1 minute read
"ntanufacturers of doors, sask and interior uoodworh of eaery description from atr'y hind of wood required"
Bill Aitken Visits California
Bill Aitken, Glasgow, Scotland, is a California visitor and is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trower. Mr. Aitken is a relative of Mrs. Trower. He has been touring the United States for the past several months, and after a month's visit in the Bay -District, he plans or, ,.- turning home. He was a guest of Frank Trower at the 'meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 on Febru arv IZ. and also accomp-anied him to Stockton to attend the joinf Lumber_ men's Meeting on February 14.
Targe Fund Raised For Saving Redwoods
The fines!.examples of redwood forest in the world, the wonderful Dyerville and Bull Creek Flats in Humboldt County, rvill be preserved as a part of the State park system rt plans just announced by the Save the Redwoods L'easue .can be carried out. The League has informed the Bo?rd phonc of Supervisors of Humboldt County that it has raised funds in excess of three-quarters of a million dollars, with which tg lul the Norlh and South Dyerville Flats and a portion of B'ull Creek Flat. With the assistance of the Humbotdt officials, it is expected that negotiations will be carried on with the owners of this timber, and that (upon payment of a fair price for it) the groves can be purchaled and deeded to the State as public parks.
Lumber Cut Likely Record
Longvierv, Wash., Feb. 16.-,4. probable new world's record in number of feet of lumber cut in one eight-hour shift was established at the Long-Bell mill Tuesday, when 496 logs, totaling 577,965 feet of lumber, were cut by the night shift, it became known today. This is an average of more than 72,0N feet an hour.
1214 Insuranco Exchange
Loe AngelerMANUFACTURERS' AGENTS for Reprerenting
Lurnber and Shingles w.
Reprcrcnting roruild, (,re.
Portlad, Ore.
Orcgon Pine, California
White pine portland. ore.
Portland. Ore.
Beautiful birch DOORS
America's most versatile hardwood, and one of the hardest of the hardwoods. Birch doors can be used with practically any kind- of trim, as it lends itself perfectly to the production of any efiect, particularly adiapted tL gray and brown acid staining, red or brbwn stained mahogany, walnut stain or nitural 6nish.
Vl/e manufacture veneered doors in all the hardwoods, such as gum, oak, mahogany and walnut, in a wide variety _of styles adapted to homes, apartments, schools hotels, hospitals, and office buildings.