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A b"ildi"g is no better than its roof.
The roof must give lasting protection. Pioneer Yosemite Asphalt Shingles protect the homes of your customera and protect your reputation as a distributor of reliable roofing material' This DOUBLE PRO' TECTION means increased business.
Pioneer Shingles will protect the house as long as it lasts. They are laid right over the old shingles. The customer has none of the worry and expense of tearing off old shingles'
Material Dealers, Hardware Merchants, Lumber Dealers and contractors find Pioneer Yosemite Asphalt shingles are safe to stock and pro6table to sell.
Are Your Pioneer Stocks ComPlete?
Author Unknown
When I decided to build me a house I felt just a little afraid That plan and design were not quite in my line So I sought Architectural aid
And said: show me, pray, something most recherche, For I'm \fleary of hanging my hat fn an early Victorian Pre-Montessorian Plain two-by-fourean flat.
The Architect puffed at his period pipe, As he sat in his Renaissance chair, And he gave me a smile in the pure Gothic style Though he spoke with a Romahesque air. Said he: ff your taste is not wholly debased The best, you are ceitain to find, Is the later Colonial Pseudo Baronial G. Washingtonial kind.
I thanked him politely and paid him his fee But sundry acquaintances cried, "That stuff you should shun, for it hasn't been done Since Benjamin Harrison died." And they took me direct to a new Architect Who argued with logic compelling For a Quasi Delsartian Post Bona Partean, Wholly Beaux-Artean dwelling.
My downfall had started, I groped in a maze Of trances, transitions, and trends, And I labored aneur over prints that were blue With the aid of my numerous friends.
But I don't knit my brow about building plans now For all of my money is spent,
And my home's an Arcadian Second-Crusadean Pink-Lemonadean Tent.
The Secret
Not long before Charles Steinmetz, the greatest electrical cngineer that ever lived, passed to his reward, an inter_ viewer asked him for a receipe for success. .He said he didn't think he could give one, but uttered the foltowing delightful advice to young men: ..Don't try to see horrr fast you can make your business machine run, but rather try and see how perfectly oiled and adjusted you can keep that machine. Its speed will then take care of itself.,,
To punish me for my sins the gods compel me to attend a number of public dinners each year. With the other hu_ man sheep f rise and applaud when some speaker arises to i_nnict platitudes upon us. It is harmless pastime and doubtless gives a thrilt to the orator who for one reason or another suspects himself of being famous. What ap_ pears to be spontaneous applause, but which in reality is started either by a cheer-leader or by the toastma"t"r, i, Iike incense. The hero hears the ciowd chant, ,,Let us now praise famous men,', and he sees his name in golden Ietters on the tablet of fame. Unless he has " ,.ru ""rr"" of humor, which few public speakers have, he has no idea how silly all that standing up really is. He may have an inkling that it does the audience good to stand up for a moment and stretch themselves, but it is doubtful iihe can ye in it anything but a tribute to his own greatngss."_ Dreier.
Not The Stork At All
Two little colored boys in Atlanta were discussing the arrival of a new baby in the neighborhood.
One of them said: ..De stork fotch ,em a baby in dah dis mawin'."
The other said: .,Stork nuthin! Hit wuz de milkman, fer dah he goes now, an hit say on his wagon, .Families furnished every day and twice on Sundays'.;
One man gets nothing but discords out of a piano; another gets harmony. No one claims the piano is at fault. Life is about the same way. The discord is there, and the harmony is there. Study to play correctly, and it will give forth the beauty; play it falsely and it will give forth-the ugliness. Life is not at fault.-Threads.
Noble Youth Indeed
ft was at a college affair.
He-"See that young man sitting there. He is a very strong character. f knew him to get up and leave a collegl dinner because of a story that was told."
She_,.Noble youth! Er_what was the story?,,
Wrigley On Advertising
Wrigley, the Gum King, speaks as directly and prac_ tically about advertising. This man who spends four or five million dollars a year advertising penny sticks of gumsays: "f don't know whether advertising is an art, a science, or what it is. All I know is that when I advertise, I seli gyT, :"d rnrhen I reduce my advertising, my sales of gum fall off. And that's all f care to know.i'

(Continued from Page 24) sizes and grades in lumber and shingles; affirmation of belief that retailer_ is an indispensable and economical factor'in the distribution of lumber, and request that other branches of the industrv resDect this fact; recommendation that publication of their monthly mag- azine should be resumed if finances permitted; recognitior-r-of th-e importance to the entire lqmber induitry of developi-ng a compact ?.nd adequate plan for the financing of home building al-ong modern lines.
Officers And Directors
President: Herbert A. Templeton, Portland, Ore.
Vice President: C. J. Baldwin, Bridger, Mont.
Secy.-Treas.: A. L. Porter, Spokane, Wash.
Directors: James S. Taylor, Salt Lake City, Utah; F. Dean prescott, Fresno, Calif.; A. B. Stevenson, Butte. Mont.: Frank Kerrdall. Spokane, Wash.: Roy Cross, Salt Lake City. Utah: W. C. Miller, Seattle, Wash.; Dave Woodhead, Los Angeles, Calif.
The first day's session of the joint meeting of the Western Planing Mill and Woodr,vorking Association and the Millwork Institute of California, at Los Angeles, February 18-19 and 20th, was fittingly brought to a close with a brilliant banquet and ball, held at the Alexandria Hotel, on Wednesday evening.
A large number of the delegates and their ladies were in attendance, to enjoy the hospitality of the l-os Angeles aggregation who had tendered the entertainment with their compliments.
After a splendid banquet, interspersed with a few short addresses, dancing was enjoyed until midnight.
Thursday evening the men were entertained at an impromptu Stag affair, at the Oaks Tavern, with H. W. Brown and Tom Merrill at the wheel, providing the fun.
The delegates left Los Angeles in a body, on a special train, at midnight Friday, going to San Diego, where they were met by a committee of San Diego millmen and shown the sights of the beautiful Southern city. After a luncheon at the San Diego Hotel. the party was taken in busses across the International line. into Tia Tuana. Old Mexico. where they were taken on sight seeing tours until 9 P. M.
Made of the finest crucible steel and turned out by expert saw makers Simonds Circular Saws are world known for quality. Our Service station in Los Angeles offers you rapid delivery on new saws or on repair work, Special Knives or high-speed blanks furnished promptly.
Simonds Saw And Steel Agency
416 Eart 3rd St., Loa Angeler l,l Natoma St., San Francirco