Smith, J. Fyfe-Smith Co., Ltd., Van_ couver.
^ Secy.-Treas., H. W. Swafiord, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles.
Regional Directors: y _P. S9.oIr".,_W.. E. Cooper Lullber Co., Los Angeles.
^Jerry Sullivan, Jr., Sullivan Hardwood Lumber Co., San Diego.
C. H. White, White Bros-., San Francrsco.
B. E. Bryan, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland.
E. E. Hall, Nicolai-Neppach Co., Portland.
Q. A. Johnson, D. A. johnson & Sons, Seattle. Norman Sorvers, J. Fyfe-Smith Co., I-td., Vancouver. Saturday afternoon the final contest in the Golf Tournament u'as staged.
The golf play brought out the best of the hardwood talent (Continued on Page 10.)