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Western Retail Lumbermen's Association Annual at Seattle
An__outstan{ing feature of the twenty second annual institute of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association held in Seattle Feb_ ruarv 18, f9 and 20 was the earnest discussion of ttre ieaiiLilit"-or plans to finance home h-uilding as a means of .ti*rt"ti"g-iuriUei consumptio-n. The plan finding most favor was o". *t iit-, -orooor"a that manutacturers and retailers cooperate in forming a fiirance corp.oration_ national in scope for thii purpose. aau&tGi"e -ind Credits and Collections weie subjects .i,t idt tor-.a tt J-ir"-.i.
considerable discussion.
Portland,-Oregon^ was decided on as the meeting place for next year'- and Herbert A. Templeton of that city was eleited president for the coming year.
The attendance of about 300 was noticeably swelled by the at_ tend.ance of Northeastern Retail Lumber Deaiers, A"""ciaii"" -wfrt were visiting Seattle Thursdav and Fridav.
, "We need to educate our biilding and L-oan associations and our bankers t9 the fact that a seventy"per cent loan on the cost-oi i home is better security_ than loariing o' sales contracts ioi-"uto- mobiles," declared _P-reiident c. rt- e."*r;r;-;" -hil-;;dr";:' "l1h'" opening session. Mr. Crawford also suggisted *"i-tfre-fu-tli manufacturers create a fund to.be used to";dverii"" "itio"ril*-l;;i as the automobile manufacturers advertise their .o-pteiea pi.iiu"cts. conservation of forest resources by the erimin"ti"" .if lirtin-* *".t" by_contractors and carpenters was- urged by IIr. Crawfoid.-_ I he rnstltute was ooened with an address of welcome bv Alvin Schwa.ger, president of the Seattle Uoo tIo" 4t"6, ;h;"";;.;;;;; that all entertainment would be provided by the Club.
In his annual report, Secretary A. L. Forter stressed the im_ portance ot_advertising by the retail lumberman and offered the suggestron that the lumber manufactlrrers might organize at some central point like Chicago_a large finance c6rpo..iio', *i;h ;i;i; Dranches to assrs.t people of limited means to buy homes. _ lnteresting addresses were given by prof. W. A. Russell on ..How to Lontrol Excesslve lnventories and Frozeu Credits,. and Chas. A. Giblin on "Credits and Collections." The latier brodghi "b;; ;; animated discussion on this.subject by a number "a lj-,-;- J"l.git.r. Mr. Giblin capably answered a host oi questions.
^.91b"r _speakers_were Robert _Anderson, Logan, Utah; T. M. Shields, Herbert Eshelman and R. S. Brown.
Wednesday's session was followed by a Hoo Hoo Concatenation at which twenty-one kittens were enrblled. The tot"L "iii"ainc. was about two hundred and included old cats from ten states. _ "Overhead Expense" .ry?s lhg ropic of prof. I(- b. -liiO o" Thursday. _Fr.ani< Kendall of Spokaire talked on .,tnaustrlai I"l surance." Robert B. Allen, secietary West Coast fu-tei-en;s Association, sp_o_!e optimistically on,iBusineis -O;ii."k -iJi' lg1l.; 5.,,.H. Johns.,^.We.y^erhaeuser Sales Company gave an interesting ad9.ress -on-."Simplification and Standardiiation ii Shingl. C.ia"".; B. J. _Williams, Director of Sales, Paraffine Companie{, S." F-r""cisco, ^delivered a masterly address on ,,Building', S;!i"".r-f[;t Lasts." Mr. Williams ga-ve as part of tis aaar-esi ttJiai"- .i i number of his friends in the lumber business on evils i" itir"i"il lumb.er business and their suggestions for remedying if,li..--lf" conclr'led. by impressing on hiJ audience the imp-6ria-n.. oilulfi_ rng_ a business on the basis of the Golden Rule.
. Other spea-kers we-re_Ifarry I. Worth, Seatile, who told of the tmportance ot the wholesaler in the lumber business, and Homer Kendall, Spokane.
Delegates and_ the,ir wives_ and eighty members of the North- eastern Retail Lumber- Dealer's Asiociation were entertlined to luncheon by the .Hoo Ho^o Club and also were guests at the bie drnner dance and entertainment in the Spanish -Ballroom at thE Olympic Hotel.
Friday morning was taken up by addresses on ,,Remodeline Old Iromes" bv J. p. Austin and ri. E. c,awi;;e.
latter was illustrated by "before and after" lantern slideJ of ie_ modeled homes.
Rep-orts of committees and open discussion of association afiairs and election of officers concluddd the business.
It q". unanimously decided to hotd the 1926 Institute at port_ rand, (Jregon.
Resolutions: Pledge of support to program of standardization of (Continued on Page 28)
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