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Like practically every improve, ment introduced in wallboard during the past twelve years, the Upcon Blue Print Sen'ice is an tJpeon Innovation. And like other Upson Innovations, at tempts will probably be made to funitate ie Dut the Upson Blue PrintService is frrllyprotected by copyright, and infringers will be prosecuted. Do not, however, be misled by frantic attempts to du. plicate the upson Blue Book.
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Read What These Dealers Say:
"A book of thtr kiod ought to bc e grcet hclp ln thc calc of Upron Boerd and rbo r trcat dcal of in. tcrlor finlrh woodwork."
Strndard Lumbcr & Supply Co., Fort Woync, Indhor, (By) Frcd Wchrcnbctl.
"Tbc writer wer vcry gbd to&y to look ovcr your lntcrcotlu booh which would undoubtcdlv itlnu. lgtc Upron Botrd raLer throughout thc coulrtry. I htvc aoticcd e lot of ruggcrtlonr thet cvcn a pcraon llkc myrclf who hrr rold wrllbolrd for at lcort ten yeero dld not know. and whpn r pcraon who her bcca er intbutcly rcqu.lntcd wtth wrll. borrd m I hrvctccn ir given ncw knowlcdgc, it ccrtelnly rf,ould hclp e novlcc la bqllding."
Mr. I. H. Brrnnum, Brlnnum Lumbcr Company, Raclnc. Wirconrln.
"It recmc to dll e trp whtch thc rvmgc yerd maDagcr her not sccncd to rc.Iitc crbtcd. Thc ida 9f glving thc cu.toncr r pictr,rre of how thc fnbhcd iob lr colnr to lool wlll cc4elnly-go a t-rcat-dL, t ncctowrr& cllnlnrtins dbctir. frctlon.tt as President and the East Bay Club should make rapid strides under his leadership.
Mr. A. Clevchnd. Fullcr Qrogd4ea Comiany,Orhlorh, Wircoiritn.
He said that Hoo-Hoo has been rebuilt since the Fresno meeting, and is norv built along the lines that every good citizen owes to his country, and along the lines of good business. He paid C. S. Lamb a very splendid compliment as the first man in the Order to suggest a Code of Ethics for Hoo-Hoo. In closing the Parson said, "that the solution of the lumbermen's problems lays in being brought together and cooperating." Immediately after the meeting, the Parson stated that he was going to send a rvire to St. Louis, advising headquarters that "the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club was a healthy kid, was a benefit to the industry in the East Bay District, and that he took pleasure in christening the New Club.
President Hogan announced the follorving Committee appointments for the following year.
Finance, H. W. Taylor, Berkeley-Chairman.
Public Affairs. H. L. Call-Chairman.
Publicity, George Phillips-Chairman.

Membership and Attdndance, J. E. Neighbor-Chairman. The next meeting rvill be held on March 18.
Susanville, Cal., has ioined the ranks of Hoo-Hoo Clubs. With the Parson on-hand to inspire their efforts, rnembers of the Susanr.ille District assembled the evening of February 10, initiated 11 neophytes, elected officers for the club and laicl plans for a Concat within the next trvo months, at which a substantial class r,r'ill lte gir-en the degrees. This is No. 37. Tames W. Torrence. of the Fruit Grorvers' Supply Company, rvas named presiderit of the club. Other officers chosen u'ere Ro1' E. Watts, of the Lassen I-umber and Box Companl', Vice-President; and Roy H. Shotwell, of the same concern. secretary-treasurer, Selection of the board of directors rvas postponed until the big Concat and rneeting, 'il'hich it is expected, u'ill be staged in April. The Parson has been inr-ited to return for this meeting.
The Parson sat in u'ith the Susan'i.ille members all evening. Plans had not been made for an elaborate Concat, although there u'ere quite a ferv applications for membership. With the aid of Brothers William W. Blackmgr, H. J. Goff, Walter Woodward, Arthur A. Lund, J. C. Clark, Henry F. Sullivan and quite a large crorvd of other mernbers, the Parson enrolled the eleven eager neophytes in a brief ceremonial, and reinstated one old Cat. Westwood, Cal., rvhich is adjacent to Susanville, also has organized a Hoo-Hoo Club. The latter club is planning to stage a Concat a ryeek following the Susanville event. Westwood members r,vill sit in at the Susanville Concat and those of the latter ptl..
The formation at \Arestwood, Cal., February 11, of HooHoo Club No. 38, was the second of three such accomplishments within as many days rvhich may be attributed to the inspiring influence of Parson Simpkin.
Members of the Westwood District sat in conference with the Parson for several hours, and when it rvas all over the-permanent orginization of the club had been perfected and plans laid for activities during the next three nronths.
The popular Walter I=gf, "f the Red River Lumber Company, was named president, Ross P. Clark, of the same concern, was chosen vice-president and Richard Pershing, secretary-treasurer. The directors are Fletcher Walker, Chester Priest, William Laughead, Walter Johns and Leo. C. Burger.
Plans also were discussed for trvo large Concats in April, the first at Susanville, which organized a club February 10, and the second at Westwood. Members of each district will attend the two Concats and will join forces to some extent in their various activities.