2 minute read
For a quarter of a century the rtyles in doors have remained practically unchangcd. Oak and birch have Iong been favorities in hardwood doors. But today the demand is for something nerr, spmething different.
Figured Red Gum is the solution, with its high coloring, pronounced figure, and the wonderful possibilities for matching, offers not only something different, but a wood of real beauty.
We have specialized in Figured Red Gum products for | 4 years and you can avail yourself of this long experience at no greater cost.
For your convenience an ample supply of that Plywood that is "Good To The Core" is carried right in Los Angeles. Stock sizes /4" and 5-16"-3 Plv, )/6"-5 Ply, 48", 60" and 72" long x 18", 24", and 30" wide.
No n rthwestern For C. L. Manager M.
_ This, folks, is our Northr.vestern manager, Mr. W. T. Black, who recently opened offices for nThe California I umber Merchant,"-and- the "Gulf Coast Lumbermarr," at 336 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Portland.
He is satisfactorily serving these two publications in that great territory, among the hundreds of lumbermen that he has known for years.
"Bill" Black hails from Canada, is a mighty fine gentleman, and a great fellorv to do business with.
The Williamette-Pacific Lumber Companv is going through bankruptcy proceedings.
This is the concern that the late George X. Wendling was interested in.
To Treat Poles In The South
American Forest Week will this year replace Forest Protection Week which has been observed annually throughout the nation for the past five years, according to report of the local California district headquarters of the United States Forest Service. The new name has been adopted to broaden the scope of the rveek to inclu:ie all important phases of forestry policy which have a bearing on the social and economic problems of the country. Frank O. Lowden, ex-governor of Illinois, rvill head the executive committee representing many organizations that have joined together to bring the widest possible attention to the many problems confronting the forests of America.
It is expected that the President will issue a proclamation calling for the national observance of Arnerican Forest'Week, as he has hitherto done in connection r,vith Forest Protection Week.
New Saw Mill
Vancouver, B. C., Feb. 20.-The Bloedel Stewart & Welch Corporation, u'hich last year bought the Shull shingle mill on the north arm of the Fraser River, have announced that they plan to erect a big sawmill on this site which includes half a mile of water front. It is expected that the plant will give employment to 4@ men.
Wenatchee, Wash., Feb. 20.-A sash and frame factory to be jointly owned by eighteen leading lumber concerns of North Central Washington will be built here. It is expected that the plant will employ 450 men and will be one of the largest mills in the state.
J. H.-Baxter & Company have acquired frontage on the I,ong -Beach Channel and will move their pole- treating plant from its present location at Theonard.
Plans for the milling plant are being rvorked out by Spokane and Portland architects, and the mill rvill probal>ly be running within a few months.
Because the Blue Diamond plastcr mill is close to your market you can always havc fiesh, uniform plaster ai the lowest price, and without choking your warehouse with excess stock.
Menufrcturcd Erclurivcly by l6th and Alamode Str. Lor Angclcr, Cel.