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East Bay Hoo Hoo Organize

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Hoo Hoo Club

Hugh'W'. Hogan Elected President

About 50 members of the Bay District Hoo-Hoo met at the Peerless Cafe, Oakland, on'W"a""rday, Febru"r"-fg. ror luncheon and to_arrange for the organization oi the Fast Bay.lloo-Hoo_Club to"include the g?eat M.ii"prfii"" Area of Alameda County.

The meeting was presided over by R. A. Hiscox, West_ ern states Lumber Co., San Francisco, and past Snark of the Universe. The business session foliowed the luncheon.

A motion rvas made by Frank L. parker, e"r"t " nAiii& Lumber.Co., Oakland, -that the meetin;';;;il ;';; ganize the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club. The motior,-*1. unanimously. passed. Mr. Hiscox then appointJ tfr. iof_ towrng N_ominating. Committee: J. E. Neighbor, Neighbors I-umber Yard, Oikland, Chairrian; C. 3. t;;b;-Tild;; Lumber & Mill Co., .Berkeley; and i.r.d And"rro;, Bi;.[ man Lumber Co., Oakland.-

Rod Hendrickson, President of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9, San Francisco, rvas called on for a few remarks-- ;.noJ';'.Iil, "jt tl " {easqle to be here and welcome the memb.r, of jfe E1s1 B-al. Hoo-Hoo into the Hoo-Hoo Club fr"l.*itn.; -hte told ot the. growth of Hoo_Hoo Club No. 9, and al_ rnougn_onty a lrtile over a year old, they had 179 members. In clo_sing,__he said, "lfoo--Hoo Club No. 9 is behi"J ihe East.Bay Hoo-Hoo and will lvelcome any call for assist_ ance,"

Fll"l. Trorver, Trower Lumber Co., and past Snark of the Universe, was then called on for a few ,;"*;. --id: Trower spoke on the value of the Hoo_Hoo Cl"L:, ;;a stated-:. that_ they spread the practical ideals ."a .i""aara" tor whrch the L)rder stands; help the lumbermen in work- ing out the .practical problems bf tne industry; ,"a tfr." ard .rn establishing a point of contact with the public bv haJlng prominent speakers appear before the Club. H; said that the Clubs ihould take an active part in .i"i" l]_ fairs of their community, and as an instince where the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club could do good *".L Uu-i"f.i"J some concerted action on the matter, he described th? present facilities of handling lumber at the Living;to;; Street_ Wharf, Oakland, wheie he said ,o*. i-pro""1r.ni. should be made for the prope.r handling of lumbdr.

The Nominating Cbminittee rep6rted the following nomrnatlons u'hrch rvere u_nanimously passed by the CIub:

.Honorary President J. Walter feily, Viceg6rent S;;;k of Bay District.

, President Hugh W. Hogan, Hunter Lumber Co., Ber_ Keley.

^ Vicg P.resident, F. L. Parker, Eureka Mill & Lumber Co., Oakland.

^ Secretary-Tr€asurer, Milton lfendrickson, Waterway Sash & Door Co., Oakland.

The Directors elected to serve during the ensuing year are : l_. Q. I{ansqn, P. C. }Ianson & Co., Centerville. '

9.9rgJ !loy,!, Strable Hardwood Company, Oakland.

I; Z. lodd, Western Door & Sash Co., bakland.

9. !. l-_l*U, Titden Lumber & Mill Co., Berkeley.

H. T,. Call, H. L. Call Lumber Co., Oakland.

President Hogan then introduced parson Simpkin. who gqve€n excellent talk on the value of the Hbo_Hoo Clubs. The Parson expressed Eis pl_e_asure at being pr.r""t ;;-6; glsanizing of the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club"aird "i"t"J1f,"i Mr- .Flogan, lge to his experience in the lumber business and his activities in Hoo-Hoo, was admirably fitted ;, ;;t

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