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Government ExPerts SaY That Redwood Shrinks VerY Little
Member Mills:
Albion Lumber ComPanY
Caspar Lumber ComPanY
Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.
Glen Blair Redwood Co.
Hammond Lumber ComPanY
J. R. Hantfy ComPanY
Hobbs, Wall & ComPanY
Holmes Eureka Lumber Co'
Little River Redwood Co.
Mendoclno Lumber Co.
Northwestern Redwood Co.
Redwood Manufacturers Co.
The Pacific Lumber Co.
Unlon Lumber ComPanY
The U. S. Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, \,Visconsin, gives California Redwood an exiellent ranking on shrinkage as comDared to other woods commoniy used on the Pacific Coast'
Translating tl-re Government descriptive terms into figures (1 meaning very small) the comDarison follows :
California Redrvood
Sugar Pine..
Cal-ifornia White Pine. '
White Fir (Mountain Pine)
Douglas Fir (Oregon Pine)
Western Hemlock.
Sitka Spruce.....
So Redv'ood is an ideal u'ood for exterior trim. Joints-either mitred or butted-"staY Put." This fact makes Redwood standard for mouldings, trim and all mill-work, windows and doors, panels and wainscoting, siding.of all sizes and Patterns, screens, lncubators and brooders, refrigerators, ice cream cabinets, etc. of the Pacific Coast ancl the contest rvas exciting in it entirety. Practically everv nelnber in attendancJ at the convention donned his. "plus-fours" and graltbed a mashie, in the_ hopes of rvinning one of th; tw; beautiful silr-ei cups that had been furnished b1, the Association.
In addition, Redwood stands high among all woods in durability; it is strong; works easilY and with a minimum o{ waste; and is remarkablY reasonable in cost.
You'Il build customer satisfaction by selling Redwood.
(Continued frorn Page 8.)
Clarence Bonnoff took fir1t lionors, rvinning lorv net in C_lass A, ancl no other than Bob Taenzer, of tie American I{g$*oga C.9rylanr, Los Angeles,. carried otr the t;"tht In Llass .8. It is understood that Bob rvas dotvn three hole.s at the turn, but rvith a series of snappy sensational ,.sevens" and ''eight,s," he had his opponerrt'bested for the 36 h;l;, on the 30th tee.
L. H. Stanton. of E. J. _stanton & Son, Los Angeles, lvas rrlnner-rlp in Class A, ancl George H. Brorvn, StraLle Harcl_ vvo^od Company. held the same-honor in the B class.
One .of the lrigh lights of this terrific contest rvas the strategrc move rnade by J. E. (Ted) Higgins, Jr., of San Francisco. The tournarner.rt n'as helcl on"tie ve"ry'difficult Pebble Beach course, .made doubly famous by tire sporty thirteenth hole, 'rvhere it is necessaiy to ca..y u .lri"" o'.ro... a wide ravine. It is reported that Tecl, after vainly truinn with trvelve perfectly good balrs to negotiate the feai. piiL"i gp-his thirteenth l>all. and nracle thJcarry, (u.ith the ball in his pocket).
George lI. Brorvn also hacl trouble at this location. rrror._ ing his_Waterloo, and. ruining l.ris chances for the cupl To this hole, he rvas leading in elass Il.
,The players tvere honored by the presence of a nurnber of the nation's most fam_ous tl'omen golfers, this being the date of the Pebble Beach National Women;s Tournari-rent. Hank Srvafford claims that this event r.vas arrangecl at this time, in honor of the Coast's most famous lnmb"ernren.
The Banquet
^ A very enjol'able..Stag Dinner rvas held in the evening. A nu'rlter of very illuminati'g addresses *,ere hearcl, fronr
New President
rlifferent members of the Association, and the victors in the golf tournament were presented wittr their cups.
, J..l.,Hjg.Sins u'as one-of the speakers, making a decicle<I hrt wrth hrs ever-ready flow of wit, some of it e-xpended at the exp_ense of some oi the other hardrvood gentlemen Dres_ ..nt. His subject was "Development of the-Harj;;;e Ir_ dustry on the Pacific Coast.,' Various remarks asicle from the serious, concerning the Covered Wagon, and other mat_ ters, kept his audience laughing througEoui the speech. The Convention was formally closedat the conilusion of this event.
-,1-:l-rjl.,;?,. A. Johnson, D. A: Joh,rsori' 8c S""r; F. O. Ehrlich, lalrrlrcn--rlarrlsol'l L o. Portland-E. E. Hall, Nicolai-Neppacl.r Co.; p. J. Ahern, Emer_ son Hardwood Co.
^ Oakland-Geo. H. Brown, Strable Harclwood Co.; B. E. Bryan" Strable Hardwood Co.
,_9an Fra-ncisco-C. H. W-hite, White Bros.;J. E. Higgins, Jr., J. E: Hisgins Lumber Co.; Wm.'Davis, 5i"i.'i.f".a*;d -b;.;' "S;