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Western Planing Mill Association in Successful Annual
E. R. Maule Elected President
The Western planing Mill & Woodworking A,ssociation of the built-in fixture garne,^I-tTff:t^Y: would be 4ble to sav that held a very successrul -and instructive 4""""1 Meeting, at :::lifiiT:t{"ttn3::.i":?tJ,'; "i,"*t'*! |lt ttX'.'.:i""Ta il"",,i"ffi: the Clark 'Hotel, Los Angeles, on the 18th, of last month, ;;;-;;t; of ""rrit'g rt.p_. in ih" hour., by having- dev.ic.es built t.iai"i ifr.ir meeting on ih. first dayof the three day joint !.rng;9.ti-y i'_11",_*]l: -It permits oJ lower cost of building beconvention of their Association and the Mill$'ork Institute cause if you put.in furniture' the moving and disarranging of stock of california. Assocra'on a'u LIrc llj;*m"fr,ru'J:*:ttf.t,."",i. Hi';:?f 'ltll#""ilti#iotli'.1
At the close of the meeting, E.R.Maule, Millwork creasing that-furniture which up to the last ten years was confUr""g"i i". tfr" Ur-mond Limber Compalf, Iags An. sidercd a part of the furniture man's game' geles, was un"rrr-oiaJy araltaa i". serve a's President of The first ones were funny' It reminds me of one of the bovs in the body for the comrns year. r,r..,"itior' *". gi."t.d ;i::.:":i"ti*H:, T"i,*tl|ot"i;.{"n:'o#;,1'fflri"*1'1",3d-:X ,uith.h6"r. by the meeting, as was the.announcement that ;il-;';;", ;ilii'iailing on the sg1n, n'l]l{_made them with a trim C. D. LeMaster, retiring Fresident, had been elected as an ind "evolved the c. e. door. The original ironing board was a Uo'oory Director.
The morning session opened with Mr. LeMaster in the ih.h;;;;h;iA& n"..rting-.d the design.- The o-riginai ironingboard Chair. His o"pening address dealt with many phases. of measured about five foof ten inches and was about fifteen inches their aims urr,i u..oirrf ti;h;;tfi- and. on the 6xtreme im- wide, as I recall it and had verv little taper to the end of it' The Dortance of their cratt, rn connectlon with the Home ;l:::; liT$"L"'.,LtT&*p;i'3toitli"t,N,11l""fi::f $:;ff""',::t3l 'Building industry. course, tipped over.or slid around on the board-a9.thel-,i.91.11:
Folloiving the Secretary's repo.rt,-a film was shown, "The Todav' thi-ironing board averages about four foot five in length; Story of Compressecl Aii.', in;.'i. an instructive motion has i taper on th,e end of the board that does the bulk of the nicture showins the various uses to which compressed air i#fltl!'"11".ilTii:o"lT"il::l'rtmf.l?",.ffi;fr"%,tJo:f irt"ii; i""y n" put, th'e film being made and.distributed by_t[" and measures roughlv 26 to 27 inches long. U. "S. O.p"itment of Comirerce, together with the U. S. The costs were about equal in the beginning of this game' The Compressed Air society riginal built-in ironing board manufacturers had to build a board
Mr. H. p. (percy) Dixon, of the American Door com- ::?;.ff:: ?'.'#1i"t"-Jlr:, tT,"Jino:ltJ"!".1'lt":r:1li?iqii",.{ pany, Los Angeles,'spoke on "The Evolution of Built-In and quantity rianufacturing. ironing boards todav are produced I i'"-p'.t, he said :
"The evolution, as I would term it, of the built-in fixture game "p.iiiib". -" ".o'standardized thit it iryould. be -practically.im- orob"6lu-.orrldn't'be definitely located unless we took one particular possible for a carpenter to buy the rough lumber fo-r the machine iil. --S";;;; we take the'ironing board, which is probablv the ;;i;;.1 it, i."av'to assemblel and the-assembly co-st done under "". t "-^ iupposed to know more about, and my experience only such co'diiions ihat while the carpenter was laying out his Pieces, dates since 19i3. That is hardly long enough to know all about lt' it would be assembled. Quantity production has of colrrse, allowed fri-""..'"Jiti-io ti"tittics which I was abli !o g^et together on it, t-he manufacturer to -ul6 " price and an-efficient pri-ce delivered, ilie built-in fi"xture idea originated on the Pacific Coast, and accord- providigg the distances are tiifling and where it can be combined i;; t; ih;rt historians wEo properly get this J9se1he1 toI- ":^li i"iih oth"er items. I think it has-justified the cost and effort put r.id. it was an outcome of a need {or the tourist comlng to Lall- into it. lii;ll;.:i.l'n"hli:',1: .t?3:l,o?i,.Xn3i'l'H.ofiii:'*"JlIi.:.
"I asked one or our bovs to terr me what he knew about the number concentrated place to live in, in.which th" irr',r.rt-"t-r[ ioi'J,r.rritrr., of iroling board manuficturers' I keep referring to ironing boards in which a row rentar "',d i,,'*t.,i.t' economv "r".;;;;,'.";.;ru;;;il if:Tx.L$ni"f:::j'l;;Tiil:irXo.?Ji*t?lifftXi"f"ltlf;f gllHi f{.1**1" t?:',.f:T&t'i.:.n.j;;i;[t::;je. TIJ#',!j,| :Tl,T: there weri twenty-two'ilJn"Ti.tiii"i'-.i i;;;i;s boards at ihe presi;,;s;;;.ti;; oI th. u"'ili""-n;il;' ir'" id"i :;"::*-+^""1Jj* ;T"li:, Xli-"[i."1;'",L"'r1."1?'.";t, tr.'*'il.',tr"1i:Ji1ffi: first"trying to build into a house with the use of a carpenter and a few boards something that would take the ptuc. Jf fuiniture up. to of that one item-just an ironing board-has developed' so that the the present-day built-in filiri., *r,iir,-r trriit-iie'irpliiv 6"i.-iug buver has a choice of 37 or 38 makes bv twentv-two manufacturers a part of a building. I nxturcs w'rL. r L'r'A 4rL rcvrurr in-this district who in some quantity or value are atternpting to
From the standpoint of need-whether it-belongs in industry, as something which you can look forward to being a permanent part